Awesome List Updates on Nov 12, 2024

55 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Marketing

Blogs / Digital Asset Management (DAM)

2. Awesome Azure Openai Llm

Table of contents

3. Awesome Opentofu


4. Awesome Polars

Resources / Blog posts

5. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Abduction / Applications in AI

Bayesian Modeling / Bayesian Induction

Communications / Language Compositionality

Domain Specific Language / Declarative DSL Applications

Methodologies for Experiments / Virtual Reality

Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research

6. Awesome Math

Foundations of Mathematics / Transition To Pure Rigour Math

Geometry and Topology / Differential Geometry

7. Awesome Osint

Phone Number Research / Steam

DNS / Steam

8. Awesome Jmeter

CI / Tutorials & Demo

Cloud Services / SaaS / Tutorials & Demo

Tools / IDE Integration

Community / Forums

9. Awesome Executable Packing

📚 Literature / Documentation

📚 Literature / Scientific Research

📑 Datasets / Scientific Research

📦 Packers / After 2010

📦 Packers / Between 2000 and 2010

🔧 Tools / Before 2000

10. Awesome Ocaml

Program analysis

11. Awesome Cl


12. Awesome Cpp




13. Awesome Go



Workflow Frameworks / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

Zero Trust / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

14. Awesome Rust

Applications / Blockchain

Applications / Web Servers

Libraries / Cryptography

Registries / Web programming

Resources / Web programming

15. Awesome Micropython


Communications / APIs

Communications / Bluetooth

Communications / GSM

Communications / NTP

Communications / Proxy

Communications / Radio

Communications / RTC

Communications / Time

Communications / Web

Display / Fonts

Display / LCD TFT

Display / LED Segment

Display / LEDs

Display / OLED



IO / IO-Expander

IO / Keyboard

IO / Rotary Encoder

Motion / Servo

Sensors / Barometer - Air and Water Pressure

Sensors / Colour

Sensors / Compass

Sensors / Current

Sensors / Distance IR

Sensors / Distance Laser

Sensors / Light

Sensors / Magnetometer

Sensors / Temperature Analog

Sensors / Temperature Digital

Sensors / Touch Capacitive

Storage / Databases

Storage / SD

Logging / SRAM

16. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Task Queues

17. Awesome Swift

Third party Guides


Augmented Reality

Game Engine

HTML / Barcode

Testing / Barcode

UI / Barcode

Calendar / Barcode

Pagination / Barcode

TextField / Barcode

18. Awesome Integration

Projects / API Management

Resources / Certifications

19. Awesome Raspberry Pi

OS Images

20. Awesome Ipfs


21. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Writing

Reading and Writing Tools / RSS

Design and Product / Design Tools

Proxy and VPN Tools / Audio Record and Process

Utilities / General Tools

Utilities / Productivity

Mac App Download Sites / Genuine Sites

22. Awesome Snmp

Libraries / C#

23. Awesome Network Analysis

Software / R

24. Awesome Web Archiving

Tools & Software / Acquisition

Tools & Software / Replay

Community Resources / Blogs and Scholarship

Community Resources / Slack

Web Archiving Service Providers / Self-hostable, Open Source

25. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Autonomous LLM Agents / Multi-agents

26. Awesome Qubes OS

Qubes OS Websites

Downloading, Installing, Upgrading, and Building

How-to guides






Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / OpenVPN

Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / VLESS

Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / Tor

Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / Anonymity

Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / Crypto

Kernels / Crypto

Kernels / Unikernels

Qubes OS Server / Unikernel-like

Exploitation Tools / Unikernel-like

Optics and Extra Info / Qubes OS Summit - 3mdeb Summit videos

Optics and Extra Info / Xen project summit 2024 videos

Optics and Extra Info / UX - User Experience

Training and Materials / Extra Info

Social media / Extra Info

27. Awesome Falsehood

Software Engineering

28. Awesome Pokemon

Development Projects / Miscellaneous

29. Awesome for Beginners


30. Awesome Graphql

Servers / React

Tools - Miscellaneous / React

31. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Automation

Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Software / Inventory Management

Software / Knowledge Management Tools

Software / Learning and Courses

Software / Miscellaneous

Software / Money, Budgeting & Management

Software / Pastebins

Software / Time Tracking

32. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

CI and CD


33. Discount for Student Dev

Version Control

34. Awesome Macos Screensavers

Apple Inspired

Flip Clock Screensaver

A flip clock screensaver that can automatically dim the screen.


35. Awesome Icons


36. Awesome Fonts

Free fonts / Fonts

Programming fonts / Fonts

37. Awesome Flame

Open Source / Casual

38. Game Datasets

Dataset / Web

Dataset / Related

39. Awesome Godot

Plugins and scripts / Godot 4

40. Awesome Svelte



Drag & Drop

HTTP Requests / Form Components

Sound & Video / Form Components

Internationalization / Form Components

41. Awesome Tailwindcss


42. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / Utilities

43. Awesome Angular

Analytics / Google Developer Experts

Integrations / Google Developer Experts

Internationalization / Google Developer Experts

Free / Google Developer Experts

Component / Google Developer Experts

Helpers / Google Developer Experts

Captcha / Google Developer Experts

Carousels / Google Developer Experts

Charts / Google Developer Experts

Form Controls / Google Developer Experts

Validation / Google Developer Experts

Images / Google Developer Experts

Loaders / Google Developer Experts

Media / Google Developer Experts

Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts

Modals / Google Developer Experts

Additional / Google Developer Experts

Misc Components / Google Developer Experts

Ionic / Google Developer Experts

44. Awesome Vite

Templates / Vanilla

Templates / React

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling

Libraries / Community

Open Source / Community

45. Awesome Neovim

Programming Languages Support / Diagnostics

Fuzzy Finder / Diagnostics

Color / Diagnostics

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

Statusline / Diagnostics

Startup / Diagnostics

CSV Files / Diagnostics

Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics

Editing Support / Diagnostics

46. Awesome Tmux


Plugins / Development and testing

47. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

48. Awesome Dotfiles

Find dotfiles repos / Using specific tools

Tools / Ansible

49. Awesome Directus

Extensions / Community

50. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science

Lecture Videos / Monograph

Lecture Videos Playlist / Monograph

Lecture Notes / Monograph

Big List / Monograph

Probabilistic Method / Lecture Notes

Probabilistic Method / Lecture Videos Playlist

Graph Theory / Lecture Videos Playlist

Aggregators / Lecture Videos Playlist

Live / Lecture Videos Playlist

Archived / Lecture Videos Playlist

Associations / Lecture Videos Playlist

Jobs / Lecture Videos Playlist

Podcasts / Lecture Videos Playlist

51. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning

Python / Speech Recognition

52. Awesome Datascience


Podcasts / Book Deals (Affiliated)

Comics / Book Deals (Affiliated)

53. Awesome Billing

Business Intelligence / Data Engineering

54. Awesome Developer First


55. Awesome Docker

Web / Other