Awesome List Updates on Oct 31, 2024
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / Human Concept Representation
- Semantic projection recovers rich human knowledge of multiple object features from word embeddings - Nature Human Behavior, 2022. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. How is knowledge about word meaning represented in the mental lexicon? Current computational models infer word meanings from lexical co-occurrence patterns. They learn to represent words as vectors in a multidimensional space, wherein words that are used in more similar linguistic contexts—that is, are more semantically related—are located closer together. However, whereas inter-word proximity captures only overall relatedness, human judgements are highly context dependent. For example, dolphins and alligators are similar in size but differ in dangerousness. This work proposes a domain-general method to extract context-dependent relationships from word embeddings: ‘semantic projection’ of word-vectors onto lines that represent features such as size (the line connecting the words ‘small’ and ‘big’) or danger (‘safe’ to ‘dangerous’), analogous to ‘mental scales’. This method recovers human judgements across various object categories and properties. Thus, the geometry of word embeddings explicitly represents a wealth of context-dependent world knowledge.
2. Awesome Cl
Others / Web project skeletons and generators
- mobiledetect (⭐4) - System for detecting mobile devices (including tablets) in User-Agent strings. MIT.
- random-ua (⭐3) - Random User-Agent generator for Common Lisp. BSD_2Clause.
3. Awesome Cpp
- Pipes (⭐814) - Pipelines for expressive code on collections in C++. [MIT]
4. Awesome Go
- vdf (⭐47) - A Lexer and Parser for Valves Data Format (known as vdf) written in Go.
Code Analysis / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- fatcontext (⭐26) - Fatcontext detects nested contexts in loops or function literals.
5. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- oxigraph/oxigraph (⭐1.2k) [oxigraph] - graph database implementing the SPARQL standard
Applications / Graphics
- linebender/resvg (⭐3k) - An SVG rendering library.
Applications / Virtualization
- youki-dev/youki (⭐6.5k) - A container runtime
Libraries / Configuration
- rust-cli/config-rs (⭐2.8k) [config] - Layered configuration system (with strong support for 12-factor applications).
6. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- CocktailTDI (⭐2) - Another cocktail machine (powered by Raspberry Pi 4, Golang, a pneumatic pump and valves).
- DIY Arcade Machine (⭐8) - A retro style arcade machine, based on a Raspberry Pi Pico, a Hub75 LED matrix and some other stuff (Wii Nunchucks, 3D printed parts, ...)
- RGB-LED-Matrix (⭐3) - A 128x128 Pixel RGB LED Matrix to display images, animations, conways game of life and other stuff.
7. Awesome Snmp
Libraries / C#
- C# SNMP Library (⭐356) - MIT licensed SNMP library for .NET with extensive SNMP standard support, latest .NET platform targets, as well as rich manager/agent samples.
Libraries / Python
- pysnmp (⭐82) - This is a pure-Python, open source and free implementation of v1/v2c/v3 SNMP engine distributed under 2-clause BSD license.
- This project is derived from the original repo (⭐580).
- pysmi (⭐3) - PySMI is a pure-Python implementation of SNMP SMI MIB parser.
- This project is derived from the original repo (⭐134).
8. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- bartekjaszczak/finale-nvim - A balanced dark theme, blending vivid and pastel colors for a comfortable, high-contrast experience. Supports Tree-sitter and semantic highlighting.
9. Awesome Osint
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- OSINTEye (⭐14) - OSINT Eye: A WPF Desktop Application for GitHub Intelligence, Social Media Reconnaissance, and Subdomain Discovery
10. Awesome Micropython
Display / LEDs
- micropython-aw210xx (⭐0) - Driver for Awinic's AW210xx line of 8-bit LED drivers.
11. Free for Dev
Generative AI
- Pollinations.AI - easy-to-use, free image generation AI with free API available. No signups or API keys required, and several option for integrating into a website or workflow. #opensource (⭐1.1k)
12. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- QuestSystem (⭐336) - A simple and extensible quest manager and creator.
Modules / Godot 4
- Keyring (⭐7) - Utility to interact with the OS keyring to store credentials.
13. Awesome Datascience
14. Awesome Developer First
- Nango - Hundreds of pre-built product integrations with 250+ APIs, customizable in code.
- Prev: Nov 04, 2024
- Next: Oct 30, 2024