Awesome List Updates on Oct 29, 2024
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Firebase Genkit
Articles / Golang - Community
- Firebase Genkit for Go Developers: A Guide to Building LLM Applications - A getting started guide for Go developers using Genkit.
2. Awesome Cpp
Image Processing
- [Jpegli][ (⭐178)] - an improved JPEG encoder and decoder implementation. [BSD-3-Clause]
3. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- deno_kv_fs (⭐9) Deno KV file system, compatible with Deno deploy. Makes use of Web Streams API.
Tools / XML
- Deno Dig (⭐0) - A tool for extracting application code and npm packages from stand-alone Deno executables.
4. Awesome Cakephp
- CakeDC/SearchFilter plugin (⭐0) - Powerful and flexible solution for implementing advanced search functionality. Provides a robust set of tools for creating dynamic, user-friendly search interfaces with minimal effort.
5. Awesome Java
Native / Text-Based User Interfaces
- native-lib-loader (⭐200) - Native library loader for extracting and loading native libraries from Java.
Testing / Frameworks
- cdi-test (⭐27) - JUnit extension for easy and efficient testing of CDI components.
- weld-testing (⭐105) - Set of test framework extensions (JUnit 4, JUnit 5, Spock) to enhance the testing of CDI components via Weld. Supports Weld 5.
Testing / Miscellaneous
- Testcontainers (⭐8.2k) - Provides throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
6. Awesome Cl
- Pretty printing tree data structures in Common Lisp (as a Jupyter notebook)
7. Awesome Ruby
- MaglevCMS - An open source page builder with an sleek UI.
- fitting (⭐61) - Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log.
8. Awesome Go
Web Frameworks
- WebGo (⭐303) - A micro-framework to build web apps with handler chaining, middleware, and context injection. With standard library-compliant HTTP handlers (i.e.,
9. Awesome Connectivity Info
Global Connectivity Indexes
- ITU ICT Development Index - (2024) (2023) (2017) Composite index based on three pillars, ICT Access, ICT Use, and ICT Skills.
Periodic Global Connectivity Reports
- Broadband Commission: The State of Broadband - (2024) (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019)(2018) (2017)
Regional Connectivity Reports and Data
- GSMA Mobile Economy - Latin America (2024) (2022) (2021)
Other sources
- Continent of Africa: High Resolution Population Density Maps by Meta - HRSL datasets offering unprecedented accuracy in population mapping.
10. Awesome List
- VLM Architectures (⭐671) - Vision Language Model architectures.
- Babylon.js (⭐265) - Game engine for cross-platform web and native game development.
Health and Social Science
- Lucid Dreams (⭐70) - A dream where one becomes aware they are dreaming.
11. Discount for Student Dev
- Shodan [FREE / CREDIT] - Free upgrade (normally 49$) to gain full access to everything shodan has to offer + 100 Export credits. Simply use your academic email address when you signup.
- Malwarebytes [Discount] - Get 50% off device security by entering your information into ProxID to get verified as a student.
12. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎨🌍🔧 InclusiveColors - Create fine-tuned WCAG accessible Tailwind CSS color palettes.
13. Awesome Angular
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- ng-memento (⭐2) - Makes your application faster by preventing the same HTTP requests from being called again in your Angular project.
Internationalization / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-translate-lint (⭐34) - Simple CLI tools for check
- ngx-translate-routes (⭐6) - This service translates titles and route paths.
QR Codes / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-qrcode-generator (⭐2) - An Angular component that generates QR codes using the QRious (⭐1.6k) library.
14. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Java / Bootstrap
- Learn Java for FTC (⭐144) - Alan Smith (PDF)
- Prev: Oct 30, 2024
- Next: Oct 28, 2024