Awesome List Updates on Oct 03, 2024
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Marketing
Email Marketing / Email Deliverability
- Heybounce - Review - Email verification service that checks if an email exists and detects disposable emails to reduce bounce rates.
- GlockApps - Review - Tool to diagnose email deliverability problems.
- Mailtrap - Review - Platform used to test deliverability before sending and control results in one place.
2. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- valentinus (⭐12) - Next generation vector database built with LMDB bindings
3. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- Flyon UI- The Easiest Components Library For Tailwind CSS.
4. Learn to Program
Freemium recreate programming tools from scratch in any language
(Go, Rust, Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, Haskell, C#, C, Java, PHP, Elixir, Crystal, Clojure, Zig, Nim)
To the extent possible under law, Karl Horky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing style of this list.
5. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / PHP
- laravel-mongodb (⭐7k) - Official Eloquent model and query builder for Laravel
- Doctrine MongoDB ODM (⭐1.1k) and MongoDB ODM Bundle for Symfony (⭐385) - Fully featured ORM with Symfony integration
- MongoDB Bundle (⭐37) - Integration of the official library with Symfony, without ORM
- yii-mongodb (⭐327) - Yii 2 MongoDB extension
- opentelemetry php auto-mongodb (⭐1) - Automatic monitoring of MongoDB commands with OpenTelemetry
6. Awesome Spark
Packages / Language Bindings
- spark-connect-rs (⭐85)
- Rust bindings.
- spark-connect-go (⭐155)
- Golang bindings.
7. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Models
- django-auto-prefetch (⭐368) - Automatically prefetch foreign key values as needed.
8. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Security
- harpoon (⭐149) - Trace syscalls from user-space functions, by using eBPF.
9. Mind Expanding Books
Fiction / Fantasy
Name: And the Mountains Echoed
Author: Khaled Hosseini
Goodreads Rating: 4.26
Year Published: 2013
10. Awesome Angular
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- vike-angular (⭐9) - Angular integration for Vike (⭐4.7k), a fast Vite-based frontend framework.
Form Controls / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-otp-input (⭐27) - One time password input library for Angular.
11. Awesome Developer First
- devActivity - Contributions analytics with AI Insights, Performance Review, Retrospectives and Gamifications.
- Lil'bots - Create and deploy automation scripts in JavaScript or Python and deploy them to the cloud instantly, with free built-in APIs like OpenAI, Anthropic, and more.
- Heybounce - Email verification API.
12. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Bash / Non-X86
- The Shell Scripting Tutorial - Steve Parker (HTML)
Java / Bootstrap
- Java 23 - Key Concepts in Brief - Sergio Petrucci (PDF)
- Prev: Oct 04, 2024
- Next: Oct 02, 2024