Awesome List Updates on Oct 01, 2024
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Azure Openai Llm
LLM for Domain Specific / GPT series release date
- AlphaChip: Reinforcement learning-based model for designing physical chip layouts. [26 Sep 2024]
MLLM (multimodal large language model) / GPT series release date
Molmo and PixMo: Open Weights and Open Data for State-of-the-Art Multimodal Models ref [25 Sep 2024]
Build an LLMs from scratch: picoGPT and lit-gpt / GPT series release date
- Umar Jamil github: Model explanation / building a model from scratch youtube
2. Awesome Polars
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins
- polars_sim (⭐4) - Polars plugin that implements fast approximate joins on string columns for polars dataframes by @schemaitat.
3. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Finance
- dancixx/stochastic-rs (⭐12) [stochastic-rs] - High-performance data generation library for stochastic process with quant finance tools.
4. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- dam5s/aspen (⭐33) - Aspen is an RSpec and Spek inspired test runner for Kotlin.
Android / Tools
- jzbrooks/vgo (⭐39) - vgo is a tool for optimizing and converting between vector artwork representations.
5. Awesome Angular
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-three-globe (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides an interactive, 3D globe visualization built using Three.js.
Animations / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-number-ticker (⭐1) - A simple number ticker effect to animate counting.
- ngx-word-rotation (⭐0) - An Angular library designed to facilitate word rotation animations within Angular applications.
- ngx-word-morph (⭐4) - An Angular library designed to facilitate word morphing animations within Angular applications.
- ngx-cryptic-text (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a cryptic text animation effect. The component animates text by randomly switching letters until the correct characters appear.
- ngx-word-pullup (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a smooth pull-up animation effect for words. This component is designed to sequentially pull up and reveal words with a customizable delay.
- ngx-typewriter (⭐2) - A lightweight and easy-to-use library for creating typewriter effects. It uses RxJS to manage the typewriting effect, ensuring smooth and customizable animations.
- ngx-gradient-text (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a dynamic gradient animation effect for text. This component allows you to display text with a smooth, animated gradient that transitions between two customizable colors.
- ngx-shiny-text (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a shimmering text animation effect.
- ngx-ripple (⭐1) - This component creates an expanding ripple effect with customizable color, border, and animation duration. Perfect for adding an interactive and engaging effect to backgrounds or containers in your application.
- ngx-shine-border (⭐1) - An Angular library that provides a dynamic and customizable animated border effect for Angular components.
- ngx-border-beam (⭐1) - This component allows you to create a glowing, animated border that can be customized in terms of colors, border radius, and animation duration.
- ngx-dotpattern (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a customizable dot pattern background effect for your Angular components.
- ngx-meteors (⭐0) - An Angular library that adds a mesmerizing meteor shower animation effect to your components.
- ngx-background-beams (⭐0) - An Angular component that generates dynamic animated background beams with customizable gradients and motion paths.
- ngx-aurora (⭐6) - An Angular library that creates a mesmerizing aurora background effect. This component provides an animated, gradient-based light effect with customizable inversion and two different animation styles.
- ngx-particles (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a dynamic and interactive particle animation effect. The particles react to mouse movements, creating a visually engaging and customizable background for your Angular components.
- ngx-spotlight (⭐0) - An Angular library that creates a spotlight effect using SVG animations. The component highlights sections of your page when they enter the viewport, with customizable spotlight colors and optional animations.
- ngx-starry-sky (⭐0) - An Angular library that creates a beautiful starry sky background with optional shooting star effects.
- ngx-connection-beam (⭐3) - An Angular component that dynamically renders animated connection lines between two elements.
Dates / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-timeline (⭐0) - A simple component library to add an animated timeline view.
DOM / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-fade (⭐0) - A versatile Angular component that provides a smooth fading and sliding effect for its content as it enters or leaves the viewport. This component uses the Intersection Observer API.
Drag and Drop / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-swapy (⭐3) - A simple component library to get a drag and drop DOM through the help of Swapy (⭐5.5k).
Layout Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-flickering-grid (⭐0) - A simple component library to create a container with an animated grid pattern background.
- ngx-gridpattern (⭐3) - A simple component library to create a container with an pattern background.
- ngx-retro-grid (⭐0) - This component creates a 3D perspective grid with customizable colors, rotation, and smooth animation, perfect for adding a nostalgic or futuristic visual effect to your application.
Scroll / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-tracing-beam (⭐2) - A simple component library to add an animated tracing beam to your vertical scrolling.
- ngx-marquee (⭐1) - A simple component library to create an infinite scrolling marquee with your content.
- @omnedia/ngx-scrollbar (⭐0) - This component offers a custom scrollbar with smooth scrolling functionality and allows for full control over its appearance through styling.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-gauge (⭐213) - A highly customizable Gauge component for Angular apps and dashboards.
- ngx-neon-underline (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a glowing neon underline effect for your components.
- ngx-lamp (⭐0) - A simple component library to create a lamp.
- ngx-globe (⭐1) - A simple component library to create a container with an animated globe.
RxJS / Google Developer Experts
- rxjs-typewriter (⭐4) - A lightweight and easy-to-use NPM library for creating typewriter effects in your web applications. It uses RxJS to manage the typewriting effect, ensuring smooth and customizable animations.
6. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-amplify (⭐3) - Template with SSR + Express APIs + AWS Amplify Hosting.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-dynamic-chunk (⭐0) - Split dependencies between entry and dynamic entry, and merge small chunks.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-envtype-patch (⭐1) - Generate
info forimport.meta.env
React / Routing
- vite-plugin-remix-flat-routes (⭐1) - Remix-flat-routes convention-based routing, compatible with react-router data-api routing.
7. Awesome V
- Tiniest Veb Server (⭐9) - A < 1MB static hosting web server written in V, based on
. 🍃
8. Awesome Go
- mm-go (⭐143) - Generic manual memory management for golang.
9. Awesome Transit
Agency Tools
- TransAM - An open-source asset management platform for public transportation agencies.
Web Apps (open source)
- 1-Click - A virtual “trip aggregator” that assembles information on a wide variety of available modes: public transit, private, rail, rideshare, carpool, volunteer, paratransit, and walking and biking.
Web Apps (closed source)
- DC MetroHero - Realtime vehicle position and arrivals and departure information for the Washington, D.C. region's WMATA Metrorail and Metrobus systems. WebApp, Android, and iOS apps avaliable.
GTFS Based Visualizations
- Simple Transit Map - An online example of how to host and update a webmap.
Other multimodal data formats / Ruby
- Mobility as a Service API (⭐16) - A set of open documents and test suite that defines a MaaS-compatible API.
Academic papers / Ruby
- Kay et al. - "When(ish) is my bus? User-centered Visualizations of Uncertainty in Everyday, Mobile Predictive Systems" - Paper attempts to answr the question of "how do we communicate uncertainty in transit predictions?" Explains the problem, existing solutions and designs a better interface for letting users know when to arrive at the bus stop (⭐45).
10. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- JSONing — Create a fake REST API from a JSON object, and customize HTTP status codes, headers, and response bodies.
11. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-arc (⭐0) - Adds aliases and functions for git-arc (⭐7.8k), a FreeBSD development tool.
- Next: Sep 30, 2024