Awesome List Updates on Mar 04 - Mar 10, 2024
46 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Display_Lib_RPI (⭐27) - A shared installable C++ Library to connect various electronic displays to Raspberry Pi single board computers.
2. Awesome Naming
Design Patterns and Anti Patterns
- Spaghetti Code - A program with a tangled and hard-to-follow stucture.
3. Awesome React Components
- he-tree-react (⭐13) - demo - docs - Tree, customizable UI, flat data, tree data, drag-n-drop, placeholder for drop, foldable, checkbox, virtualized.
4. Awesome Developer First
- YepCode - Build and run serverless functions with the best development experience.
5. Awesome Distraction Blocker
Apps and Tools / Windows
- FocusWriter - A distraction-free writing environment.
- Cold Turkey - Review - Block distracting websites and applications.
Apps and Tools / MacOS
- SelfControl - Review - A free and open-source application for Mac OS X that lets you block your own access to distracting websites.
Apps and Tools / Linux
- LeechBlock NG (⭐547) - A simple productivity tool designed to block distracting websites.
Apps and Tools / Browser Extensions
- StayFocusd - Review - Increase your productivity by limiting the amount of time spent on time-wasting websites.
Apps and Tools / Mobile Apps
- Offtime - Disconnect from smartphone overuse.
Research Papers / Mobile Apps
Communities / Mobile Apps
- Productivity Directory - A directory for productivity tools and apps
- Productivity Blog - Top blog on Productivity
- r/productivity - The subreddit dedicated to productivity hacks and tips.
- Focusmate Community - A virtual co-working community to increase accountability and focus.
Contribution Guidelines / Mobile Apps
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Suggested resources should be of high quality and well-documented.
- Comments on why the resource is worthwhile are encouraged.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
6. Awesome Langchain
Tools / Services
- MindSQL (⭐275) - A python package for Txt-to-SQL with self hosting functionalities and RESTful APIs compatible with proprietary as well as open source LLM.
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- Casibase (⭐3k): Open-source AI LangChain-like RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) knowledge database with web UI and Enterprise SSO⚡️, supports OpenAI, Azure, LLaMA, Google Gemini, HuggingFace, Claude, Grok, etc
- Fructose (⭐740): Fructose is a python package to create a dependable, strongly-typed interface around an LLM call.
- R2R (⭐4.9k): A framework for rapid development and deployment of production-ready RAG systems
7. Awesome Svelte
State Libraries
- exome (⭐266) - Simple proxy based state manager for deeply nested states.
UI Libraries
- Skeleton - Skeleton uses Tailwind utility classes and design system to easily create theme-able user interfaces.
- M3 Svelte (⭐293) - Robust component library implementing Material Design 3
Frameworks / Form Components
- svelte-document (⭐10) - Create documents (PDFs), resumes, or presentations entirely in Svelte.
8. Awesome Stacks
Graphweaver - GraphQL API Over Multiple Datasources ↗ / Resources
- Graphweaver - 🛠️ - 🐙 (⭐428) - Data Everywhere - Instant GraphQL.
- AWS Cognito - Pre-built integration with AWS Cognito.
9. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- ai-commands (⭐31) - Asks GPT (gpt-4-turbo-preview) for CLI commands that achieve the described target action.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- acenoster (⭐14) - A multi-purpose theme with very detailed
support. Also includes decorators for AWS profile name, virtual environment name if any, number of background tasks, current directory and previous command's exit code if non-zero.
10. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Reverse Engineering
- Dexmod (⭐54) - tool to exemplify patching Dalvik bytecode in a DEX (Dalvik Executable) file, and assist in the static analysis of Android applications.
11. Awesome Ocaml
Developer Tools
- learn-ocaml (⭐306). Web app (written in OCaml) underlying the learn-ocaml-corpus. Can be customized to serve lectures (with Markdown slides), playgrounds (with a toplevel prelude), and interactive exercises (with OCaml tests). MIT License.
- learn-ocaml.el (⭐7). Minor mode for Emacs that can display exercise topics and grade exercise solutions, after logging to a Learn-OCaml instance. MIT License.
Exercises and Short Examples
- learn-ocaml-corpus. Corpus of beginner-to-advanced online exercises (including those from the OCaml MOOC) with automatic grading tests.
Online Courses
- OCaml MOOC: Introduction to Functional Programming in OCaml - Videos available in this playlist of the OCaml Software Foundation YouTube channel.
- Validate (⭐16) - PPX deriver designed to streamline the process of validating records.
- sqids-ocaml (⭐9) - Official OCaml port of Sqids. Generate short unique IDs from numbers.
12. Awesome Ai Tools
Related Awesome Lists / Deep Learning
- Workflow Automation Softwares - Curated List of Workflow Automation Apps And Tools
13. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) - A high-level introduction to AI from IBM on Coursera
- Introduction to Generative AI - A beginner-level introduction to Generative AI from Google on Coursera
14. Awesome Micropython
IO / IO-Expander
- micropython-mcp230xx (⭐0) - Driver for MCP23017 and MCP23008 GPIO expanders, extended with interrupt handling.
Sensors / Distance Ultrasonic
- micropython-grove-ultrasonic-ranger (⭐0) - Driver for SeeedStudio's Grove Ultrasonic Ranger.
15. Awesome Circuitpython
- The CircuitPython Online IDE Version 1 and Version 2 - A browser based IDE for CircuitPython by River Wang
- Adafruit Daily, Python for Microcontrollers - A weekly newsletter on MicroPython, CircuitPython, and Python on single-board computers (SBC). A spam-free list.
- CircuitPython 9 release poster - CircuitPython release version 9 poster.
16. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Data Science
- timefoldai/timefold-solver - AI solver to optimize scheduling of vehicle routes, employees, maintenance, jobs, etc.
17. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Bookmarks and Link Sharing
- Grimoire - Bookmark manager with a modern UI, automatic content & metadata extraction, categorization, filtering, and more. It has fully documented REST API, and Docker image for easy deployment. (Source Code (⭐2.3k))
Software / E-commerce
- Shopware Community Edition - PHP based open source e-commerce software made in Germany. (Demo, Source Code (⭐3k))
Software / Polls and Events
- gathio - Self-destructing, shareable, no-registration event pages. (Demo, Source Code (⭐343))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Huly - All-in-One Project Management Platform (alternative to Linear, Jira, Slack, Notion, Motion). (Demo, Source Code (⭐20k))
18. Awesome Plotters
Software / HPGL
- processing2hpgl (⭐2) - A Processing library that allows for direct communication with HPGL pen plotters from within a Processing sketch.
Software / Fonts
- hf2gcode (⭐50) - Generates G-code from text with a Hershey font.
19. Awesome Polars
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Python
- Polars for Identifiers and Standard Format Strings (⭐14) - Python package for Processing IBAN, ISINs, URLs and other standard format data in Polars by @abstractqqq.
Resources / Blog posts
- Groupby in Polars - A post that explains how to Learn how to do group data using Polars by Alexandre Petit.
- DuckDB vs Polars - Thunderdome. - A blog post that compares Polars and DuckDB with the use of 16 GB of data on a machine of only 4 GB by @danielbeach.
- How moving from Pandas to Polars made me write better code without writing better code - A post that describs the process of "Polarification" of code written with Pandas by @duvenagep.
- Revisiting a Classic Cheminformatics Paper with Polars: The Wiener Index - A science blog post that uses Polars to track the information for the molecules in DataFrames by @bertiewooster.
20. Awesome Deno
Modules / Social Platform APIs
- MTKruto (⭐80) - Deno-first, cross-runtime client library for Telegram's MTProto API.
21. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- LukasPietzschmann/boo.nvim (⭐36) - Quickly pop-up some LSP-powered information of the thing your cursor is on.
Golang / Diagnostics
- yanskun/gotests.nvim (⭐24) - Make Go tests easy with gotests (⭐5k).
Marks / Diagnostics
- fnune/recall.nvim (⭐51) - Recall refines the use of marks by focusing on global marks, streamlining their usage and enhancing their visibility and navigability.
Statusline / Diagnostics
- Mr-LLLLL/lualine-ext.nvim (⭐18) - Show more information on lualine.
Motion / Diagnostics
- Mr-LLLLL/treesitter-outer (⭐8) - Jump to outer node with smart.
Keybinding / Diagnostics
- nvimtools/hydra.nvim (⭐199) - Create custom submodes and menus. Port of Emacs Hydra. Maintained fork of anuvyklack/hydra.nvim.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- altermo/iedit.nvim (⭐23) - Edit one occurrence of text and simultaneously have other selected occurrences edited in the same way.
22. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / R
- r-transit - Collection of tools for GTFS in R.
Software for Creating APIs / Rust
- Mobroute - Mobroute is a general purpose FOSS public transportation router (e.g. trip planner) Go library and CLI that works by directly ingesting timetable (GTFS) data from transit agencies themselves (sourced from the Mobility Database). It can be used to quickly run & test routing requests based on GTFS data on your device (via its CLI) or it can be embedded as a library to add GTFS routing to existing navigation apps.
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- Cadê Meu Busão - Realtime tracking transit buses from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Open-source on GitHub (⭐6).
Native Apps (open source) / Rust
- Transito - FOSS data-provider-agnostic public transportation app that let's you route between locations using openly available public GTFS feeds (sourced from the Mobility Database). Utilizing the Mobroute Go API, the Transito app lets you performs routing calculations right on your phone. Cross-platform app currently supporting Android & Linux.
23. Free for Dev
Cloud management solutions
- - helps developers automate deployments on AWS. On our free tier, a developer (single user) can deploy unlimited static sites, web services, and environments. We provide 20 job executions free per month with previews and auto-deploys included in the free tier.
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- btunnel — Expose localhost and local tcp server to the internet. Free plan includes file server, custom http request and response headers, basic auth protection and 1 hour tunnel timeout.
24. Awesome Algorand
Portfolio Trackers
- CompX - Track or search assets, rewards, yield farming, transactions, and NFTs on the Algorand blockchain anywhere and anytime. Formerly Algogator.Finance.
Crash Courses
- Zero to Hero PyTeal - PyTeal crash course video lectures.
Other Development Tools / Smart Contracts
- tealish - Tealish is a readable language for the Algorand Virtual Machine. It enables developers to write TEAL in a procedural style optimized for readability.
DeFi Platforms / Wallets
- - A Decentralized Cross-Chain Protocol supporitng Algorand, Polygon, Ethereum and other EVM chains.
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- Nodely - Free Node/Indexer APIs, Node running FAQ, Node/Indexer daily snapshots.
Blockchain Bridges / Wallets
- - Centralized cross-chain NFT bridge.
Oracles / Wallets
- Gora - Decentralized oracle networks that connect the Algorand blockchain with the real world.
Projects / Wallets
- Pipeline-UI (⭐30) - A React.js based component library for rapid deployment of Algorand Dapps.
- AlgoTables - A suite of tools designed to aid everyday hodlers of ALGO who participate in the Algorand ecosystem.
25. Awesome Ai4lam
Tools and Frameworks / Audio and video analysis, transcription, and labeling
- ELAN – addS textual annotations to audio and/or video recordings (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands)
Datasets / Datasets available on Hugging Face
Projects, Initiatives, and Case Studies / Select individual projects
- Argilla prompt-collective – crowdsourcing effort to rank 50,000 prompts, on Hugging Face
- BigLAM – BigScience Libraries, Archives and Museums on Hugging Face
- Nasjonalbiblioteket AI Lab – National Library of Norway on Hugging Face
- KBLab – National Library of Sweden on Hugging Face
- PleIAs – French organization training LLMs with an open science approach
26. Awesome Coq
Projects / User Interfaces
- opam-switch-mode (⭐5) - IDE extension for Proof General to locally change or reset the opam switch from a menu or using a command.
27. Awesome Python Typing
Static type checkers
- basedpyright (⭐1.5k) - Pyright fork with improvements to VSCode support and various other fixes.
28. Awesome Typescript
Tools / Playground
- itertools-ts (⭐55) - Extended itertools port for TypeScript and JavaScript. Provides a huge set of functions for working with iterable collections (including async ones).
29. Awesome Rust
Applications / Web Servers
- cloudflare/pingora (⭐23k) - A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
Libraries / Graphics
- bastibense/libharu_ng (⭐17) [libharu_ng] - Easily generate PDFs from your Rust app.
- fschutt/printpdf (⭐885) - PDF writing library
- J-F-Liu/lopdf (⭐1.7k) - PDF document manipulation
- kaj/rust-pdf (⭐145) - Generating PDF files in pure Rust
30. Awesome Nix
Resources / Learning
- Explainix - Explain Nix syntax visually.
Installation Media / Discovery
- nix-installer-scripts (⭐91) - Runs the official installer but does some tweaking as well such as adding fcontext for selinux and installing nix outside of the default profile so you don't accidently uninstall it.
Overlays / Webinterface
- System Manager (⭐913) - A non-NixOS Linux system configuration tool built on Nix.
31. ALL About RSS
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
🔍 Feed Search Engines / 酷Q Plugin
32. Awesome Webxr
Standout Projects
- The Escape Artist - An award-winning escape room game by Paradowski Creative set inside the mind of an artist, with an overarching narrative about the creative process.
33. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- 3D Auto Collision Generator (⭐46) - Generate collision for multiple 3D objects in one click.
- LimboAI (⭐1.6k) - Behavior trees and state machines. Comes with editor, visual debugger, comprehensive demo and tutorial.
34. Awesome Postgres
Contents / PaaS (PostgreSQL as a Service)
- Supabase - Fully managed Postgres with read replicas, point-in-time-recovery, support packages, browser based GUI, and a generous free tier.
35. Awesome Crypto Papers
Specific topics / Secret key cryptography
- Cache Attacks and Countermeasures: the Case of AES - Side channel attacks on AES, another view, by Dag Arne Osvik, Adi Shamir and Eran Tromer.
Specific topics / Cryptanalysis
- Cryptanalysis of block ciphers and protocols - By Elad Pinhas Barkan.
Specific topics / Public key cryptography: General and DLP
- A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems - Original paper introducing RSA algorithm.
- On the Security of Public Key Protocols - Dolev-Yao model is a formal model, used to prove properties of interactive cryptographic protocols.
Specific topics / Zero Knowledge Proofs
- How to construct zero-knowledge proof systems for NP - Classic paper by Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson.
36. Awesome Terraform
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Miscellaneous
- Sharing data between Terraform configurations - Illustrates how to use remote state to share data between Terraform configurations.
37. Awesome Rails
Gems / Other external resources
- rabarber (⭐102) - A gem to handle role-based authorization. 🔴
38. Awesome Jupyter
- ITables (⭐727) - Pandas and Polars DataFrames rendered as interactive datatables-net tables.
JupyterLab Extensions
- jupyter-stack-trace (⭐6) - Click on the stack trace to open the respective file or a Google search.
39. Awesome Json
- JsonHilo (⭐27) - Minimal lossless parse event streaming, akin to SAX.
40. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- DeepSource ©️ — In-depth static analysis to find issues in verticals of bug risks, security, anti-patterns, performance, documentation and style. Native integrations with GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. Less than 5% false positives.
41. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Abduction / Applications in AI
- Human Comprehensible Active Learning of Genome-Scale Metabolic Networks - AAAI Spring Symposium Series 2023 on Computational Scientific Discovery, 2023. [All Versions]. [Extended Abstract]. [Slides]. This work introduces a novel machine learning framework ILP-iML1515 based on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) that performs abductive logical reasoning and actively learns from training examples. The ILP-iML1515 framework 1) allows high-throughput simulations and 2) actively selects experiments that reduce the experimental cost of learning gene functions in comparison to randomly selected experiments.
Domain Specific Language / Design Practises
- How Domain Experts Use an Embedded DSL - OOPSLA'23, 2023. [All Versions]. Programming tools are increasingly integral to research and analysis in myriad domains, including specialized areas with no formal relation to computer science. Embedded domain-specific languages (eDSLs) have the potential to serve these programmers while placing relatively light implementation burdens on language designers. However, barriers to eDSL use reduce their practical value and adoption. This work aims to deepen the understanding of how programmers use eDSLs and identify user needs to inform future eDSL designs. The authors performed a contextual inquiry (9 participants) with domain experts using Mimi, an eDSL for climate change economics modeling. A thematic analysis identified five key themes, including: the interaction between the eDSL and the host language has significant and sometimes unexpected impacts on eDSL user experience, and users preferentially engage with domain-specific communities and code templates rather than host language resources.
Domain Specific Language / Declarative DSL Applications
- Scenic: a language for scenario specification and data generation - Machine Learning, 2022. [All Versions]. This paper proposes a domain-specific language, Scenic, for describing scenarios that are distributions over scenes and the behaviors of their agents over time. Scenic combines concise, readable syntax for spatiotemporal relationships with the ability to declaratively impose hard and soft constraints over the scenario.
Domain Specific Language / DSL Program Synthesis
- Learning to Infer Graphics Programs from Hand-Drawn Images - NeurIPS'18, 2018. [All Versions]. The method learns a model that uses program synthesis techniques to recover a graphics program from drawing primitives. These programs have constructs like variable bindings, iterative loops, or simple kinds of conditionals. With a graphics program in hand, we can correct errors made by the deep network and extrapolate drawings.
- babble: Learning Better Abstractions with E-Graphs and Anti-unification - POPL'23, 2023. [All Versions]. This paper proposes library learning modulo theory (LLMT), a new library learning algorithm that additionally takes as input an equational theory for a given problem domain. LLMT uses e-graphs and equality saturation to compactly represent the space of programs equivalent modulo the theory, and uses a novel e-graph anti-unification technique to find common patterns in the corpus more directly and efficiently.
42. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Security
- OWASP - Explore the world of cyber security.
- Roave Security Advisories (⭐2.8k) - This package ensures that your application doesn't have installed dependencies with known security vulnerabilities.
- Zap (⭐13k) - An integrated penetration testing tool for web applications.
43. Awesome Cpp
- SaneCppLibraries (⭐549) - a set of C++ platform abstraction libraries for macOS, Windows and Linux. [MIT] website
- frozen (⭐1.4k) - a header-only, constexpr alternative to gperf for C++14 users. [Apache-2.0]
- SPICE Toolkit (⭐25) - Library and toolkit for computing geometric information used in planning and analyzing science observations obtained from robotic spacecraft. [MIT] website
44. Awesome Go
Authentication and OAuth
- openfga (⭐3.3k) - Implementation of fine-grained authorization based on the "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System" paper. Backed by CNCF.
Continuous Integration
- dot (⭐23) - A minimal, local first continuous integration system that uses Docker to run jobs concurrently in stages.
Dependency Injection
- ore (⭐16) - Lightweight, generic & simple dependency injection (DI) container.
- go-lambda-cleanup (⭐92) - A CLI for removing unused or previous versions of AWS Lambdas.
DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- tau (⭐3.7k) - Easily build Cloud Computing Platforms with features like Serverless WebAssembly Functions, Frontend Hosting, CI/CD, Object Storage, K/V Database, and Pub-Sub Messaging.
E-books for purchase / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Go in Practice, Second Edition - Your practical guide on the ins-and-outs of Go development, covering the standard library and the most important tools from Go’s powerful ecosystem.
45. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- DevHub - Feature-rich offline app for developers.
Utilities / System Related Tools
- Sleepr - Sleepr brings back sleep timer on macOS.
46. AwesomeCSV
- CSVKit - CSV utilities that includes csvsql / csvgrep / csvstat and more.
- Ron's Data Edit (new modern version of Ron's CSV Editor) - Handles big files, does miraculous things. A timeless editor for a timeless format.
- Prev: Mar 11 - Mar 17, 2024
- Next: Feb 26 - Mar 03, 2024