Awesome List Updates on Sep 30, 2024
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Windows
- Timelens - Cross-platform time tracking software.
- Hyper - Terminal built on web technologies.
2. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
Commercial Offerings
- Phase Two ( offers hosting (free tier avaialable), on-prem deployments, and enterprise Keycloak support.
3. Awesome Cpp
Image Processing
- QOI (⭐7k) - The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression. [MIT]
4. Awesome Go
- json-log-viewer (⭐140) - Interactive viewer for JSON logs.
5. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🧬 Quantity Queries (⭐12) - Adds variants for using quantity queries.
6. Awesome Rust
Applications / Utilities
- sorairolake/qrtool (⭐177) [qrtool] - A utility for encoding and decoding QR code images.
Libraries / Cryptography
- sorairolake/abcrypt (⭐18) [abcrypt] - A simple, modern and secure file encryption library.
- sorairolake/scryptenc-rs (⭐5) [scryptenc] - An implementation of the scrypt encrypted data format.
Libraries / Date and time
- sorairolake/nt-time (⭐7) [nt-time] - A Windows file time library.
Libraries / System
- sorairolake/sysexits-rs (⭐26) [sysexits] - The system exit codes as defined by
7. Awesome Dotnet
Algorithms and Data structures
- OneOf (⭐3.6k) - OneOf provides discriminated unions for C# with exhaustive compile time matching.
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- dotnet-repl (⭐753) - C# REPL (read-eval-print loop)
- DapperQueryBuilder (⭐525) - Dapper Query Builder using String Interpolation and Fluent API
Query Builders
- InterpolatedSql (⭐223) - SQL Builder using String Interpolation and Fluent API
Source Generator
- CodegenCS (⭐268) - Code Generation Toolkit where templates are written using plain C#. Command-line tool, MSBuild task, Visual Studio Extension, and Roslyn Source Generator.
8. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Small Language Models
9. Awesome Emails
Frameworks / React
- JSX-email - JSX Mail is an email framework that uses React to create email templates.
Services / Misc
- ForwardMX - Premium email forwarding for your domain name.
Self-Hosted Services / Misc
- Cloud Seeder - 1-click Install and Upgrade a Postfix+Dovecot or Stalwart mail server instance, hands free.
Inspirations / Misc
- WhoSentWhat - We bring email newsletters from inbox to web
10. Awesome Angular
- built with angular - Discover apps of all sizes, including Open Source and Indie developer projects.
Exercises / Google Developer Experts
- angular-exercises (⭐3) - Exercises on various Angular topics, including solutions and solution videos.
Developer tools / Google Developer Experts
- detective (⭐108) - Detective leverages forensic code analysis at the architectural level to uncover hidden patterns in your codebase.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-fabric-wrapper (⭐25) - Angular wrapper library for Fabric.
Editor Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-ace-wrapper (⭐46) - Angular wrapper library for Ace.
- ngx-quill-wrapper (⭐13) - Angular wrapper library for Quill.
File Upload / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-dropzone-wrapper (⭐174) - Angular wrapper library for Dropzone.
- Prev: Oct 01, 2024
- Next: Sep 29, 2024