Awesome List Updates on Sep 20, 2024
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Official news
- September 2024 : GPU acceleration with Polars and NVIDIA RAPIDS.
2. Awesome Cl
Developer utilities / Third-party APIs
- brake (⭐13) - An extended breakpoint facility for Common Lisp. MIT.
3. Free for Dev
- - Capture and inspect webhooks from your browser. Forward to localhost, or replay from history. Free to use.
Payment and Billing Integration
- ParityVend – Automatically adjust pricing based on visitor location to expand your business globally and reach new markets (purchasing power parity). The free plan includes 7,500 API requests/month.
4. Awesome Firebase Genkit
Articles / Golang - Community
- Unlocking the power of code execution in Genkit - Learn how to integrate Python code within Genkit.
5. Awesome Osint
Company Research / Steam
- TheWebCo - The single source of people intelligence.
Social Media Tools / Steam
- OSINT-Steam - An open-source (⭐8) tool that returns public information, such as friends list and possible locations, from Steam profiles.
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- SherlockEye - Search for publicly available data linked to an email address across multiple sources on the internet.
DNS / Steam
- Merklemap - Discover and enumerate all subdomains associated with a website, including those not publicly advertised. Works by ingesting certificate transparency logs.
OSINT Blogs / Steam
Other Resources / Steam
6. Awesome Go
Continuous Integration
- abstruse (⭐943) - Abstruse is a distributed CI platform.
Go Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- MoniGO (⭐259) - A performance monitoring library for Go applications. It provides real-time insights into application performance! 🚀
7. Awesome Ironsworn
Resources / Ironsworn
- Rhoam's Oracle Decks - Ironsworn and weather oracles in card format, in English and French
8. Awesome Angular
- goxygen (⭐3.6k) - Goxygen generates back-end Go code, connects it with front-end components, provides a Dockerfile for the application, and creates docker-compose files that run in development and production environments.
Node / Google Developer Experts
- skulljs - Skulljs aims to give a standardized file structure to create web applications based on popular Javascript / Typescript frameworks.
GraphQL / Google Developer Experts
- apollo-orbit (⭐3) - A fully-featured GraphQL client for Angular with modular state management.
Media / Google Developer Experts
- silicon-audio-wave (⭐2) - Very simple audio wave system from Silicon.
- ngx-plyr (⭐3) - Angular 17+ bindings for plyr (⭐28k) video and audio player. Supports everything that original library supports.
- byteark-player-angular (⭐1) - Player Container from ByteArk.
- Vidstack (⭐2.7k) - A framework and collection of UI components for building and managing custom media players on the web. You can use this library to build your own player (see our examples), or use our production-ready Default Layout and customize it to match your brand and site. See this installation guide.
Unspecified / Google Developer Experts
- pastanaga-angular (⭐10) - An Angular implementation of Pastanaga design system offering a set of re-usable UI components which are covering typical needs of any web application. It is maintained by Plone and Guillotina communities.
Tailwind CSS Based / Google Developer Experts
- Rectangle UI (⭐3) - A code-first UI component library for Angular.
- Mamba UI (⭐1.1k) - A free and open-sourced UI kit with 150+ Tailwind CSS components and templates.
- Prev: Sep 21, 2024
- Next: Sep 19, 2024