Awesome List Updates on Sep 17, 2024

11 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Elixir

Command Line Applications

2. Awesome Go

Microsoft Word

3. Awesome Ipfs

Pinning services

4. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Journaling

5. Learn to Program


MDN Learning Area

Free guides on fundamental web development concepts
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, performance, React, Ember, Vue, Svelte, Angular, Git, GitHub)

Flexbox Froggy

Free game that teaches the CSS Flexbox

6. Alternative Internet


7. Topics

List of interesting topics

List of articles and posts

8. Awesome Appimage

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for .NET Core (Mono) applications

9. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Critical Views about Generative AI

10. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Design Tools and Platforms

11. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Analytics

Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums

Software / Feed Readers

Software / Photo and Video Galleries

Software / Polls and Events