Awesome List Updates on Aug 30, 2024
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-template-react-ts-jest (⭐1) -
2. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- alexpasmantier/pymple.nvim (⭐106) - Refactor Python imports on file move/rename.
3. Awesome Windows
Application Launchers
- Listary - Searches files with advanced filters and indexing.
- ueli - Powerful keystroke launcher.
Cloud Storage
- Mega - Encrypts files before they leave your device.
- Nextcloud - Lets you host your own cloud storage and communication server.
- pCloud - Offers one-time payment for lifetime storage access.
- WinRAR - Compresses, backs up and splits files.
- Wallpaper Engine - Animated wallpapers for you dekstop.
- WindHawk - A list of useful software Tweaks.
- ZBar - Manages taskbars across multiple monitors.
Data Recovery
- Data Rescue - Professional recovery solution for photos, videos, and documents.
- IsoBuster - Multi-format data recovery tool supporting various storage media.
- Ontrack EasyRecovery - Advanced recovery tool with comprehensive filtering capabilities.
- TestDisk - Free recovery utility focused on partition restoration and disk repair.
Developer Utilities
- Cacher - Syncs and organizes code snippets with Gist integration and IDE plugins.
- Velocity - Browses and searches API documentation without internet connection.
- Mailbird - IMAP and POP3 email client with customization and multi-language support.
- Wino Mail - Modern mail client with integrated calendar.
File Management
- FileOptimizer - Lossless file size optimizer for multiple formats.
- FreeFileSync - File and folder backup with multiple sync modes.
- fselect (⭐4.1k) - SQL-like file search utility.
Game Stores
- Epic Games - Digital game storefront for PC and Mac.
- GOG - DRM-free game store featuring classic and modern titles.
- LuaStudio - Free game development tool using Lua/LuaJIT with multi-platform export capabilities.
- Origin - EA's digital game distribution platform.
- Steam - Leading digital game distribution platform with extensive library management.
- Unity - Popular game engine with comprehensive learning resources.
- Unreal Engine - Professional game engine with 5% revenue share model.
- pngquant - Command-line PNG compression utility.
- Fiddler - Web debugging proxy.
Office Suites
- Microsoft Office - Provides real-time collaboration and cloud integration across apps.
- NitroPDF - Converts and edits PDFs with OCR capabilities.
- Cold Turkey - Website blocker with strict enforcement mechanisms.
- Easy Window Switcher - Fast application instance switcher.
- File Juggler - Automated file organization with smart actions and PDF parsing.
- Inkdrop - Markdown-focused note-taking application.
Proxy and VPN Tools
- Algo (⭐29k) - Personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud.
- Tailscale - Zero config VPN for building secure networks.
- Twingate - Modern zero trust network access solution.
- WireGuard - Fast, modern, and secure VPN tunnel.
Screen Capture
- ZoomIt - Screen zoom and annotation tool for presentations.
- Bitdefender - Comprehensive malware protection suite.
- GlassWire - Network security monitoring and visualization tool.
- System Explorer - Enhanced task manager with advanced system monitoring.
System Utilities
- CleanMyPC - System cleanup and optimization utility.
- HWMonitor - Hardware monitoring for temperatures, voltages, and fan speeds.
- IrfanView - Fast and compact image viewer and converter.
- Process Hacker - Comprehensive system monitoring and management tool.
- qBittorrent - Free and reliable P2P Bittorrent client.
- Rufus - Bootable USB creation utility.
- SDelete - Secure file deletion command-line utility.
- Waltr - iOS media transfer utility without iTunes.
- ConEmu (⭐8.7k) - Customizable terminal with tabs, splits, and quake-style dropdown.
- FluentTerminal (⭐9.3k) - UWP-based modern terminal emulator.
- MobaXterm - Enhanced terminal with X server and SSH client.
- MTPuTTY - Multi-tabbed PuTTY client.
Version Control
- SourceTree - Free Git & Mercurial client.
- Tower - Professional Git client with advanced features.
Video Utilities
- HandBrake - Converts videos between formats with compression options.
- PotPlayer - Media player with hardware acceleration and streaming capabilities.
- Vagrant - Tool for building and managing virtual machines.
4. Awesome Go
Authentication and OAuth
- jwx (⭐2k) - Go module implementing various JWx (JWA/JWE/JWK/JWS/JWT, otherwise known as JOSE) technologies
- imagor (⭐3.6k) - Fast, secure image processing server and Go library, using libvips.
5. Awesome Product Management
Articles / Obsidian
Additional resources / Obsidian
- Marketing for Engineers (⭐13k) - A handy guide on growing marketing skills for folks with engineering backgrounds.
6. Awesome Love2d
- SceneMan (⭐2) - A simple, but powerful scene/gamestate manager that uses a stack, allowing you to run multiple scenes at once.
- TuxRedux (⭐3) - An immediate-mode UI system for LOVE2D inspired by SUIT.
- andromeda (⭐3) - Asset database and loader for love.
- KeyedArray (⭐0) - A special data structure where items can be found by their position or key. Similar to an ordered dictionary.
- LuaRequireExtended (⭐1) - A Lua module that lets you require files with input parameters and multiple output values.
- lovesfx (⭐9) - Packs love games in a single file for windows.
- love-build (⭐33) - Downloadable application (made in LÖVE!) that can build games for Windows, macOS, and Linux regardless of your own OS.
7. Awesome Angular
Analytics / Google Developer Experts
- litlyx (⭐1.1k) - The easiest dev-centric analytics tool. Litlyx is an open-source analytics solution for any JavaScript framework. Setup takes less then 30 seconds and just one line of code!
Ionic / Google Developer Experts
- ionic-angular-library (⭐7) - A collection of components and services that are useful for developing Ionic Angular applications.
8. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- fzf-plugin (⭐1) - oh-my-zsh (⭐177k)'s
plugin extracted so it can be used easily with other plugin managers.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- igorsilva (⭐11) - Shows current directory, customizable delimiter, current branch, and
status decorators.
- jax (⭐0) Reminiscent of Powerline. Includes decorators for current directory and current user.
- light (⭐0) - Works best on a light background. Includes decorators for username@hostname,
status and the current directory.
- vszambon-ocean (⭐0) - Includes decorators for current directory,
status, a day/night icon, whether or not it is running inside adocker
container and the date and time.
- Prev: Aug 31, 2024
- Next: Aug 29, 2024