Awesome List Updates on Aug 27, 2024
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / R
- r-polars-dashboard (⭐2) - Dashboard comparing r-polars and py-polars APIs.
2. Awesome K6
- Extension Registry - Curated listing of k6 extensions.
Extensions / Official
- xk6-client-tracing (⭐45) - Client for load testing distributed tracing backends.
- xk6-disruptor (⭐95) - Inject faults to test 💣.
- xk6-exec (⭐20) - Run external commands.
- xk6-kubernetes (⭐64) - Interact with Kubernetes clusters.
- xk6-loki (⭐38) - Client for load testing Loki.
- xk6-notification (⭐19) - Create notifications.
- xk6-output-influxdb (⭐64) - Export results to InfluxDB v2.
- xk6-output-kafka (⭐22) - Export k6 results in real-time to Kafka.
- xk6-output-timescaledb (⭐30) - Export k6 results to TimescaleDB.
- xk6-client-prometheus-remote (⭐24) - Test Prometheus Remote Write performance.
- xk6-sql (⭐113) - Load-test SQL Servers (PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 for now).
- xk6-ssh (⭐9) - SSH.
Extensions / Community
- xk6-cable (⭐26) - Test Action Cable and AnyCable functionality.
- xk6-coap (⭐12) - Interact with Constrained Application Protocol endpoints.
- xk6-dotenv (⭐28) - Load env vars from a .env file.
- xk6-ethereum (⭐10) - K6 extension for ethereum protocols.
- xk6-faker (⭐57) - Generate random fake data.
- xk6-file (⭐23) - Write files.
- xk6-g0 (⭐25) - Write k6 tests in golang.
- xk6-kafka (⭐150) - Load-test Apache Kafka. Includes support for Avro messages.
- xk6-kv (⭐15) - Share key-value data between VUs.
- xk6-mock (⭐14) - Mock HTTP(S) servers.
- xk6-mqtt (⭐49) - MQTT extension.
- xk6-nats (⭐13) - Provides NATS support for k6 tests.
- xk6-opentelemetry (⭐25) - Generate OpenTelemetry signals from within your test scripts.
- xk6-output-elasticsearch (⭐19) - Export results to Elasticsearch 8.x.
- xk6-output-prometheus-pushgateway (⭐11) - Export results to Prometheus pushgateway.
- xk6-output-statsd (⭐22) - Enables real-time output of test metrics to a StatsD service.
- xk6-output-timestream (⭐18) - Export results to AWS Timestream.
- xk6-playwright (⭐45) - Browser automation and end-to-end web testing using Playwright.
- xk6-prometheus (⭐49) - Prometheus HTTP exporter for k6.
- xk6-prompt (⭐14) - Support for input arguments via UI.
- xk6-sse (⭐15) - A k6 extension for Server-Sent Events (SSE).
- xk6-tcp (⭐15) - Send data to TCP port.
- xk6-top (⭐26) - Updating the current k6 metrics summaries on the terminal during the test run.
3. Awesome Cl
- cl-permutation (⭐50) - Permutations and permutation groups in Common Lisp. BSD_3Clause.
- imago (⭐54) - image manipulation library for Common Lisp.
- supports images in png, pcx, portable bitmap (.pnm), Truevision TGA (.tga) and jpeg formats
- allows for: resizing, rotation, emboss effect, inverting colors, adjusting contrast, manipulating color elements, composing pictures, drawing simple primitives…
- is integrated with common-lisp-jupyter.
Date and time / Third-party APIs
- calendar-times (⭐11) - a calendar time library implemented on top of the LOCAL-TIME library. It features zoned calendar times and calculations.
- see also: calendar-date (⭐8) - a Gregorian calendar date library. MIT.
Security / Third-party APIs
- secret-values (⭐11) - A Common Lisp library to reduce the risk of accidentally revealing secret values such as passwords.
- privacy-output-stream (⭐5) - an output stream that masks secret strings with
, based on secret-values. MIT.
- privacy-output-stream (⭐5) - an output stream that masks secret strings with
4. Awesome Go
Artificial Intelligence
- OllamaFarm (⭐64) - Manage, load-balance, and failover packs of Ollamas
5. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Window Management
- Hummingbird - Easily move and resize windows without mouse clicks, from anywhere within a window.
6. Awesome Neovim
Web Development / Diagnostics
- farias-hecdin/CSSVarViewer (⭐10) - Easily visualize the content of your CSS variables in a virtual text.
- farias-hecdin/CSSVarHighlight (⭐6) - Quickly highlight the color you defined in your CSS variables with the help of
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- killitar/obscure.nvim (⭐62) - A pastel dark colorscheme inspired by the palette Mellow. Support Tree-sitter, LSP (including semantic tokens) and lots of plugins.
Terminal Integration / Diagnostics
- kassio/neoterm (⭐1.3k) - Wrapper of some
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- OXY2DEV/foldtext.nvim (⭐75) - Dynamic & stylized foldtext.
7. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2023
- Privacy Auditing with One (1) Training Run - (NeurIPS - best paper) A scheme for auditing differentially private machine learning systems with a single training run.
- Prev: Aug 28, 2024
- Next: Aug 26, 2024