Awesome List Updates on Aug 19, 2024
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
Resources / Examples
- umo editor (⭐617) - Umo Editor is an open-source document editor, based on Vue3 and Tiptap. Visit Playground for a fast experience.
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- navpress (⭐1) - NavPress is a CLI tool for generating static navigation websites. It allows you to quickly build a navigation site through a configuration file.
- vue-speedometer (⭐61) - Vue component for showing speedometer like gauge using d3.
- Vue-Player (⭐5) - Lightweight, customizable, and easy-to-implement vue video player.
- vue3-select-component (⭐73) - Vue 3 Select Component, single & multi-select, best-in-class DX support with TypeScript end-to-end typesafe, easy styling, slots and more ~4.4KB
Components & Libraries / Scaffold
- mevn-boilerplate (⭐221) - ⭐️ the most comprehensive mevn stack boilerplate. ⭐️ mongodb - express - vue 3 (admin dashboard) - nodejs - nuxt 3 (client) boilerplate (pinia, tiptap, slug, vuetify and vuexy and more...) 🎉
2. Awesome Webaudio
Resources / Tutorials
- audio-katas (⭐53) - A collection of self-guided katas during which you will build a DAW of your own while getting exposed to the key Web Audio APIs.
3. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- React Dapp Starter (⭐12) - Enterprise-ready Web3 DApp starter with
,Shadcn UI
, andTanStack Query
for scalable decentralized applications.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Testing
- @poyro/vitest (⭐33) - Test LLM integrations using Vitest.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Security
- vite-plugin-csp-guard (⭐47) - Lets you configure a Content Security Policy to your project, supports all directives and hashing.
WordPress / Community
- WordPlate (⭐2.1k) - Starter app with Composer.
TYPO3 CMS / Community
- vite-plugin-typo3 (⭐5) - Frontend integration for TYPO3 CMS.
4. Awesome Cl
Parsing html / Isomorphic web frameworks
- cl-html5-parser (⭐56) - HTML5 parser for Common Lisp. GPL3.0.
- a port of the Python library html5lib.
- compared to Plump: Plump is a mix of an XML and an HTML parser and breaks on some HTML rules (example (⭐120)), while cl-html5-parser is a fully compliant HTML parser.
5. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Computation
- Science
- Axect/Peroxide (⭐592) - Rust numeric library containing linear algebra, numerical analysis, statistics and machine learning tools in pure rust
- cpmech/russell (⭐136) - Rust Scientific Library for numerical mathematics, ordinary differential equations, special math functions, high-performance (sparse) linear algebra
Libraries / Date and time
- arthurhenrique/rusti-cal (⭐65) [rusti-cal] - A cal(1) clone lightning-fast ~ more than 9999 years ~ Written in Rust.
6. Awesome Naming
Tools, Applications, Libraries, Frameworks
- CockroachDB - Database application, that is marketed as being so fault tolerant and resilient as a cockroach.
7. Awesome Angular
- deep-chat (⭐1.8k) - Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website.
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- angular-odata (⭐50) - A fluent API for querying, creating, updating and deleting OData resources in Angular.
8. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / VPN
- Gluetun VPN client (⭐7.1k) - VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.
9. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- chezmoi (⭐3) - Adds completions and aliases for chezmoi. Detects if you have
aliases and generateschezmoi
aliases for them.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- netmask (⭐0) - Termux-first theme. Includes decorators for ip address, full path to current directory,
status and python virtual environment.
- Prev: Aug 20, 2024
- Next: Aug 18, 2024