Awesome List Updates on Jul 30, 2024
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Imperative DSL Applications
- Building an Open Representation for Biological Protocols - ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 2023. [All Versions]. There is currently no available protocol representation that is unambiguous enough for precise interpretation and automation, yet simultaneously “human friendly” and abstract enough to enable reuse and adaptation. The Laboratory Open Protocol language (LabOP) is a free and open protocol representation aiming to address this gap, building on a foundation of UML, Autoprotocol, Aquarium, SBOL RDF, and the Provenance Ontology. LabOP provides a linked-data representation both for protocols and for records of their execution and the resulting data, as well as a framework for exporting from LabOP for execution by either humans or laboratory automation.
2. Awesome Creative Coding
Frameworks • Libraries • Ecosystems
- py5 [Cross-platform] - A library that integrates Processing into the Python 3 ecosystem.
- shoebot [Cross-platform] - Shoebot is a creative coding environment designed for making vector graphics and animations with Python.
3. Awesome Ember
Packages / Charts
- ember-c3 (⭐81) - An addon library for C3, a D3-based reusable chart library and more compatible.
4. Awesome Newsletters
Go / Svelte
- Golang Weekly. A weekly newsletter about the Go programming language. Archive.
- Awesome Go Weekly. A weekly overview of the most popular Go news, articles and libraries.
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Big Data / Svelte
- Air Around AI. Air Around AI is a weekly newsletter of the top news, best tutorials, product launches and super tips on AI.
5. Awesome Osint
Code Search
- Code Finder - The ultimate search engine for finding GitHub repositories
Username Check / Steam
- Digital Footprint Check - Check for registered username on 100s of sites for free.
6. Awesome Php
Configuration / PHP Videos
- Program With Gio - PHP 8 course by Gio.
7. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Build system
- facebook/buck2 (⭐3.7k) - Buck2 is a large-scale build tool built in Rust
- pantsbuild/pants (⭐3.4k) - Pants is a fast, scalable, user-friendly build system for codebases of all sizes built in Rust.
- tracemachina/nativelink (⭐1.3k) - NativeLink is a Backend Remote Execution platform written in rust for client build systems such as Buck2, Bazel, Pants, etc..
8. Awesome Mac
Third Party App Markets / Package Managers
- Applite - User-friendly GUI app for Homebrew Casks. Install, update, and uninstall apps with a single click.
9. Awesome Angular
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
Developer tools / Google Developer Experts
- IDX - Project IDX is an AI-assisted workspace for full-stack, multiplatform app development in the cloud.
- VS Code NG Language Service (⭐784) - This extension provides a rich editing experience for Angular templates.
- VS Code Angular Snippets (⭐573) - This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for Angular for TypeScript and HTML.
- Angular Extension Pack - This extension pack packages some of the most popular VS Code Angular extensions.
- Angular Jester - Generate Jest spec files for Angular projects.
- Nx Console - Spend less time looking up command line arguments and more time shipping incredible products.
- VS Code Angular HTML - Syntax highlighting for angular HTML Template files.
Data Grids / Google Developer Experts
- angular-datatables (⭐1.6k) - An Angular2+ library for building complex HTML tables using the DataTables jQuery plug-in.
- Prev: Jul 31, 2024
- Next: Jul 29, 2024