Awesome List Updates on Jul 25, 2024
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- tlm (⭐1.3k) - Local cli copilot, powered by CodeLLaMa
2. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Data streaming
- swimos/swim-rust (⭐325) [swim-rust] - Self-contained distributed software platform for building stateful, massively real-time streaming applications.
3. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- - A Spam Filter for websites and APIs powered by natural language processing and machine learning. Free plan includes 200 requests a day per domain.
4. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- @mistjs/vite-plugin-px2viewport (⭐14) - A plugin that automatically converts inline styles and style files from px units to vw units.
5. Awesome Creative Coding
Visual Programming Languages
- vvvv [Win] - Hybrid visual/textual live-programming environment for easy prototyping and development.
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Feed Readers
- Fusion (⭐1.2k) - A lightweight RSS aggregator and reader.
7. Awesome Discord Communities
Support Communities

Notable Channels: #javascript
, #frontend
, #backend
, #php
, #mobile
, #design
, #devops
, #career
, #code-review
, #webtopic
, #desktopic
, #community-projects
, #paid-work
Language: English

Developer's Keep
Notable Channels: #project-showcase
, #java-jvm
, #python
, #c-family
, #javascript
, #c-sharp
, #hardware
Language: English \

Notable Channels: #linux
, #c-cpp-csharp
, #python
, #go-rust
, #js-ts-node-deno-html-css
, #java-kotlin
, #julia-ruby-swift
, #datascience-sql
, #os-hardware-robotics
, #networking-security-mods
Language: English

Garbage Collectors
Notable Channels: #python exercises
, #code feedback
, #collaboration
, #csharp
, #c and cpp
, #web
, #mobile
, #security
, #algos and ds
, #networking
, #resources
, #machinelearning
Language: English

Notable Channels: #data-science
, #graphics-programming
, #dev-tools-and-ops
, #unix-like
, #web-dev
, #security
, #c-language
, #java-jvm
, #javascript
, #odin-lang
, so much more
Language: English

Programming Discussions
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #interview-prep
, #java-and-jvm
, #ai-and-ml
, #asm-and-systems
, #cs-theory
, #databses
, #software-architecture
, #shells
, so much more
Language: English

Notable Channels: #general
, #html-css
, #javascript
, #php
, #java
, #python
, #csharp
, #c-cpp
Language: English \

The Coding Den
Notable Channels: #general
, #cil-and-runtime
, #kotlin
, #android
, #ios
, #nodejs
, #ruby
, #php
, #web-frameworks
, #algorithms
, #regex
, #systems-and-servers
, so much more
Language: English

The Odin Project
Notable Channels: #odin-general
, #creations-showcase
, #ubuntu-help
, #virtualbox-help
, #git-help
, #html-css-help
, #javascript-help
, #nodejs-help
, #rails-help
Language: English

The Programmer's Hangout
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #javascript
, #java
, #kotlin
, #ruby
, #ai-and-ml
, #career-advice
, #databases
, #gamedev
, #ux-and-ui
, #shells
, #version-control
, so much more
Language: English

webdev and web_design
Notable Channels: #dev-help
, #dev-chat
, #app-feedback
, #user-experience
, #html
, #css
, #javascript
, #typescript
, js-framework
, #react
, #vue
, #php
, #dot-net
, #devops
, so much more
Language: English

World of Coding
Notable Channels: #hire-devs
, #coding-help
, #programming-help
, #hacking
, #infosec
, #linux
, #web-dev
, #game-dev
, #js
, #python
Language: English
C and C++

Notable Channels: #assembly
, #c
, #gpu
, #audio
, #build-systems
, #cpp
, #embedded
, #learning
, #security
, #tooling
, #2d-graphics
, #clion
, #catch2
, #qt
Language: English

C++ Help
Notable Channels: #cpp-questions
, #help
, #advanced
, #gamedev
, #project-showcase
Language: English \

Together C & C++
Notable Channels: #c_general
, #cpp_general
, #assembly
, #code_review
, #gamedev
, #graphics
, #audio
, #programming_environment
, #collaboration
, #unix
, #other_langs_help
, #math
Language: English

Notable Channels: #new-to-css
, #intermediate-users
, #blog-posts
, #less
, #sass
, #scss
, #native-css-feature
, #tailwind
Language: English

Tailwind CSS
Notable Channels: #help
, #tailwind-css
, #core-dev
, #plugins
, #docs
, #tailwind-ui
, #design
, #development
, #showcase
Language: English

Notable Channels: #general
, #ruby-steep
, #ruby-help
, #rails-help
, #challenges
, #ruby-arcana
, #hiring
, #seeking
Language: English

Notable Channels: #resources
, #drones
, #space
, #general-aviation
, #rtos
, #osal
, #splice
, #godwit
, #ideas
, #books
, #conferences
Language: English

Rust Programming Language Community Server
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #code-review
, #dev-tools
, #black-magic
, #macros
, #async
, #crypto-and-security
, #games-and-graphics
, #lang-dev
, #net-and-web
, #os-dev
Language: English

Tauri Apps
Notable Channels: #webview
, #didathing
, #help
, #gamedevs
, #app-devs
, #vue-cli-plugin
, #testing-core
, #documentation
, #community-projects
, #working-groups
, #cli-node
, #core-rust
Language: English

The Rust Programming Language
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #contribute
, #community-team
, #rustbridge
, #design
, #compiler
, #wg-grammar
, #wg-async-foundation
, #type-theory
, #wg-wasm
, #wg-gamedev
, so much more
Language: English

Notable Channels: #tokio-users
, #tokio-dev
, #tokio-docs
, #ecosystem
, #butte
, #hyper
, #h3
, #kube
, #mio
, #prost
, #reqwest
, #tonic
, #tower
, #tracing
, #warp
, #loom
, #rdbc
, #metrics
Language: English

Cardano Community
Notable Channels: #general
, #learning
, #trading
, #yoroi-general
, #yoroi-support
, #daedalus-general
, #daedalus-support
, #dev-general
, #cip
Language: English, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, Nedarlands, português, español, Czech

EtherGem / EGEM & SFRX
Notable Channels: #egem-chat
, #sfrx-chat
, #mn-talk
, #docker-mn-talk
, #otc-market
, #trading-talk
, #mining
, #zero-coin
, #dev-talks
, #bounties
Language: English, português, 中文, français, Deutsch, русский, 日本語, 한국어, español

Metrix Market
Notable Channels: #metrix-discussion
, #day_trading
Language: English, Nederlands, עִבְרִית, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, português, español français, italiano, 한국어, русский, Türkçe, język polski

Notable Channels: #general
, #documentation
, #development
, #decentralization
, #graphic-design
, #business
, #events
, #integration
, #protocol
, #roadmap
, #support
Language: English, español, русский, bahasa Indonesia, italiano, Deutsch, 中文, français, português, Türkçe, Tiếng Việt

Vertcoin - Official
Notable Channels: #general
, #trading
, #marketing
, #development
, #mining-help
, #mining-rig-discussion
Language: English, 한국어, русский
Computationally model natural or supernatural phenomena using the rigorous laws of physics and mathematics in your favorite application environment.

Notable Channels: #3blue1brown
, #manim-help
, #python-help
, #math-discussion
, #manim-dev
, #projects
, #docs
Language: English, español, português, français, Deutsch, русский \

Notable Channels: #rapier
, #bevy_rapier
, #rapier-js
, #parry
, #salva
, #nalgebra
, #simba
, #nphysics
, #simba
Language: English \
8. Awesome Svelte
- esri-svelte (⭐16) - Web application that shows how to use the ArcGIS API for JavaScript with Svelte.
9. Awesome Angular
Certification / Google Developer Experts
- - Obtain your Certification of Competence as an Angular Developer.
- Angular Academy CA - Angular Academy is the #1 provider of hands-on instructor-led classroom training in Canada!
- Hackerrank - Angular (Basic) Skills Certification Test.
- Edureka - Angular Certification Course Online.
- Koenig - Various courses cover Angular separately or full-stack.
- Simplilearn - Angular Certification Training Course
- Altitude CSI - Angular Certification Program.
Deployment / Google Developer Experts
- Genezio (⭐483) - The easiest way to write and host a serverless application.
10. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- rachartier/tiny-code-action.nvim (⭐187) - Provides a simple way to run and visualize code actions with Telescope.
Web Development / Diagnostics
- mistweaverco/kulala.nvim (⭐744) - A minimal HTTP-client interface.
Media / Diagnostics
- AntonVanAssche/music-controls.nvim (⭐21) - Quickly control your favorite music player (Spotify, VLC, and more).
Utility / Diagnostics
- niuiic/todo.nvim (⭐14) - Simple but powerful todo manager based on text.
11. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- tasko (⭐1) - Allows you to annotate TaskWarrior (⭐4.6k) tasks.
- welcome-banner (⭐3) - Displays a login banner with a random quote.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- hietan (⭐1) - Includes decorators for current directory, date & time,
status and the exit value of the last command run. Requires a Nerd Font.
- sunrise (⭐0) - Includes decorators for battery status, current directory, date and time.
- Prev: Jul 26, 2024
- Next: Jul 24, 2024