Awesome List Updates on Jul 23, 2024
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Android Security Awesome
Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware
- Hudson Rock - Free cybercrime intelligence toolset that can indicate if a specific APK package was compromised in an Infostealer malware attack.
2. Awesome Crystal
C bindings
- (⭐2) - Bindings for the gpiod library (general purpose IO control and feedback)
Network Protocols
- knx (⭐3) - KNX protocol implementation supporting multicast, unicast and TCP/IP tunnelling
3. Awesome Mac
Utilities / System Related Tools
- Pearcleaner - A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner.
4. Awesome List
Decentralized Systems
- Tor (⭐41) - A free overlay network for enabling anonymous communication.
5. Alternative Internet
Social Networks
- Plebbit is a protocol to build serverless, adminless, fully decentralized social media applications based on communities, like a Reddit clone or a 4chan clone. It has no blockchain transactions fees and uses arbitrary challenges over peer-to-peer pubsub to prevent spam. All code is open source.
- Hidden Lake (⭐250) is an anonymous network with theoretical provability to a global observer. It is based on the problem of queues.
6. Awesome Decentralized
- Radicle is an open source, peer-to-peer code collaboration stack built on Git. Unlike centralized code hosting platforms, there is no single entity controlling the network. Repositories are replicated across peers in a decentralized manner, and users are in full control of their data and workflow.
7. Awesome Coq
Projects / Libraries
- Coq-Kruskal (⭐0) - Collection of libraries related to rose trees and Kruskal's tree theorem.
Resources / Tutorials and Hints
- Tricks in Coq (⭐510) - Tips, tricks, and features in Coq that are hard to discover.
8. Awesome Go
- yamagiconf (⭐18) - The "safe subset" of YAML for Go configs.
Databases Implemented in Go
- rotom (⭐41) - A tiny Redis server built with Golang, compatible with RESP protocols.
- DarwinKit (⭐5.1k) - Build native macOS applications using Go.
- godump (⭐190) - Pretty print any GO variable with ease, an alternative to Go's
9. Free for Dev
- - Free APM and monitoring for your FE, BE, DB, and more + free agent runs.
10. Awesome Angular
Authentication / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-clerk (⭐29) - An unofficial project that aims to provide a seamless integration of Clerk features into Angular applications.
Deployment / Google Developer Experts
- analog-publish-gh-pages (⭐4) - A Github Action for the Deployment of an Analog.js App on Github Pages.
Free / Google Developer Experts
- angular-and-firebase-template (⭐7) - An opinionated full-stack starting point for building a web app, using Angular and Firebase.
Loaders / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-loading-buttons (⭐16) - A lightweight Angular library to add a loading spinner to your Angular Material buttons.
- Prev: Jul 24, 2024
- Next: Jul 22, 2024