Awesome List Updates on Jul 17, 2024

9 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Polars

Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins

2. Awesome Audit Algorithms

Papers / 2024

3. Awesome Angular

Free / Google Developer Experts

Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts

Misc Components / Google Developer Experts

4. Topics

List of public profiles of Selvakumaran Krishnan

List of articles and posts

List of blogs and websites

5. Awesome Integration

Projects / API Gateway

Projects / Messaging

Resources / Protocols

6. Awesome Computational Biology

Databases / Interaction

API / Interaction

Drug Response Prediction / Interaction

Drug Response Prediction / LLM for biology

7. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Large Language Models (LLMs)

8. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Bookmarks and Link Sharing

9. Awesome Terraform

Tools / Community providers