Awesome List Updates on Jul 15, 2024
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / AI Assisted Research
- Augmenting large language models with chemistry tools - Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper introduces ChemCrow, an LLM chemistry agent designed to accomplish tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery and materials design. By integrating 18 expert-designed tools and using GPT-4 as the LLM, ChemCrow augments the LLM performance in chemistry, and new capabilities emerge. The agent autonomously planned and executed the syntheses of an insect repellent and three organocatalysts and guided the discovery of a novel chromophore.
2. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- micropb: Rust Protobuf library targetting embedded systems and no_std environments without an allocator. -
3. Awesome Coq
Resources / Course Material
- Program verification with types and logic - Lectures and exercise material for a course in programming language semantics, type systems and program logics, using Coq, at Radboud University Nijmegen.
4. Awesome Capacitor
Tools / Incompatible
- Tailwind Capacitor (⭐11) - Collection of helper plugin for Tailwind, it add safe area class and others utlitilies.
- Capacitor safe area simulator - Chrome extension to simulate safe area in the browser, it support Ionic, Knsta UI and Tailwind Capacitor.
5. Awesome Angular
Authentication / Google Developer Experts
- cryptr-angular (⭐1) - Codeless Auth platform for business.
- angular-authentication (⭐249) - An Angular application that demonstrates best practices for user authentication & authorization flows.
Internationalization / Google Developer Experts
- i18n-ally (⭐4.2k) - All in one i18n extension for VS Code.
Helpers / Google Developer Experts
- ng-mocks-sandbox (⭐5) - A repo with guides and examples for unit tests in Angular applications using ng-mocks.
Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts
- angular-ru-sdk (⭐74) - A set of tool chains that implement common interaction patterns while being unopinionated about their presentation. It represents an abstraction of the core functionalities found in Angular.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- tansu (⭐91) - A lightweight, push-based state management library. It works well with the Angular ecosystem.
6. Awesome Rails
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
Gems / Other external resources
- passive_columns (⭐44) - A gem that extends Active Record to retrieve specific columns from DB on demand. 🔴
7. Awesome Flutter
🇮🇷 Iran / Misc
- Telegram Persian Flutter
8. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- antidote-use-omz (⭐14) - Make using oh-my-zsh with antidote seamless.
- iterm-tmux-color-tabs (⭐1) - Every new
tab opened in iTerm2 will have the next colour from the default or specified palette.
- printdocker (⭐0) - Pretty print docker objects.
- shortcuts (⭐6) - Enhance your terminal productivity with the Shortcuts plugin for oh-my-zsh. Easily manage command shortcuts with robust features.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- ollama (⭐5) - Tab command completion for Ollama AI models management.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- mu (⭐4) - Improves display of multiple
statuses. Inspired by lambda mod theme (⭐465). Requires a powerline-compatible font.
- purr (⭐0) - Includes decorators for current directory and
- rabbit (⭐0) - Optimized for
. Requires a terminal program that works with unicode. Includes decorators forgit
status, current working directory and the current virtual environment.
- shades of purple (⭐7) - Purple theme for Windows terminal that is reminiscent of powerline (⭐1.2k).
- Prev: Jul 16, 2024
- Next: Jul 14, 2024