Awesome List Updates on Jun 17, 2024
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Diagrams
- Blazor.Diagrams -
Z.Blazor.Diagrams is a fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor (both Server Side and WASM). It was first inspired by the popular React library react-diagrams, but then evolved into something much bigger. ZBD can be used to make advanced diagrams with a custom design. Even the behavior of the library is "hackable" and can be changed to suit your needs.
2. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- ChuufMaster/markdown-toc (⭐17) - Generate TOC in any markdown file from any other markdown file with customisable levels of headings and affordances for emojis and ensuring that it works on GitHub using relative paths.
3. Awesome Decentralized
- Session: Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that minimises sensitive metadata, designed and built for people who want absolute privacy and freedom from any form of surveillance.
4. Awesome Angular
CLI / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-starter (⭐12) - An @angular/cli (⭐27k) based starter containing common components and services as well as a reference site.
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-http-annotations (⭐0) - Updated fork of ngx-http-rest (⭐5), which allows you to interact with rest api in your Angular app through annotations.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-three (⭐72) - Use Three.js with your Angular project in a declarative way.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-sherlock (⭐6) -
is an Angular tooling library to be used with the @politie/sherlock (⭐39) distributed reactive state management library.
Tooltips / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-tooltip-directives (⭐6) - This library offers three different tooltip directives (string, html and template) and draws inspiration from the no longer maintained ng2-tooltip-directive (⭐99).
- ng2-tooltip-directive (⭐5) - Forked from ng2-tooltip-directive (⭐99).
- angular-tooltip (⭐2) - Easily show tooltips programmatically and/or declaratively in Angular.
- ngx-tippy-wrapper (⭐62) - Angular wrapper for Tippy.js (⭐12k).
- tooltip-testing (⭐1) - Tooltip for Angular, forked from cm-angular-tooltip
- angular-ellipsis-tooltip (⭐4) - Angular component to display ellipsis and material tooltip dynamically.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-signal-immutability (⭐3) - Compile-time and runtime immutability for Angular signals.
- Prev: Jun 18, 2024
- Next: Jun 16, 2024