Awesome List Updates on Jun 08, 2024
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Angular
- made with angular (⭐97) - A showcase of web apps built with Angular.
Books / Google Developer Experts
- Angular Design Patterns and Best Practices (⭐63) -
Packt Publishing
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- anguhashblog - Seamlessly connects your Angular or Analog application to the Hashnode GraphQL API, providing a template integration with a headless Hashnode setup.
Component / Google Developer Experts
- angular-unit-test-helper (⭐6) - Helper functions to help write unit tests in Angular using mocks and spies.
Charts / Google Developer Experts
- angular-fusioncharts (⭐54) - Angular Component for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting Library.
Form Controls / Google Developer Experts
- ng-multiselect-dropdown (⭐329) - Multiple Select Dropdown Component.
Layout Components / Google Developer Experts
- ng2-tree (⭐350) - Angular tree component.
Loaders / Google Developer Experts
- angular-svg-round-progressbar (⭐740) - Angular module that uses SVG to create a circular progressbar.
- ng-circle-progress (⭐251) - A simple circle progress component created for Angular based on SVG Graphics.
Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts
- ngify (⭐141) - Use Angular features outside of Angular.
Tooltips / Google Developer Experts
- angular-confirmation-popover (⭐204) - An angular 15.0+ bootstrap confirmation popover.
Unspecified / Google Developer Experts
- winonang (⭐4) - Part of the Winona UI suite, aimed at providing seamless UI components for Angular developers. Our goal is to ensure that these components work flawlessly on Windows, but they are designed to be cross-platform compatible as well.
2. Awesome Bitcoin
Additional Resources
- Everything Bitcoin A curated list of the best Bitcoin resources.
3. Awesome Learn Datascience
What is Data Science?
- Data Science Process: A Beginner’s Comprehensive Guide - Technical Skills for the Data Science: This emphasizes the practical skills needed throughout the data science process.
4. Awesome Social Enterprise
Institutions 🏫 / Articles
- Prev: Jun 09, 2024
- Next: Jun 07, 2024