Awesome List Updates on May 15, 2024
22 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ai4lam
Tools and Frameworks / Document analysis, transcription, and labeling
- Arkindex – open-source platform for managing & processing collections of digitized documents
2. Awesome Polars
Resources / Talks and videos
- Polars - An Optimized Dataframe Library ⏳ 84 min - A video that compares the main features of Polars with those of Pandas, with a focus on speeding up your data pipeline by @mattharrison.
3. Awesome Langchain
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- Pipecat (⭐4.8k): Open Source framework for voice and multimodal conversational AI.
4. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- - Explore Cyber Security Jobs in top Companies and Startups.
- Dataaxy Job board and reverse job board specialized in Data and AI in North America
- Freel Freelancers job board in Canada
Job boards aggregators
- SlashJobs - Remote dev jobs aggregator.
filters, location search, fast, no sign-up/login.
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Prosopo - Bot protection & web security company. Fully remote team based in UK. Typescript, Rust, Open Source.
5. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / DSL Program Synthesis
- DreamCoder: growing generalizable, interpretable knowledge with wake–sleep Bayesian program learning - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2023. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper presents DreamCoder, a system that learns to solve problems by writing programs. It builds expertise by creating domain-specific programming languages for expressing domain concepts, together with neural networks to guide the search for programs within these languages. A ‘wake–sleep’ learning algorithm alternately extends the language with new symbolic abstractions and trains the neural network on imagined and replayed problems. DreamCoder solves both classic inductive programming tasks and creative tasks such as drawing pictures and building scenes.
6. Awesome K6
- Best practices organizing performance testing projects with k6 - Guidelines to scale your performance testing across multiple teams and projects.
- Part 2 - JavaScript tools, shared libraries, and TypeScript - Stting up your k6 performance testing suite with JavaScript tools, shared libraries, and TypeScript.
7. Awesome Testing
Software / API Testing
- Zato API Test - API testing in plain English with extendable Python implementation.
8. Awesome Keycloak
Community, SIGs, Discussion Forums and Mailing Lists
Video Playlists
Community Extensions
Example Projects
Commercial Offerings
9. Awesome Billing
- SaaS pricing explorer - A collection of 1000+ pricing pages for inspiration.
History / Cloud providers
- Graphic methods for presenting facts - A way to optimize pricing using a physical model made in plaster of Paris, from 1914.
10. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Cognitive Tools / Behavioral
- Programmer Interrupted - Research shows the devastating effect of interrupting developers: 1. 15 min is required to resume work; 2. A programmer get just one uninterrupted 2-hour session in a day; 3. Worst time to interrupt: during edits, searches & comprehension.
11. Awesome Ios Books
12. Awesome Mirth
Mirth Extensions
- 🔧 Mirth Connect Privacy Plugin (⭐17) - This plugin for Mirth Connect performs two functions to prevent exposing details of your server and Personal Data to NextGen Healthcare.
- 📝 Code template for TLS (⭐12) - For users without the TLS plugin, this code template library uses stunnel to enable in and outbound TLS connections. It is an attempt to ease the configuration of stunnel and do it on the fly.
- 📝 Create SOAP WebService - French article to create a custom SOAP Webservice with java
13. Awesome Devsecops
- DevSecOps: Making Security Central To Your DevOps Pipeline - Spacelift - An article explains what DevSecOps aims to achieve, why it’s advantageous, and how the DevSecOps lifecycle looks.
- TAG Security - Cloud Native Computing Foundation - TAG Security facilitates collaboration to discover and produce resources that enable secure access, policy control, and safety for operators, administrators, developers, and end-users across the cloud native ecosystem.
Dependency Management
- Snyk Open Source - Snyk - Automated vulnerable dependency monitoring and upgrades using Snyk's dedicated vulnerability database.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Containers
- Grype (⭐8.2k) - Anchore - An easy-to-integrate open source vulnerability scanning tool for container images and filesystems.
Intentionally Vulnerable Applications / Ansible
- Kubernetes Goat (⭐4.1k) - Madhu Akula - Intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security.
- Pentest-Ground - - Pentest-Ground is a free playground with deliberately vulnerable web applications and network services.
- WrongSecrets (⭐1.2k) - OWASP - Vulnerable app with examples showing how to not use secrets
Monitoring / Ansible
- Streamdal - Streamdal - Embed privacy controls in your application code to detect and monitor PII as it enters and leaves your systems, preventing it from reaching unintended databases, data streams, or pipelines.
Static Analysis / Configuration Files
- Selefra (⭐513) - Selefra - An open-source policy-as-code software that provides analytics for multi-cloud and SaaS.
Supply Chain Security / Ruby
- Overlay (⭐213) - SCAR - a browser extension helping developers evaluate open source packages before picking them.
- Syft (⭐5.8k) - Anchore - A CLI tool for generating a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from container images and filesystems.
Related Lists / Ruby
- Awesome Platform Engineering (⭐305) - A curated list of solutions, tools and resources for Platform Engineering
14. Awesome Elixir
- ex_azure_speech (⭐5) - An Elixir SDK implementation for the Microsoft Azure Speech Service.
15. Free for Dev
- - Ampt lets teams build, deploy, and scale JavaScript apps on AWS without complicated configs or managing infrastructure. Free Preview plan includes 500 invocations hourly, 2,500 invocations daily and 50,000 invocations monthly. Custom domains are allowed only in the paid plans.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- AppFit - AppFit is a comprehensive analytics and product management tool designed to facilitate seamless, cross-platform management of analytics and product updates. Free plan includes 10,000 events per month, product journal and weekly insights.
16. Awesome Angular
CLI / Google Developer Experts
- angular-cli-diff (⭐335) - Easily upgrade your Angular CLI applications from one version to another 🚀.
- mantis-cli (⭐67) - M.A.N.T.I.S (MongoDB, Angular with Analog, Nx, Tailwind CSS, Ionic, Storybook) is not just a CLI tool; it's your passport to a seamless full-stack project launch.
17. Awesome Docker
API Client / Other
- docker-controller-bot (⭐162) - Telegram bot to control docker containers. By @dgongut
18. Awesome Integration
Resources / Articles
- API-Security-Checklist (⭐22k) (⭐23k) - Best practices about REST API security.
19. Awesome Translations
Tools / Automatic translation for end users
- Alexa Translations - Alexa Translations A.I. brings leading AI and machine translation to the legal, financial and government sectors.
20. Awesome Open Source Supporters
- WebGazer
- Uptime and cron job monitoring with hosted status pages.
21. Awesome Plotters
Software / Vector Creation
- ThreadPlotter (⭐134) - "A toolkit for the design and fabrication of delicate punch needle embroidery using X-Y plotters".
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Flatulence, Crystals, and Happy Little Accidents by Nick Fitzgerald (RustConf 2019) - A RustConf talk with very little Rust, more about the creative process of generative art and pen plotters.
- Recreating Retro Plotter Art, by Sher Minn (Plotter People #1) - Conference talk with lots of great computer and plotter history.
- 20+ Questions About My Plotter Painting Practice - Q&A blog post with lots of details about more painterly plotting.
- 300 Days with Plotters - Blog post by Licia He about a successful 100 day plotting challenge.
22. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Community providers
- terraform-provider-uname (⭐4) - Uname Provider for Terraform.
Tools / Community providers
- - is built and designed to not just provide you with all of the registry information for Terraform and OpenTofu but to provide all of the insights you need to make decisions. Quickly find modules or providers that are supported and maintained and not full of bugs.
- Prev: May 16, 2024
- Next: May 14, 2024