Awesome List Updates on May 10, 2024
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Python Data Science
Genetic Programming / Others
- PyGAD (⭐2k) - Genetic Algorithm in Python.
2. Awesome Angular
Storage / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-reactive-storage (⭐44) - Wrapper around IndexedDB and localStorage that allows you to create databases and tables using a simple, promise-based API. Changes to the data can be seen with Angular Signals or RxJS Observables.
- ng2-webstorage (⭐427) - LocalStorage and SessionStorage manager.
- ngx-indexed-db (⭐185) - Wraps IndexedDB in an Angular service.
- angular-async-local-storage (⭐673) - Efficient client-side storage for Angular: simple API + performance + Observables + validation.
- ng-web-apis/storage (⭐771) - This is a library to use Web Storage API with Angular.
- ngx-odm (⭐46) - Angular 14+ wrapper for RxDB.
3. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- gtfs-parser (⭐5) - The GTFS-PARSER library is a library to allow javascript to parse gtfs and create geojson on client or server.
GTFS Analysis Tools / Rust
- transit-intensity (⭐3) - A simple project for measuring transit intensity written in Go.
Software for Creating APIs / Rust
- Simple Transit Api (⭐7) - A simple way to get started with a GTFS api in Golang.
GTFS Based Visualizations / Rust
- gtfs-to-geojson - A simple online converter for gtfs to geojson with a list of feeds.
- Simple Transit Site - An online example of how to create a transit website all from your gtfs on Github (⭐4)
4. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Equity and Environmental Justice
- Tree Equity Score - This dataset provides measures how well the critical benefits of urban tree canopy are reaching those who need them most in urbanized areas.
Platforms and Software Resources / Environmental and Climate Planning Tools and Platforms
- LEARN - This interactive web mapping tool was developed to help communities in the USA estimate the local greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts of their forests and trees.
- NatureServe Explorer - NatureServe is the definitive online guide for information on over 100,000 rare and endangered species and ecosystems in the Americas.
5. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Market Data API - Provides real-time and historical financial data for stocks, options, mutual funds, and more. The Free Forever API tier allows for 100 daily API requests at no charge.
CI and CD
- Nx Cloud - Nx Cloud speeds up your monorepos on CI with features such as remote caching, distribution of tasks across machines and even automated splitting of your e2e test runs. It comes with a free plan for up to 30 contributors with generous 150k credits included.
Storage and Media Processing
- ImgBB — ImgBB is an unlimited image hosting servce. Drag and drop your image anywhere on the screen. 32 MB / image limit. Receive Direct image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails after uploading image. Login to see the upload history.
6. Awesome Css Frameworks
General Purpose
- Stacks - UI components used by Stack Overflow.
Docs, Repo (⭐616) | #LESS
7. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- doctorfree/cheatsheet.nvim (⭐55) - Searchable cheatsheet.
- Prev: May 11, 2024
- Next: May 09, 2024