Awesome List Updates on May 09, 2024
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Malware Analysis
Malware Collection / Honeypots
- HoneyDrive - Honeypot bundle Linux distro.
Malware Collection / Malware Corpora
- Clean MX - Realtime database of malware and malicious domains.
2. Awesome Java
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- ISBN core (⭐3) - A small library that contains a representation object of ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 and tools to parse, validate and format one.
3. Awesome Go
- hvalid (⭐11) hvalid is a lightweight validation library written in Go language. It provides a custom validator interface and a series of common validation functions to help developers quickly implement data validation.
4. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / WARC I/O Libraries
- Jwat (⭐3) - Libraries for reading/writing/validating WARC/ARC/GZIP files (Java). (Stable)
- Jwat-Tools (⭐5) - Tools for reading/writing/validating WARC/ARC/GZIP files (Java). (Stable)
5. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
Large Language Models (LLMs)
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- Edit Your Image: Find all the trending and useful Gradio demos that you can use to edit your images
6. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- SmartParse - SmartParse is a data migration and CSV to API platform that offers time- and cost-saving developer tools. The Free tier includes 300 Processing Units per month, Browser uploads, Data quarantining, Circuit breakers, and Job Alerts.
7. Awesome Flame
Open Source / Casual
- Flappy Dash (⭐3) - Gives classic flappy bird game play experience. Get it on Play Store. By Rutvik Panchal
8. Awesome Yew
- SandCat (⭐51) - The software has primarily implemented the basic functionalities of an IM application, which includes a fundamental friend system, one-on-one chat, group chat, and one-on-one audio/video calls. It also supports i18n and currently offers a switch between Chinese and English.
9. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- slidev (⭐35k) - Presentation Slides for Developers
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vxe-table (⭐7.9k) - Vue form/table solution.
- vue-flow (⭐4.7k) - Interactive, customizeabe, graph & flowchart editor for Vue3
- qrcode.vue (⭐739) - A Vue.js component to generate qrcode. Supports both Vue 2 and Vue 3.
- vue-picture-cropper (⭐125) - A simple and easy-to-use picture cropping component for Vue 3.
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-countup-v3 (⭐172) A Vue 3 Component for animation counting.
- trois (⭐4.3k) - ✨ ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS ⚡
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-macros - Explore and extend more macros and syntax sugar to Vue.
Components & Libraries / Dev Tools
- vite-plugin-vue-inspector (⭐728) - jump to editor source code while click the element of browser automatically.
- vitest (⭐14k) - Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
Components & Libraries / Scaffold
- Vite (⭐71k) - Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
10. Awesome Angular
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
Online Training / Google Developer Experts
Analytics / Google Developer Experts
- Heap - Heap is the only digital insights platform that gives you complete understanding of your customers’ digital journeys, so you can quickly improve conversion, retention, and customer delight.
- ngx-tableau -
is an Angular module that allows you to embed a Tableau report in an Angular webapp.
- ngx-matomo-client (⭐79) - Matomo analytics client for Angular applications.
- angulartics2 (⭐1k) - Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.
- angular-google-tag-manager (⭐144) - A service library for integrate google tag manager in your angular project.
SEO / Google Developer Experts
- ngaox - Take Your Angular App Development to the Next Level with Ngaox: Seamless Content Integration, SVG Icon Optimization & Inlining, Advanced SEO & Social-Media Management, and More.
- ngx-seo (⭐14) - Update SEO title and meta tags easily in Angular apps.
- seo-analyzer (⭐81) - The library for analyze a HTML file to show all of the SEO defects.
- ngx-seo (⭐3) - Kwerri OSS: + ngx-seo.
- angular-react-seo (⭐74) - Angular 17 & React 18 Examples SEO (Search engine optimization).
Carousels / Google Developer Experts
- ngu-carousel (⭐338) - Angular Universal carousel.
- ngx-slider (⭐397) - Self-contained, mobile friendly slider component for Angular based on angularjs-slider.
- ngx-gallery (⭐619) - Angular Gallery, Carousel and Lightbox.
- ng-image-slider (⭐106) - Angular Image Slider with Lightbox.
- ngx-slick-carousel (⭐116) - Angular 17+ wrapper for slick plugin.
- ngx-splide (⭐16) - Splide.js integration to Angular.
- ngx-owl-carousel-o (⭐183) - owl-carousel for Angular >=6.
- angular2-image-gallery (⭐306) - Image Gallery built with Angular 17+, node.js and GraphicsMagick.
- egjs-flicking - Flicking Angular Quick Start
Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts
- trellisorg platform (⭐71) - The Trellis Open Source Repo contains projects and tools, some of which Trellis uses internally, but has opened sourced for the community to use.
- daffodil (⭐160) - Angular Ecommerce PWA Framework.
- ngworker (⭐37) - Monorepo for the @ngworker NPM organization. Packages for Angular applications and testing.
- myndpm (⭐55) - Open Source Angular Libraries contributed by @myndpm.
- jscutlery devkit (⭐257) - Tools that make Angular developer's life easier.
11. Awesome Terraform
Managed Terraform Platforms 💲 / IDE
- Firefly - Alternative to Terraform Cloud by leveraging your CI tool. Firefly platform also scans your cloud to asses the IaC coverage & drift detection. 💲
- Prev: May 10, 2024
- Next: May 08, 2024