Awesome List Updates on May 01, 2024
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Parsing
- tree-sitter/tree-sitter (⭐19k) - A parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library geared towards programming tools
2. Awesome Angular
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- convoyr (⭐42) - Modular HTTP extensions for Angular.
Testing / Google Developer Experts
- cypress-harness (⭐254) - This library provides Cypress support to Component Test Harnesses.
- swc-angular (⭐254) - This is a set of Angular presets that enable you to use SWC (Speedy Web Compiler) with Jest or Vitest.
- swc-angular-plugin (⭐254) - SWC (Speedy Web Compiler) is a lightning-fast JavaScript/TypeScript compiler, but it doesn't support Angular so you need this plugin.
General / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-mask (⭐1.2k) - Angular Plugin to make masks on form fields and html elements.
- maskito (⭐1.5k) - Collection of libraries to create an input mask which ensures that user types value according to predefined format.
Form Controls / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-emoji-mart (⭐453) - Customizable Slack-like emoji picker.
- ngx-colors (⭐92) - Simple yet elegant Material color picker.
- ngx-color-picker (⭐460) - Color picker widget.
- angular-colorful (⭐10) - A tiny color picker component for modern Angular apps.
- ngx-numeric-range-form-field (⭐4) - Angular Material UI numeric range input form field. It is based on control value accessor.
- file-input-accessor (⭐29) - Angular directive that provides file input functionality in Angular forms.
Validation / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-formcontrol-errors (⭐1) - A directive for showing errors in Angular form controls.
- error-tailor (⭐487) - Making sure your tailor-made error solution is seamless!
NgRx / Google Developer Experts
- ngrx-toolkit (⭐209) - Various Extensions for the NgRx Signal Store.
- ngrx-traits (⭐81) - NgRx Traits is a library to help you compose and reuse a set NGRX actions, selectors, effects, and reducers across your app.
- ngrx-addons (⭐5) - A collection of NgRx addons, including state persistence.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- rx-computed (⭐254) - The async RxJS-based version of signals'
- microwave (⭐254) - Optimize Angular change detection effortlessly.
RxJS / Google Developer Experts
- operators (⭐254) - This package regroups a couple of RxJS operators meant to simplify some common patterns.
3. Awesome Neovim
Code Runner / Diagnostics
- speelbarrow/spLauncher.nvim (⭐7) - For launching tasks, I guess.
4. Awesome Langchain
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- Memary (⭐2k): Longterm Memory for Autonomous Agents.
5. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Views
- neapolitan (⭐544) - Quick CRUD views for Django.
Resources / Community
- Djangonaut Space - Free peer-mentoring program for the Django community to launch people into the universe of open source contributions.
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Mafl - Minimalistic flexible homepage. (Source Code (⭐409))
7. Awesome Plotters
Software / Fonts
- FifteenTwenty: Commodore 1520 plotter font (⭐14) - Blog post about the creation of this font from the original ROM.
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Making cheap HP plotter pens - Blog post mainly about using vinyl cutter parts as pen holders.
- Marcel Schwittlick and The Long Run - Interview with Marcel, and lots of photos and videos of his work and workspace.
- Lars Wander and Mixing Paint With Code - Interview with Lars Wander, plus art and videos.
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Papers
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Patents
- Prev: May 02, 2024
- Next: Apr 30, 2024