Awesome List Updates on Apr 15, 2024
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome K6
- k6 OSS workshop (⭐18) - A 2-3 hour k6 workshop with practical k6 examples using the QuickPizza demo app.
- k6 QuickPizza examples (⭐59) - Web application used for demos and workshops with multiple k6 examples.
2. Awesome Privacy
Third-Party owned
- Tuta - Secure email for everybody. Open Source.
3. Awesome Embedded Rust
Community / Community Chat Rooms
- rust-embedded:QQ group - Chinese community for Rust embedded
4. Awesome Cl
Deployment / Isomorphic web frameworks
- make-common-lisp-program (⭐4) - GitHub action to build an executable Common Lisp program on Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows. MIT.
Date and time / Third-party APIs
- fuzzy-dates (⭐16) - A library to fuzzily parse date and time strings. Zlib.
5. Awesome Elixir
Artificial Intelligence
- ExLLama (⭐12) - LlamaCpp Nif Extensions for Elixir/Erlang. (Docs).
6. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Parsing
- igumnoff/shiva (⭐341) - Shiva library: Implementation in Rust of a parser and generator for documents of any type (Plain text, Markdown, HTML, PDF and etc)
7. Awesome Python
Admin Panels
- streamlit (⭐33k) - A framework which lets you build dashboards, generate reports, or create chat apps in minutes.
8. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Türkçe Vue 3 Dersleri on Youtube by Abdullah Uğraşkan
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-default-page (⭐31) - A Vue 3.0 plugin with built-in v-loading, v-skeleton, v-error and v-empty custom directives.
- css-3d-progress (⭐2) - A 3D progress bar component written using web Components, supports Vue, React and Svelte.
- schedule-x (⭐1.6k) - A material design event calendar. Customizable, light- and dark modes & multilingual.
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- tracked-instance (⭐4) - Build large forms and track all changes.
Components & Libraries / Dev Tools
- Vue Cheatsheet - The only Vue cheatsheet you will ever need
9. Awesome Vite
React / Transformers
- @stylin/vite-plugin (⭐181) - Transform CSS and SCSS modules into React components.
10. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / Laboratory Automation
- Reconfigurable system for automated optimization of diverse chemical reactions - Science, 2018. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper describes a plug-and-play, continuous-flow chemical synthesis system that mitigates this challenge with an integrated combination of hardware, software, and analytics. The system software controls the user-selected reagents and unit operations (reactors and separators), processes reaction analytics (high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, vibrational spectroscopy), and conducts automated optimizations.
11. Awesome Cpp
- RapidFuzz (⭐276) - Rapid fuzzy string matching in C++ using the Levenshtein Distance. [MIT] website
12. Awesome Flutter
Image / Image Picker
- Image Picker (⭐4.6k) - Images Selection by Collin Jackson
Navigation / Image Picker
- auto_route (⭐1.6k) - AutoRoute is a declarative routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you. Milad_Akarie.
Auth / Image Picker
- Local Auth (⭐4.6k) - Touch ID, lock code, fingerprint auth on iOS and Android
- Google Sign-In (⭐4.6k) - Google OAuth
Text & Rich Content / Image Picker
- Fleather (⭐225) - Soft & gentle rich text editor
Media / Video
- Video Editor (⭐435) - Edit (crop, trim, rotate) a video and its cover by Maël Le Goff
Plugins / Augmented Reality
- Plugins (⭐4.6k) - Official Flutter Team Plugins
Device / Augmented Reality
- Live Activities (⭐202) - A plugin to use iOS live activities & Dynamic Island features by Dimitri Dessus
Services / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
- App Review (⭐40) - Requesting and Writing Reviews for Android and iOS by Rody Davis
- In App Review (⭐339) - Requesting and Writing Reviews for Android, iOS and MacOS by Britannio Jarrett
Animation / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Flutter Animate - A performant library that makes it simple to add almost any kind of animated effect by gskinner
Top / Game Engine resources
- Let's Draw (⭐307) - A simple drawing app made by JideGuru
- Openreads (⭐1.1k) - A simple privacy oriented mobile books tracker using Open Library API by mateusz-bak
🇷🇺 Russia / Misc
- Meetup Flutter Voronezh
🇺🇸 United States / Misc
- Meetup NYC
13. Awesome Neovim
Color / Diagnostics
- moyiz/command-and-cursor.nvim (⭐18) - Highlight cursor and visual selections when entering command mode.
Terminal Integration / Diagnostics
- akinsho/toggleterm.nvim (⭐4.7k) - Easily manage multiple terminal windows.
Git / Diagnostics
- moyiz/git-dev.nvim (⭐95) - Open remote Git repositories in the comfort of Neovim.
14. Static Analysis
Other / Other
- Memory safety (e.g., null pointer dereferences)
- User-specified assertions (i.e., assert!(...))
- The absence of panics (e.g., unwrap() on None values)
- The absence of some types of unexpected behavior (e.g., arithmetic overflows)
- high performance: will validate & download manifests over multiple routines, caching downloaded files in memory
- configurable list of remote, or local schemas locations, enabling validating Kubernetes custom resources (CRDs) and offline validation capabilities
- uses by default a self-updating fork of the schemas registry maintained by the kubernetes-json-schema project - which guarantees up-to-date schemas for all recent versions of Kubernetes.
- Prev: Apr 16, 2024
- Next: Apr 14, 2024