Awesome List Updates on Apr 06, 2024
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cl
- nonempty (⭐3) - Non-empty collections for Common Lisp. LGPL3.
- nodgui - Bindings for the Tk toolkit, based on Ltk, with syntax sugar and additional widgets. LLGPL.
- 🎨 supports tk custom themes, such as ttkthemes and Forest-ttk-theme (⭐403).
- supports an SDL frame as an alternative to the Tk canvas when fast rendering is needed. For 2D (pixel-based) and 3D rendering (using openGL).
- algebraic-data-types (⭐139) - defining algebraic data types in a similar spirit to Haskell or Standard ML, as well as for operating on them. BSD_3Clause.
- trivial-system-loader (⭐12) - A system installation/loading abstraction for Common Lisp.
- play nice with people using another library manager than Quicklisp: instead of hard-coding
(ql:quickload :mysystem)
, use(tsl:load-system :mysystem)
. tsl:load-system will first try to use ocicl if available, then quicklisp, then plain asdf:load-system.
- play nice with people using another library manager than Quicklisp: instead of hard-coding
Interfaces to other package managers
- cl-nix-lite (⭐34) - Common Lisp module for Nix, without Quicklisp. AGPL-3.0
Querying HTML/DOM, web scraping / Isomorphic web frameworks
- scrapycl - web scraping framework for writing crawlers in Common Lisp. Unlicense.
- relying on lquery.
Deployment / Isomorphic web frameworks
- 40ants/ci (⭐14) - Highly opionated Github Actions workflow builder for Common Lisp projects.
- with: a linter, lisp critic, tests runner, test matrix, doc building, caching…
Others / Third-party APIs
- shop3 (⭐152) - a Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) AI planner. Mozilla Public License.
Emacs / Third-party APIs
- plain-common-lisp (⭐24) - A trivial way to get a native Common Lisp environment on Windows.
- ships SBCL, Quicklisp, Emacs and Slime.
- with example programs for a console program, accessing the Win32 API, displaying a GUI with IUP, running an OpenGL window.
Apps / Third-party APIs
- uclp (⭐25) - An experimental implementation of parsing expression grammars (PEGs, a la Janet) in Common Lisp. MIT.
- alexa (⭐61) - A Lexical Analyzer Generator. BSD_3Clause.
- ALEXA is a tool similar to lex or flex for generating lexical analyzers. Unlike tools like lex, however, ALEXA defines a domain-specific language within your Lisp program, so you don't need to invoke a separate tool.
- CheckL (⭐43) - Why write programs in Common Lisp but tests like Java? Meet CheckL!
- a testing library that checks the current test value against the previous one and offers restarts.
Plotting / Third-party APIs
- cl-text-plot (⭐13) - Plot with text in Common Lisp. No licence specified.
XML / Third-party APIs
- lisp-xl (⭐29) - Common Lisp Microsoft XLSX (Microsoft Excel) loader for arbitrarily-sized / big-size files. MIT.
- xlsx - a basic reader for Excel files.
2. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- Madina (⭐189) - Madina is a package of classes and functions to streamline the representation and analysis of urban networks. This library includes a python implementation of the Urban Network Analysis Tools.
3. Awesome Cakephp
- Favorites plugin (⭐2) - Allows users to star/like/favor records.
4. Awesome Docker
Security / Other
5. Awesome Workflow Automation
- The Productivity Blog - Proven productivity tips, tricks, and app reviews to streamline your life and work.
- The Productivity Newsletter - Weekly productivity boost with hot productivity hacks and tools to optimize your workflow and achieve more.
6. Awesome Opentofu
7. Awesome Langchain
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- LLocalSearch (⭐5.8k): LLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress of the agents and the final answer. No OpenAI or Google API keys are needed.
- Plandex (⭐11k): An AI coding engine for complex tasks
8. Awesome Privacy
- Unidentified Analytics - Naive ip-based tracking that works everywhere (web, command-line, email, etc). No account required. Developer friendly.
9. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Window Management
- Lasso - Intuitive and easy to use grid-based window manager.
10. Awesome Ios
Other Awesome Lists
- awsome-ios-animation (⭐5.3k) - A curated list of awesome iOS animation, including Objective-C and Swift libraries.
11. Awesome Transit
GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust
- IBI Data Tools Infra (⭐1) - A tool to quickly setup and run a local instance of the above IBI Data Tools project.
12. Awesome Plotters
Plotter Art For Sale / Patents
13. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- ptdewey/darkearth-nvim (⭐47) - A dark and earthy colorscheme supporting Tree-sitter and LSP.
Utility / Diagnostics
- mistricky/codesnap.nvim (⭐761) - Snapshot plugin with rich features that can make pretty code snapshots.
- Prev: Apr 07, 2024
- Next: Apr 05, 2024