Awesome List Updates on Mar 22, 2024
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cpp
- fast_io (⭐615) - Significantly faster input/output for C++20. [MIT]
2. Awesome Elixir
Artificial Intelligence
- GenAI (⭐13) - An extensible Generative AI Completion API Wrapper with basic chat completion with tool use support provided for Gemini, Anthropic, OpenAI, and Mistral models. (Docs).
3. Awesome Go
Other Software / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Wave Terminal - Wave is an open-source, AI-native terminal built for seamless developer workflows with inline rendering, a modern UI, and persistent sessions.
4. Awesome Workflow Automation
- Productivity Tools List - A curated list of productivity tools and apps.
5. Awesome Azure Openai Llm
Retrieval-Augmented Generation: Research Papers
- RAG for LLMs: [cnt] 🏆Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey:
Three paradigms of RAG Naive RAG > Advanced RAG > Modular RAG
Vector Database Comparison / Lucene based search engine with OpenAI Embedding
- Is Cosine-Similarity of Embeddings Really About Similarity?: In linear matrix factorization, the use of regularization can impact, and in some cases, render cosine similarities meaningless. Regularization involves two objectives. The first objective applies L2-norm regularization to the product of matrices A and B, a process similar to dropout. The second objective applies L2-norm regularization to each individual matrix, similar to the weight decay technique used in deep learning. [8 Mar 2024]
Microsoft Azure OpenAI relevant LLM Framework / Lucene based search engine with OpenAI Embedding
- UFO (⭐7.5k): A UI-Focused Agent for Windows OS Interaction. [Mar 2024]
LangChain Feature Matrix & Cheetsheet / DSPy optimizer
- LangChain Cheetsheet KD-nuggets: LangChain Cheetsheet KD-nuggets doc [Aug 2023]
- RAG From Scratch (⭐2k) [Feb 2024]
Finetuning / PEFT: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (Youtube) [24 Apr 2023]
How to continue pretraining an LLM on new data:
Expand: Continued pretrainingContinued pretraining
can be as effective asretraining on combined datasets
. [13 Mar 2024]Three training methods were compared:
- Regular pretraining: A model is initialized with random weights and pretrained on dataset D1.
- Continued pretraining: The pretrained model from 1) is further pretrained on dataset D2.
- Retraining on combined dataset: A model is initialized with random weights and trained on the combined datasets D1 and D2.
Continued pretraining can be as effective as retraining on combined datasets. Key strategies for successful continued pretraining include:
- Re-warming: Increasing the learning rate at the start of continued pre-training.
- Re-decaying: Gradually reducing the learning rate afterwards.
- Data Mixing: Adding a small portion (e.g., 5%) of the original pretraining data (D1) to the new dataset (D2) to prevent catastrophic forgetting.
RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) & SFT (Supervised Fine-Tuning) / Llama Finetuning
- Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)) is a process of pretraining and retraining a language model using human feedback to develop a scoring algorithm that can be reapplied at scale for future training and refinement. As the algorithm is refined to match the human-provided grading, direct human feedback is no longer needed, and the language model continues learning and improving using algorithmic grading alone. [18 Sep 2019] ref [9 Dec 2022]
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)
is a reinforcement learning method using first-order optimization. It modifies the objective function to penalize large policy changes, specifically those that move the probability ratio away from 1. Aiming for TRPO (Trust Region Policy Optimization)-level performance without its complexity which requires second-order optimization.
Section 9: Applications and Frameworks / Korean
- 900 most popular open source AI tools:🏆What I learned from looking at 900 most popular open source AI tools list [Mar 2024]
6. Awesome Creative Technology
Creative Technology
Name: Artists & Engineers
Locations: [London]
Keywords: production and technology studio, showrooms, concerts, art installations
Name: batwin + robin productions
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: environments, interactives, theaters, events
Name: BRC Imagination Arts
Locations: [Burbank, CA] [Edinburgh] [Amsterdam]
Keywords: brand and cultural stories, strategy, animation, digital and hybrid experiences
Name: Bright
Locations: [Paris]
Keywords: data visualization, digital installations, experiential sites, video games
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Cocolab
Locations: [Mexico City]
Keywords: multimedia experiences, immersive walk, exhibitions, installations, multimedia museography
Name: Cosm
Locations: [Dallas] [LA] [City] [Pittsburgh] [Gurgaon]
Keywords: immersive entertainment and media, planetariums, LED domes
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Digital Kitchen
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: iconic main titles, multimedia content, imaginative experiences, and immersive spaces
Locations: [Auckland] [NYC] [Brisbane]
Keywords: AR, music videos, interactive installations, games
Name: Eos Lightmedia
Locations: [Vancouver] [NYC] [Orlando]
Keywords: lighting and audiovisual design, themed attractions, museums, architecture, public spaces, building facades, presentation centers, and public art installations
Name: Midwest Immersive
Locations: [Chicago]
Keywords: immersive experiences for brands and agencies, projection mapping, LED lighting, games and app development
Name: Mousetrappe Media
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: media design and production, architecturally mapped projection, immersive films, exhibits, attractions, and live events
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Ouchhh Studio
Locations: [Istanbul]
Keywords: public art, poetic public experiences, data as a paint, algorithm as a brush
Name: Sparks
Locations: [Philadelphia] [Shanghai] [Paris] [Berlin] [Amsterdam]
Keywords: conferences, popups, event production, fabrication
Name: Squint/Opera
Locations: [London] [NYC] [Dubai]
Keywords: experience design for the built environment and musuems and attractions
Name: Studio TheGreenEyl
Locations: [Berlin] [NYC]
Keywords: exhibitions, installations, objects, images, interactions and algorithms
Name: tamschick
Locations: [Berlin]
Keywords: media and architectural narrative design, exhibitions, branded space, musuems
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Tinker
Locations: [Utrecht]
Keywords: narrative spaces, musuems, experience design, consultancy
Name: WHITEvoid
Locations: [Berlin] [Shanghai]
Keywords: public or brand spaces and events, trade fair stands, shows and exhibitions, museums and festivals
Name: y=f(x)
Locations: [Amsterdam]
Keywords: creative technology studio focused on the creation of overarching multimedia experiences, with specially crafted software and design
Collectives & Practices
Name: 3-Legged Dog
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: original works in theater, performance, dance, media and hybrid forms
Name: NightLight Labs
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: installations, activations, narrative experiences
Name: Ultravioletto
Locations: [Rome]
Keywords: exhibitions, fairs, museums, brand experiences and events
Name: 5 Ten
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: LED technology design, fabrication, and integration
Name: Bridgewater Studio
Locations: [Chicago]
Keywords: full service design and fabrication
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Grumpy Sailor
Locations: [Sydney] [Melbourne]
Keywords: digital experiences, exhibit design, brands
Name: RLMG
Locations: [Boston]
Keywords: story-driven, interactive, dynamic, immersive, and educational installations for public spaces.
7. Awesome Transit
Reference resources
- official documentation site for the General Transit Feed Specification. Includes additional GTFS resources.
- Google Transit Developers additional Google-specific documentation of GTFS.
- World Bank: Intro. to GTFS free, online, self-paced course for learning about GTFS and GTFS Realtime.
Local and regional groups
- German Open Transport Data Quality Meetup (⭐41) - Bimonthly online meetup of the German-speaking open transport community dedicated to data quality.
3rd party GTFS URL directories
- The Mobility Database - JSON and CSV files on GitHub (⭐251) that is a repository of 2000+ mobility datasets across the world. Contains contents of OpenMobilityData/
8. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Database Management
- CloudBeaver - Self-hosted management of databases, supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and more. A web/hosted version of DBeaver. (Source Code (⭐3.3k))
Software / Miscellaneous
- beelzebub
- Honeypot framework designed to provide a highly secure environment for detecting and analyzing cyber attacks. (Demo, Source Code (⭐640))MIT
9. Awesome Typescript
Tools / Playground
- ParaglideJS - An i18n compiler that generates fully typesafe translations
10. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- Auto-updates all plugins.
- Auto-updates itself.
- Configurable time interval for both auto-updaters.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-switch-branch-skim (⭐0) - Allows you to switch
branches with skim (⭐5k)
- select-history-skim (⭐0) Rummage through your history with skim (⭐5k).
- tinted-shell (⭐59) - Adds a script to allow you to change your shell's default ANSI colors but most importantly, colors 17 to 21 of your shell's 256 colorspace (if supported by your terminal). This script makes it possible to honor the original bright colors of your shell (e.g. bright green is still green and so on) while providing additional base16 colors to applications such as Vim.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- bahman (⭐1) - Requires Nerd Font. Has
status decorator.
- tho (⭐0) - Includes decorators for
status & current directory.
- Prev: Mar 23, 2024
- Next: Mar 21, 2024