Awesome List Updates on Mar 15, 2024
21 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Zig
Misc libraries
- vbrusca/ZigMatrixUtils (⭐2) - Matrix manipulation and utility library.
2. Awesome Go
Third-party APIs
- ip2location-io-go (⭐11) - Go wrapper for the API
- config-file-validator (⭐365) - Cross Platform tool to validate configuration files.
3. Awesome Snmp
Libraries / Python
- gufo_snmp (⭐10) - The accelerated Python SNMP client library supporting both async and synchronous mode. It consists of a clean Python API for high-efficient BER parser and socket IO, implemented in the Rust language with PyO3 wrapper. Seems to be a bit early in the project's lifecycle, but it is easy to use and extremely fast, especially when querying many devices.
- easysnmp (⭐214) - A fork of net-snmp Python bindings that attempts to bring a more Pythonic interface to the library.
4. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Simulation
- Barrett-2090-XV-3088-Flutter-Simulation (⭐3) - Army Simulation app by Hadiuzzaman
5. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- Convertigo - An Enterprise open source LowCode Platform to build Web & mobile apps
- Dynaboard - Build production-ready low-code web apps in 60 seconds using AI.
- FlutterFlow - Build applications faster than ever.
- Loopple - Drag and drop dashboard builder
- REI3 - The free and open low code platform for your business
- UI Bakery - Custom web applications at speed.
- FormNX - Create forms in minutes without Coding for Free. It provides a lot of form templates, drag-n-drop interface, Smart Conditional Logic, Spam Protection, Reporting & Charts, Automation, Password Protection, integrations & lot more.
6. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
- LlamaParse: GenAI-native document parsing platform by LlamaIndex
7. Awesome Cakephp
- CakeDC/CachedRouting plugin (⭐4) - Provides a cached version of the RoutingMiddleware to improve the load time of routes.
Code Analysis
- cakedc/cakephp-phpstan (⭐37) - A PHPStan extension to resolve CakePHP magic around getter return types for the static analyzer.
- lordsimal/cakephp-psalm (⭐2) - A Psalm extension to resolve CakePHP magic around getter return types for the static analyzer.
8. Awesome Polars
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Python
- polars_hash (⭐61) - Python package that provides stable hashing functionality across different Polars versions by @ion-elgreco.
9. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Commonsense / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- The World Avatar - The World Avatar™. A large-scale dynamic knowledge graph connecting concepts with relations to digitalize molecules, buildings, cities, and countries.
Inductive Logic & Program Synthesis / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Combining Functional and Automata Synthesis to Discover Causal Reactive Programs - POPL'23, 2023. [All Versions]. A new algorithm that synthesizes functional reactive programs from observation data, which iterates between a functional synthesis step, which attempts to generate a transition function over observed states, and an automata synthesis step, which adds any additional latent state necessary to fully account for the observations.
10. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- netscanner (⭐1.1k) - TUI Network Scanner
11. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- zeioth/garbage-day.nvim (⭐344) - Garbage collector that stops inactive LSP clients to free RAM.
Utility / Diagnostics
- Mr-LLLLL/utilities.nvim (⭐10) - A repository to collect some little utility functions.
- Zeioth/distroupdate.nvim (⭐12) - Distro agnostic updater to get the latest changes from the Git repository of your config.
Code Runner / Diagnostics
- Zeioth/makeit.nvim (⭐41) - Makefile runner based on overseer.
12. Awesome Remote Job
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Truelogic - Outsourcing company focused on Latin America talent for US companies
13. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Tools / Chat
- Chat GPT ChatGPT is a free-to-use AI system. It allows users to engage in conversations, gain insights, automate tasks, and witness the future of AI all in one place.
- Gemini Gemini gives you direct access to Google AI. Get help with writing, planning, learning, and more.
- Claude Claude is a family of foundational AI models that can be used in various applications. You can talk directly with Claude at to brainstorm ideas, analyze images, and process long documents
Tools / Images
- DALL·E 2 DALL·E 3 is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a natural-language description.
Tools / Video
- Sora Sora is a text-to-video AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions.
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Machine Learning Observability Course - Self-guided course covers the intuition, math, and best practices for effective machine learning observability.
Books / Commerical Tools
- Generative AI in Action - A book that shows exactly how to add generative AI tools for text, images, and code, and more into your organization’s strategies and projects..
Newsletters / Commerical Tools
- A daily AI newsletter
14. Awesome Ada
Build and Package / Apache License
- alr2appimage (⭐13) - A tool for automatically creating an AppImage executable from an Alire crate.
15. Awesome Crystal
Queues and Messaging
- crafka (⭐17) - Apache Kafka library utilizing
16. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Machine Learning
- Chemprop (⭐1.5k) - Directed message passing neural networks for property prediction of molecules and reactions with uncertainty and interpretation.
Libraries / Docking
- DOCKSTRING (⭐121) - Automates and standardizes ligand preparation for AutoDock Vina.
17. Awesome Readme
- hywax/mafl (⭐422) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. TOC for easy navigation. Usage code samples.
18. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- braundo (⭐1) - Straightforward theme with username, current directory,
status, and timestamp.
19. Awesome Mongodb
Resources / Documentation
Libraries / Kotlin
- driver-kotlin-coroutine (⭐2.6k) - Official Kotlin driver
20. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- cargo-geiger (⭐1.4k) — A cargo plugin for analysing the usage of unsafe Rust code Provides statistical output to aid security auditing
21. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C++ / Non-X86
- Programming Fundamentals - A Modular Structured Approach using C++ - Kenneth Leroy Busbee (PDF)
- Prev: Mar 16, 2024
- Next: Mar 14, 2024