Awesome List Updates on Mar 06, 2024
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- Groupby in Polars - A post that explains how to Learn how to do group data using Polars by Alexandre Petit.
- DuckDB vs Polars - Thunderdome. - A blog post that compares Polars and DuckDB with the use of 16 GB of data on a machine of only 4 GB by @danielbeach.
2. Awesome Deno
Modules / Social Platform APIs
- MTKruto (⭐80) - Deno-first, cross-runtime client library for Telegram's MTProto API.
3. Awesome Neovim
Golang / Diagnostics
- yanskun/gotests.nvim (⭐24) - Make Go tests easy with gotests (⭐5k).
4. Awesome Cpp
- frozen (⭐1.4k) - a header-only, constexpr alternative to gperf for C++14 users. [Apache-2.0]
5. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / R
- r-transit - Collection of tools for GTFS in R.
Software for Creating APIs / Rust
- Mobroute - Mobroute is a general purpose FOSS public transportation router (e.g. trip planner) Go library and CLI that works by directly ingesting timetable (GTFS) data from transit agencies themselves (sourced from the Mobility Database). It can be used to quickly run & test routing requests based on GTFS data on your device (via its CLI) or it can be embedded as a library to add GTFS routing to existing navigation apps.
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- Cadê Meu Busão - Realtime tracking transit buses from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Open-source on GitHub (⭐6).
Native Apps (open source) / Rust
- Transito - FOSS data-provider-agnostic public transportation app that let's you route between locations using openly available public GTFS feeds (sourced from the Mobility Database). Utilizing the Mobroute Go API, the Transito app lets you performs routing calculations right on your phone. Cross-platform app currently supporting Android & Linux.
6. Free for Dev
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- btunnel — Expose localhost and local tcp server to the internet. Free plan includes file server, custom http request and response headers, basic auth protection and 1 hour tunnel timeout.
7. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- 3D Auto Collision Generator (⭐46) - Generate collision for multiple 3D objects in one click.
8. Awesome Algorand
Portfolio Trackers
- CompX - Track or search assets, rewards, yield farming, transactions, and NFTs on the Algorand blockchain anywhere and anytime. Formerly Algogator.Finance.
Crash Courses
- Zero to Hero PyTeal - PyTeal crash course video lectures.
Other Development Tools / Smart Contracts
- tealish - Tealish is a readable language for the Algorand Virtual Machine. It enables developers to write TEAL in a procedural style optimized for readability.
DeFi Platforms / Wallets
- - A Decentralized Cross-Chain Protocol supporitng Algorand, Polygon, Ethereum and other EVM chains.
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- Nodely - Free Node/Indexer APIs, Node running FAQ, Node/Indexer daily snapshots.
Blockchain Bridges / Wallets
- - Centralized cross-chain NFT bridge.
Oracles / Wallets
- Gora - Decentralized oracle networks that connect the Algorand blockchain with the real world.
Projects / Wallets
- Pipeline-UI (⭐30) - A React.js based component library for rapid deployment of Algorand Dapps.
- AlgoTables - A suite of tools designed to aid everyday hodlers of ALGO who participate in the Algorand ecosystem.
- Prev: Mar 07, 2024
- Next: Mar 05, 2024