Awesome List Updates on Feb 21, 2024
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Opentofu
Tools / Wrappers
- Terramate (⭐3.3k) - Automation, orchestration, and code generation for OpenTofu, Terraform, Kubernetes, and others.
- easy_infra (⭐68) - Docker container to simplify and secure the use of infrastructure as code.
- tfam (⭐23) - Rust-powered wrapper for concurrent Terraform/OpenTofu apply, enabling multi-deployment support.
- tfexe (⭐3) - Rust-powered wrapper for seamless execution of tfswitch and Terraform/OpenTofu with version control.
- tfwrapper (⭐138) - Python wrapper that simplifies OpenTofu usage and enforces best practices.
Tools / CI
- pre-commit-opentofu (⭐43) - Git pre-commit hooks plugin.
Tools / State
- tfmigrate (⭐1.1k) - State migration tool.
Tools / Platforms
- digger (⭐4.4k) - Open-source IaC orchestration tool. Digger allows you to run IaC in your existing CI pipeline.
Tools / Registry
- boring-registry (⭐186) - Boring-registry is an open-source module and provider registry compatible with OpenTofu.
Tools / Helpers
- terratag (⭐956) - CLI tool allowing for tags or labels to be applied across an entire set of OpenTofu/Terraform files.
Learning / Helpers
- OpenTofu Course - Interactive tutorials.
- Terraform in Depth - Book with OpenTofu sections.
2. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / AI in Planning Tools and Platforms
- LM Studio - This free for personal use software enables users to download large language models and run them locally within a desktop chat interface.
3. Engineering Blogs
Companies / P companies
- Palantir
4. Awesome Json
- Dadroit JSON Viewer - Very fast JSON Viewer, supporting huge (multi gigabytes) files, JSON log (JSON-Lines and ndjson).
Binary Serialization
- BSON - Binary JSON.
- CBOR - Concise Binary Object Representation.
Browser Extensions
- JSON Formatter (github (⭐3.7k)) - Makes JSON easy to read. Open source.
- JSON Viewer (github (⭐3.3k)) - It is a Chrome extension for printing JSON and JSONP.
- JSON Finder (github (⭐39)) - Browse like you do it in Finder.
- JSON Viewer Pro (github (⭐526) - An open source Chrome extension for browsing JSON with syntax highlighting and folding, or as a visual graph.
- Discoverable JSON (github (⭐3)) - Gron inspired Extension. Convert a JSON document into javascript expressions. Comes with filter, remove, find-and-replace capabilities.
Command-line tools
- jq (⭐29k) - A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
- jaq (⭐2.5k) - A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity. Written in Rust.
- gojq (⭐3.1k) - Pure Go implementation of jq. A bit faster and more portable.
- livejq (⭐11) - An alternative
implementation in rust for continuous parsing without crashing on invalid JSON
- json-search (⭐4) - A small tool to search for objects/values in json files.
- jshon - A parser designed for maximum convenience within the shell.
- jc (⭐7.6k) - Converts the output of many CLI tools, file-types, and common strings into JSON
- logdy (⭐417) - jq, tail, less, grep and awk merged together and available in a clean web UI.
- JSONPatch - A format for describing changes to a document.
- JSON Crack - Display your JSON as a graph
Format Extensions
- survey.js - JSON based survey library.
- JackSON: JSON secret keeper (⭐18) - JSONic way of storing secrets in config file.
Frontend components
- @textea/json-viewer (⭐363) - A React component for JSON viewer. (React)
- Jansson (⭐3k) - A C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating data.
- oboe.js (⭐4.8k) - A streaming approach, speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.
Online tools
- JSON Editor online - A web-based tool to view, edit and format.
- JSON Generator - Tool for generating random data.
- CSV to JSON - Easy, privacy-friendly and offline-first online csv to json converter
- - Simply edit GeoJSON map data.
- ObjGen - Online live JSON generator.
Schema Specifications
- JSON Schema - a JSON based format for defining the structure of JSON data.
- Kwalify (⭐22) - A parser, schema validator, and data binding tool
- Rx - Simple, Extensible Schemata.
- Telize - JSON IP and GeoIP REST API.
- JSON - Rosetta Code - Basic operations in different languages (57 languages in this moment).
- nimnjs (⭐45) - JSON to nimn bidirectional converter.
- ObjectPath - The agile query language for semi-structured data. (Python)
JSON Schema Resources
- JSON Schema Store - A collection of popular schemas.
- Awesome JSON Schema (⭐101) - A curated list of awesome JSON Schema resources, tutorials, tools, and more.
JSON Schema Validators
- jsonschema (⭐4.4k) - Python implementation of jsonschema.
- Ruby JSON Schema Validator (⭐1.5k) - validating against a JSON schema conforming to JSON Schema Draft 4.
5. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Data Collection
- Reflect - Tracking app with customizable forms and data insights (iOS).
Applications and Platforms / Diet
- Nutriely - Food and nutrition tracking, diary. Focusing on detailed micro and vitamin breakdown. (Web)
Open Source Projects / Wealth
- Me API (⭐827) - An extensible, personal API with custom integrations.
- Memacs (⭐1k) - Visualize your life in Orgmode.
6. Free for Dev
- Sprig - 1 In-Product Survey or Survey with Replay per month, with GPT-powered AI Analysis.
- - Free plan allows collecting 25 total feedback submissions. Easy to integrate with React and Vue components provided.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Umami - Simple, fast, privacy-focused, open-source alternative to Google Analytics.
7. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 💼🧬🧩 Fluid (⭐1.5k) - Adds fluid
versions of every built-in utility.
8. Awesome Newsletters
Security / Svelte
- Security Talks Digest. A newsletter, that aggregates content from the security conferences around the world and deliver them in form of a weekly report.
9. Awesome Neovim
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- 2KAbhishek/tdo.nvim (⭐65) - Fast and simple note taking.
Terminal Integration / Diagnostics
- 2KAbhishek/termim.nvim (⭐76) - Neovim Terminal, Improved.
10. Awesome Sysadmin
Websites / Web
- Cloud Native Software Landscape - Compilation of software and tools for cloud computing.
11. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- Codemodder — Codemodder is a pluggable framework for building expressive codemods. Use Codemodder when you need more than a linter or code formatting tool. Use it to fix non-trivial security issues and other code quality problems.
- Pixee ©️ — Pixeebot finds security and code quality issues in your code and creates merge-ready pull requests with recommended fixes.
12. Awesome Data Engineering
- Multiwoven (⭐1.6k) - The open-source reverse ETL, data activation platform for modern data teams.
13. Awesome Rails
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- multiwoven (⭐1.6k)- The open-source reverse ETL, data activation platform for modern data teams. (using Rails 7.1.1) - 🌍
- Prev: Feb 22, 2024
- Next: Feb 20, 2024