Awesome List Updates on Feb 14, 2024
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2024
- Improved Membership Inference Attacks Against Language Classification Models - (ICLR) Presents a framework for running membership inference attacks against classifier, in audit mode.
2. Awesome Cl
Literate programming / Third-party APIs
- papyrus (⭐50) - Papyrus makes your markdown executable with the reader macro of Common Lisp.MIT
3. Discount for Student Dev
Visual Analytics
- CARTO [FREE / DISCOUNT] - Free account upgrades with increased database storage, real time data, Location Data Services Credits, and premium features for 2 years.
4. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / EHR
- Akello - Integrated Mental Health Infrastructure
Contents / Frameworks
- Inferno - providing testing tools for the FHIR
Contents / Libraries
- nhs-numbers (⭐5) - Python package to provide utilities for NHS Numbers, including validity checks, normalisation, and generation.
Contents / PHR
- Fasten Health (⭐1.4k) - open-source, self-hosted, personal/family electronic medical record aggregator
Contents / Telemedicine
- Healthcare worker at home - Open Source Telehealth software
Contents / Research
- LabKey Server - Platform for Translational Research.
5. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- unplugin-detect-duplicated-deps (⭐79) - Detect duplicate packaged dependencies.
6. Awesome Wagtail
Tools / Templates & Starter Kits
- State Design System (DSFR) starter (⭐40) - Wagtail template and starter kit from the French government.
7. Awesome Integration
Resources / API Specification
- API Blueprint (⭐8.6k) (⭐8.7k) - A powerful high-level language for designing and documenting APIs that allows software engineers to easily collaborate and create efficient APIs.
8. Awesome Nix
Community / Webinterface
- NixCon - The annual community conference for contributors and users of Nix and NixOS.
9. Awesome List
- Bluetooth Low Energy (⭐81) - Low-power wireless communication protocol ideal for IoT, wearables, and other battery-powered applications.
- Uno Platform (⭐54) - Open-source .NET UI platform for building cross-platform apps.
Front-End Development
- Frontend GIS (⭐519) - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for web browsers.
Back-End Development
- Kustomize (⭐102) - Kubernetes native declarative configuration management tool.
- Stock Trading (⭐183) - Purchase and sale of equities of publicly traded companies to generate profits.
- Astrophotography (⭐89) - Photography of astronomical objects, celestial events, or areas of the night sky.
10. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- Godot Spin Button (⭐84) - Horizontal Selector with extended options.
- Prev: Feb 15, 2024
- Next: Feb 13, 2024