Awesome List Updates on Feb 09, 2024
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Opentofu
Media / Helpers
2. Awesome Svelte
- css-3d-progress (⭐2) - A 3D Progress Bar component
3. Ai Collective Tools
- - (N)SFW Chat with AI Girlfriends. Create your own AI Girlfriend, chat with her, ask her for pictures, or listen to her voice. Most advanced AI Girlfriend builder and chatting model. Chat with AI versions of OnlyFans Girls.
Video Generator
- Runway - With Runway AI, you have the power to create videos using text prompts in so many incredible ways
4. Awesome Ai Tools
Related Awesome Lists / Deep Learning
- AI for Productivity - Curated List of AI Apps for productivity
5. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Design Practises
- Quantifying usability of domain-specific languages: An empirical study on software maintenance - Journal of Systems and Software, 2015. [All Versions]. A DSL aims to support software development by offering abstractions to a particular domain. It is expected that DSLs improve the maintainability of artifacts otherwise produced with general-purpose languages. However, the maintainability of the DSL artifacts and, hence, their adoption in mainstream development, is largely dependent on the usability of the language itself. Unfortunately, it is often hard to identify their usability strengths and weaknesses early, as there is no guidance on how to objectively reveal them. Usability is a multi-faceted quality characteristic, which is challenging to quantify beforehand by DSL stakeholders. There is even less support on how to quantitatively evaluate the usability of DSLs used in maintenance tasks. In this context, this paper reports a study to compare the usability of textual DSLs under the perspective of software maintenance. A usability measurement framework was developed based on the cognitive dimensions of notations. The framework was evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively using two DSLs in the context of two evolving object-oriented systems. The results suggested that the proposed metrics were useful: (1) to early identify DSL usability limitations, (2) to reveal specific DSL features favoring maintenance tasks, and (3) to successfully analyze eight critical DSL usability dimensions.
6. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Internationalisation (i18n)
- django-localflavor (⭐853) - A collection of functionality that is useful for particular countries or cultures. Previously a part of the Django core.
- django-modeltrans (⭐66) - Translate Django model fields in a JSONField.
- django-modeltranslations (⭐1.4k) - Translates Django models using a registration approach.
- django-rosetta (⭐1.1k) - Rosetta provides a UI to read and write your project's gettext catalogs within the Django Admin.
7. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Useful Apps / Android
- PiGo - Effortlessly explore and manage multiple Pi servers on the go. Android
8. Awesome Ironsworn
Translations / Ironsworn
- Portuguese by Rodrigo Marini - Ironsworn SRD and play materials in Portuguese
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Iron Witcher - Assets cards for The Witcher setting, in Portuguese
9. Awesome Directus
Extensions / Tools
- Directus Sync (⭐245) - A CLI tool for synchronizing the schema and configuration of Directus across various environments.
10. Awesome Docker
Base Tools / Other
- SparkView (⭐15) - Access VMs, desktops, servers or applications anytime and from anywhere, without complex and costly client roll-outs or user management.
- Prev: Feb 10, 2024
- Next: Feb 08, 2024