Awesome List Updates on Jan 20, 2024

7 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Domain Specific Language / Declarative DSL Applications

2. Awesome Rust

Applications / Blockchain

3. Awesome Testing

Software / UI & End-to-End Testing

4. Awesome Cpp

Regular Expression

5. Awesome Gnome

Themes for non-GTK apps / Skeumorphic Icons

6. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

7. Awesome Ai4lam

Tools and Frameworks / Document analysis, transcription, and labeling

Tools and Frameworks / Audio and video analysis, transcription, and labeling

Tools and Frameworks / Indexing and classification

Tools and Frameworks / Search and retrieval

Tools and Frameworks / Applications of Transformers, LLMs, and GPT

Datasets / Datasets available elsewhere

Projects, Initiatives, and Case Studies / Project lists & directories

Projects, Initiatives, and Case Studies / Select individual projects

Policies and recommendations / Statements by organizations and government bodies

Policies and recommendations / Surveys of policies and recommendations