Awesome List Updates on Jan 17, 2024
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Opentofu
Tools / Environment managers
- tenv (⭐798) - Terraform and OpenTofu version manager written in Go.
2. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- polars’ Rgonomic Patterns - A blog post that deeps dive into some of the advanced data wrangling functionality in python’s Polars package by @emilyriederer.
3. Awesome Code Review
- Axolo Github/GitLab Slack integration. Create one ephemeral channel per pull request/ merge request.
4. Awesome K6
- Jahmilli/k6-example (⭐10) - Starter template using Vite (Rollup) bundler to write k6 tests in TypeScript.
5. Awesome Gdpr
Privacy by Design - Guides for developers (art. 25)
6. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- Keyboard Cowboy (⭐946) - The missing keyboard shortcut utility for macOS.
7. Awesome Open Hardware
- On behalf of mankind: thank you for sharing! - TEDx talk by Jerry de Vos
8. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 3
- materio-free-vuetify-nuxtjs-admin-template (⭐61) - Vuejs 3, Vite 5, Vuetify 3 & NuxtJS 3.
9. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- HoNamDuong/hybrid.nvim (⭐121) - A dark theme written in Lua.
10. Awesome Ci
Name: Continuous
Description: Fully managed GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD runners hosted in Europe
Supported repositories: GitHub, GitLab
Documentation: None
Price: pricing
11. Awesome Quant
Julia / FrameWorks
- IncTA.jl (⭐21) - Julia Incremental Technical Analysis Indicators
12. Awesome Rust
Applications / Security tools
- arp-scan-rs (⭐105) - A minimalistic ARP scan tool for fast local network scans
13. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Online Tools and Applications
- Clipwing: A tool for cutting long videos into dozens of short clips.
Text-related Generative Tools / Multi-agents
- aiPDF: The most advanced AI document assistant
14. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Darkest Derelicts - Rules for Starforged, inspired by The Expanse and Alien
- Feats & Favors - Faction and reputation system for Ironsworn and Starforged
15. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- zeza (⭐2) - Manages and customizes eza (⭐14k), the very colorful
16. Awesome Golem
- Golem Network Discord - Join the Golem Network community on Discord and chat directly with the team.
Provider Resources
- Provider Tutorial - Get started as a Provider on Golem Network using the handbook.
Presentations and Workshop Material
- Golem: Distributed parallel computing with JavaScript - Presentation from Grzegorz Godlewski on Distributed Parallel Computing with JavaScript, based on Golem Network (meet.js Summit 2023).
Apps / Password Recovery
- Yacat - Hashcat password-recovery step-by-step.
17. Awesome Ai4lam
Learning Resources / Introductions to AI
- AI Guide by the AI Pedagogy Project – collection of materials by metaLAB
Learning Resources / Computer vision
- A Gentle Introduction to Computer Vision – from Machine Learning Mastery
- Computer Vision for the Humanities: An Introduction to Deep Learning for Image Classification – two-part intro by the Programming Historian
Tools and Frameworks / Search and retrieval
- VGG Text Search (VTS) Engine – search for text strings over a user-defined image set
Policies and recommendations / Surveys of policies and recommendations
- What ethics do I need to consider when using AI? – blog posting by Livi Adu, Nov. 2023
Publications and News Sources / Journals and Magazines
- Prev: Jan 18, 2024
- Next: Jan 16, 2024