Awesome List Updates on Jan 12, 2024
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ai4lam
Publications and News Sources / Journals and Magazines
2. Awesome Cpp
- Infinity (⭐3.2k) - The AI-native database built for LLM applications, providing incredibly fast vector and full-text search. [Apache2]
3. Awesome Roadmaps
Web Development
- Frontend development roadmap (⭐4.4k) - Frontend development interview checklist & roadmap
4. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📁 Astro Template Dante (⭐337) - Tailwind CSS & Astro blog/portfolio template.
5. Awesome Vite
Libraries / Community
- Vike (⭐4.7k) - Like Nuxt/Next.js but as a do-one-thing-do-it-well plugin.
- SSRx (⭐140) - A thin layer on top of Vite to build modern SSR apps with a delightful DX.
6. Awesome Playwright
- qase (⭐50) - Playwright Qase Reporter, send test executions to qase.
7. Awesome K6
- Streamlining Performance Testing with K6 and ChatGPT - Monish Correia writes k6 tests using GitHub co-pilot.
- tom-miseur/k6-templates (⭐35) - Opinionated starter templates for k6 projects.
- SwissLife-OSS/k6-multiscenario-template (⭐52) - Use K6 to implement a Multi Scenario template.
- Im5tu/template-k6 (⭐5) - A K6 Performance Test Suite Template.
- mohsenny/k6-test-template (⭐3) - Load testing framework.
- kwidera/k6_framework (⭐1) - Another k6 framework example.
- Sahanipe/pet_store (⭐1) - Modularized scripts for the Swagger PetStore APIs.
- lreimer/continuous-k6k8s (⭐18) - Continuously run k6 tests in Kubernetes using cronjobs.
- luketn/docker-k6-grafana-influxdb (⭐161) - Demonstrates how to run load tests with containerised instances of K6, Grafana and InfluxDB.
8. Awesome Cl
REPLs / Third-party APIs
- cl-repl (⭐29) - an ipython-like REPL. With completion, shell commands, magic commands, debugger, etc. GPL3. With colorthemes (⭐12).
- new as of 2024: it now provides multi-line input and binary releases. Simply download a binary (Ubuntu so far) and run it.
9. Awesome Graphql
Type / React
- garph (⭐1.3k) - Garph is full-stack framework for building type-safe GraphQL APIs in TypeScript.
10. Awesome Mdbootstrap
TW Elements useful links (Tailwind CSS)
- UI Kit - Bootstrap components recreated with Tailwind CSS, but with better design and more functionalities
11. Awesome Yew
Crates / Component Libraries
- Zu (⭐6) - Yew web components, implementing Material Design.
12. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- johmsalas/text-case.nvim (⭐489) - Text case changes via keybindings and custom substitute command with Telescope and LSP support.
13. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- pacmandoh (⭐3) - Enhance your command-line with a sleek theme. Includes decorators for
integration, permissions feedback, Python environment support, and dynamic prompts, all in one, customizable with a single installation script and selectable styles.
14. Awesome Terraform
Official Resources
- - Terraform Weekly Newsletter - Various news in the Terraform world (projects, announcements, discussions).
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Beginner Guides
- A Comprehensive Guide to Terraform - Series of blog posts from the author of "Terraform: Up & Running" that guide the reader from beginning with Terraform to using it in the real world.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Writing Custom Providers
- Creating custom terraform providers - Guide for creating custom providers.
- Writing Custom Providers - Official documentation for creating custom providers.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / How-To
- How To Write OPA for Terraform - How to use Open Policy Agent to evaluate and enforce policy on your Terraform plans
- Terraforming 1Password - How 1Password migrated from CloudFormation to Terraform.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Google Cloud
- Managing infrastructure as code with Terraform, Cloud Build, and GitOps - Setup and manage infrastructure as code with Terraform, Cloud Build, and GitOps.
- Getting started with Terraform on Google Cloud - Using Terraform to create a VM in Google Cloud and Starting a basic Python Flask server.
- Managing Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform - Deploy Kubernetes Load Balancer Service with Terraform, HTTPS Content-Based Load Balancer with Terraform, Modular Load Balancing with Terraform - Regional Load Balancer, Custom Providers with Terraform, Cloud SQL with Terraform, Building a VPN Between Google Cloud and AWS with Terraform.
- Hashicorp Terraform Tutorials for Google Cloud - Get started with Terraform on Google Cloud.
Community Modules / Miscellaneous
- terraform-aws-appconfig (⭐27) - Creates AWS AppConfig resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-datadog-forwarders (⭐60) - Creates resources on AWS to forward logs/metrics to Datadog.
- terraform-aws-dms (⭐67) - Creates AWS DMS (Database Migration Service) resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-jenkins (⭐256) - Build a Docker image with Jenkins, saves it to an ECR repo, and deploys it to Elastic Beanstalk running a Docker stack.
- terraform-aws-managed-service-prometheus (⭐30) - Creates AWS Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-msk-kafka-cluster (⭐57) - Creates AWS MSK (Managed Streaming for Kafka) resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-rds-proxy (⭐59) - Creates AWS RDS Proxy resources on AWS.
- terraform-digitalocean-droplet - Terraform module for managing DigitalOcean Droplets and related resources.
- terraform-linode-k8s - Installs Kubernetes on Linode Instances.
Self-Hosted Registries / Miscellaneous
- boring-registry (⭐194) - Private Terraform Module/Provider Registry with API key authentication and blob storage support
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-dominos (⭐1.1k) - Provider for Dominos Pizza.
- terraform-provider-snowflake (⭐590) - Provider for Snowflake data warehouse.
Tools / Community providers
- Argonaut - Deploy apps and infrastructure on your cloud in minutes. Autogenerate Terraform modules, customize configurations through PRs. Support for app deployments on Kubernetes and Lambda environments.
- layerform (⭐1.2k) - Layerform helps engineers create reusable environment stacks using plain .tf files. Ideal for multiple "staging" environments. 💀
- terraform-bundle (⭐45k) - Easily builds bundles containing a Terraform binary as well as provider binaries. Useful for CI and air-gapped Terraform Enterprise.
- terraform-operator (⭐373) - A Kubernetes CRD to handle Terraform operations.
- (⭐452) - Ansible dynamic inventory script for parsing Terraform state files. 💀
- terrahub (⭐224) - TerraHub is terraform automation and orchestration tool. Seamlessly integrated into, enterprise friendly GUI to show realtime terraform executions, as well as auditing and reporting capabilities for historical terraform runs. 💲
- terramate (⭐3.3k) - Tool for managing multiple Terraform stacks that comes with support for change detection and code generation
- terrascan (⭐4.9k) - Collection of security and best practice test for static code analysis of terraform templates
- tfautomv (⭐728) - Generate Terraform
blocks automatically for painless refactoring
- tfmask (⭐204) - Terraform utility to mask select output from
terraform plan
andterraform apply
- tgf (⭐105) - Terragrunt frontend for executing Terragrunt/Terraform through Docker.
Managed Terraform Platforms 💲 / IDE
- Scalr - Alternative to Terraform Enterprise with OPA integration, organizational structure, custom hooks, native integrations with other DevOps platforms, and centralized reporting. 💲
- env0 - Alternative to Terraform Cloud/Enterprise with OPA integration, custom flows and Terragrunt support 💲
Terraform Enterprise Tooling / IDE
- terraform-enterprise-migrator (⭐13) - Script for migrating Terraform Enterprise environments from Legacy to new version of Terraform Enterprise.
- tfe-state-explorer (⭐18) - Simple shell for exploring remote terraform enterprise state, with autocomplete. 💀
Videos / IDE
- Orchestrating Containers with Terraform and Consul - Mitchell Hashimoto shows how Terraform can be used to deploy and scale containerized workloads.
Editor Plugins / IDE
- Prev: Jan 13, 2024
- Next: Jan 11, 2024