Awesome List Updates on Jan 10, 2024
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- Interesting thread about Polars on Hacker News
2. Awesome V
- ini-v (⭐5) - Simple and practical module for manipulating ini/cfg file.
Operating system
- winreg (⭐5) - MS Windows Registry API. (WIP)
- json2v (⭐29) - Convert a json to a struct in Vlang.
3. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- OpenIn - Take control of installed apps on your Mac
4. Awesome Db Tools
SQL / Analyzers
- - Automatic detection service for database performance, security, and architecture issues.
Data / Lineage
- - Nexgen data lineage for Snowflake.
5. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Wicket
- Software Design by Example: A Tool-Based Introduction with JavaScript - Greg Wilson (HTML)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Software Design by Example: A Tool-Based Introduction with Python - Greg Wilson (HTML)
6. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Design Theory
- Domain-specific languages: an annotated bibliography - ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2000. [All Versions]. A survey on the topic of domain-specific languages as used for the construction and maintenance of software systems. The survey lists a selection of 75 key publications in the area, and provides a summary for each of the papers. Moreover, the survey discusses terminology, risks and benefits, example domain-specific languages, design methodologies, and implementation techniques.
7. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2023
- Stealing the Decoding Algorithms of Language Models - (CCS) Steal the type and hyperparameters of the decoding algorithms of a LLM.
8. Awesome Playwright
- playwright-elements - Playwright test extension for creatation of reusable components with ability to add child elements, methods and call them in chain. Reduce amount of your code in page object, or even use elements without page object.
9. Awesome Ios
- Aptabase - Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Swift Apps.
10. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- The Four Wars of the AI Stack (Dec 2023 Recap): "recap of top items for the AI Engineer from Dec 2023" ("The Data Wars, The War of the GPU Rich/Poor, The Multimodality War, The RAG/Ops War")
Auxiliary tools and concepts / Deforum
- SiteSpeakAI: Automate your customer support with AI
11. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Wikis
- WikiDocs - A databaseless markdown flat-file wiki engine. (Source Code (⭐391))
12. Awesome Tmux
- rose-pine (⭐182) - Soho vibes for tmux
- tmux-kanagawa (⭐85): Dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
- Prev: Jan 11, 2024
- Next: Jan 09, 2024