Awesome List Updates on Jan 06, 2024
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Design Theory
- Design Guidelines for Domain Specific Languages - OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM' 09), 2009. [All Versions]. Designing a new domain specific language is as any other complex task sometimes error-prone and usually time consuming, especially if the language shall be of high-quality and comfortably usable. Existing tool support focuses on the simplification of technical aspects but lacks support for an enforcement of principles for a good language design. In this paper we investigate guidelines that are useful for designing domain specific languages, largely based on our experience in developing languages as well as relying on existing guidelines on general purpose (GPLs) and modeling languages. This work defined Guidelines to support a DSL developer to achieve better quality of the language design and a better acceptance among its users.
2. Awesome Go
- go-peer (⭐283) - A software library for creating secure and anonymous decentralized systems.
3. Awesome Electronics
Simulators / Analog and Mixed Signal Circuit Simulators
- LTspice - The industry standard free SPICE circuit simulator from Linear Technologies. Also see the unofficial LTwiki and Group.
- ngspice - Open source SPICE circuit simulator.
- Circuit JS/Falstad - Free, open source online simulator with electron flow visualization (rewrite of original Java applet by Paul Falstad).
- EveryCircuit - Free to try online, visual, interactive circuit simulator for simpler circuits.
- Qucs - Open source, cross-platform, non-SPICE-based circuit simulator, with with S-parameter and Harmonic Balance capability.
- Qucs-S - Open source fork of Qucs using SPICE for simulation.
- QucsStudio - Free, closed-source, Windows-only fork of Qucs with a similar interface, new engine, and more features.
- Open Circuit Design Software - Open Source, full EDA suite chip design suite, focused on keeping up with commercial tools.
- TINA-TI - Exclusive DesignSoft-TINA build for Texas Instruments, bundled with Texas Instruments Models.
- CppSim - Free, open source circuit simulator that leverages the C++ language to achieve very fast simulation times.
- Scilab with Xcos - Free, open source numerical computing alternative to MATLAB. Xcos provides Electrical System modeling capability similar to Simulink.
- iCircuit - Easy to use electronic circuit simulator, its advanced simulation engine can handle both analog and digital circuits and features realtime always-on analysis.
- Micro-Cap - Professional-grade mixed signal simulator with wide variety of interactive simulation types.
- GeckoCIRCUITS - Open Source Power Electronic Circuit Simulator. GitHub Project (⭐65). Direct download link due to broken website.
Paid EDA Packages / Installable
- Proteus - PCB Design and Circuit Simulator Software.
- Altium - PCB Design Software & Tools.
Simulators / Verilog HDL Simulators
- Verilator - Free, open source Verilog compiler. Test benches are in C++ or SystemC. Very fast, but limted to 2-state, cycle-based simulation, and synthesizeable code only.
- Icarus Verilog - Free, open source verilog interpreter. Test benches are in behavioral verilog. Simulation is 4-state, and event-based.
Free EDA Packages / Installable
- KiCad - Open source EDA package with push and shove router, differential pairs and much more.
- Eagle - One of the most popular EDA packages due to it's (board size restricted) free version.
- DesignSpark PCB - Gratis EDA package without restrictions, sponserd by RS Components.
- Altium CircuitMaker - Free package from the maker of the go to pro software.
- gEDA - Another open source package, good for people that like scripting and makefiles, Linux and BSD only.
- DipTrace - Quality Schematic Capture and PCB Design software with (pin and signal layer restricted) free version.
- LibrePCB - A new, powerful and intuitive EDA tool for everyone, cross-platform and GNU GPLv3.
- Horizon EDA (⭐1.1k) - A free and open source EDA tool with the focus on shortcut operation.
- EasyEDA - Easy to use with both browser based and cross platform app versions. Integrates LCSC and JLCPCB component catalogs with 3D models.
Part Search Engines / Altium
- Octopart - Probably the most well known part search engine.
- Findchips - Part search from Supply Frame.
- - Another search engine from Supply Frame geared towards discovering new parts.
- Electronic Component Search Engine - Free access to schematic symbols, PCB footprints and 3D models.
3D Part Models / Help
- GrabCad - Community supported database of 3D models with a large number of electronic component models.
- 3D ContentCentral - Website dedicated to 3D models of parts (requires login).
4. Awesome React Components
Data Store / Mouse Events
- fireproof (⭐213) - demo - docs Pure JS, zero dependency, CRDT database - runs in the browser and connects to any cloud or backend
5. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / NoSQL
- MongoDB (⭐895) - MongoDB PHP Driver.
6. Awesome Dotnet
- Syncfusion .NET Word Framework - A high-performance .NET Word framework without Microsoft Office or interop dependencies. Create, read, and edit Word documents seamlessly. Utilize advanced editor components for easy viewing, editing, and printing. Effortlessly convert Word documents to PDF, HTML, RTF, ODT, and EPUB formats with powerful conversion APIs. [$] [Free for Individuals and Small Businesses]
- Syncfusion .NET Excel Framework - A high-performance .NET Excel framework without Microsoft Office or interop dependencies. Create, read, and edit Excel documents seamlessly. Utilize Spreadsheet controls for creating, editing, and viewing easily. Effortlessly convert Excel files to PDF, images, and more with powerful conversion APIs. [$] [Free for Individuals and Small Businesses]
- Syncfusion .NET PowerPoint Framework - A high-performance .NET PowerPoint framework without Microsoft Office or interop dependencies. Create, read, and edit PowerPoint files seamlessly. Effortlessly convert PowerPoint files to PDFs and images with powerful conversion APIs. [$] [Free for Individuals and Small Businesses]
- Syncfusion .NET PDF Framework - A high-performance .NET PDF framework with no Adobe dependencies. Create, read, and edit PDF files seamlessly. Utilize PDF viewer controls for easy viewing, reviewing, and printing. Effortlessly convert HTML, Word, Excel, PowerPoint files, and images to PDF with powerful conversion APIs. [$] [Free for Individuals and Small Businesses]
7. Awesome Godot
Modules / Godot 4
- godot-box2d (⭐329) - A Box2D (⭐8.7k) physics server for Godot.
- godot-jolt (⭐2.4k) - Allows you to use the Jolt Physics Engine (⭐7.5k).
- godot-rapier-2d (⭐515) - A 2D Rapier (⭐4.4k) physics server for Godot.
8. Awesome Bash
Downloading and Serving
- (⭐115) - A trivial web server in bash, using
- Bash-web-server (⭐940) - A purely bash web server, no socat, netcat, etc.
- bash-stack (⭐475) - Modern web framework in bash.
- Prev: Jan 07, 2024
- Next: Jan 05, 2024