Awesome List Updates on Jan 02, 2024
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- skfolio (⭐1.3k) - Python library for portfolio optimization built on top of scikit-learn. It provides a unified interface and sklearn compatible tools to build, tune and cross-validate portfolio models.
2. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Configuration
- django-classy-settings (⭐37) - Class based settings to keep your environments in order, with easy access to typed environment variables.
3. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools
4. Awesome Game Remakes
- Abyss Engine (⭐87) - Abyss Engine is a game engine designed to run games similar to 2000's style ARPGs such as Diablo II.
5. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Meta-Level Considerations / Rationality
- Task switching - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2003. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. The original paper on ``switch cost'', where subjects' responses are substantially slower and, usually, more error-prone immediately after a task switch.
6. Awesome Rust
Applications / Virtualization
- kata-containers/kata-containers (⭐5.9k) - A implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload isolation and security advantages of VMs.
7. Discount for Student Dev
Visual Analytics
- Crawlbase [FREE / CREDIT] Crawlbase, a web scraping and web crawling tool, is generously offering 5000 successful requests for free over a three-month period to students, who can take advantage of this opportunity by using the discount code 'SDNT2023'.
- Prev: Jan 03, 2024
- Next: Jan 01, 2024