Awesome List Updates on Aug 28 - Sep 03, 2023
39 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- Cognito Scanner (⭐51) - CLI tool to pentest Cognito AWS instance. It implements three attacks: unwanted account creation, account oracle and identity pool escalation
Network / Monitoring / Logging
- Substation (⭐280) - Substation is a cloud native data pipeline and transformation toolkit written in Go.
Network / IDS / IPS / Host IDS / Host IPS
- - A blog on cyber security and network security monitoring.
EBooks / Online resources
- Node.js Secure Coding: Defending Against Command Injection Vulnerabilities - Learn secure coding conventions in Node.js by executing command injection attacks on real-world npm packages and analyzing vulnerable code.
2. Awesome Nlg
Neural Natural Language Generation
- lightnlg (⭐3) - A minimalistic codebase for finetuning and interacting with NLG models using PyTorch Lightning.
3. Awesome Game Remakes
- wipEout Rewrite (⭐2.6k) - This is a re-implementation of the 1995 PSX game wipEout. 🎴
- KeeperFX (⭐765) - Open source remake and Fan Expansion of Dungeon Keeper.
- Ozymandias (⭐0) - An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh in the Julius/Augustus engine.
4. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- AppImage distribution (release link),
- Action complete – press Alt-Shift-A and Alt-Shift-C to complete plugin names and ice modifiers,
- Themes – set $ZITHEME to one of default, blue and gold to set a color set to use for Zinit 4 messages,
- New ice
which is equivalent of three other ices:null
andmake install
and simply builds the project from sources, with support for autotools/CMake/Meson/Scons.
Generic ZSH
- A Guide to ZSH Completion With Examples - Explains ZSH autocompletion configuration with examples.
5. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Engineering / Technology
- “Software development is more akin to the product design and development phase of industrial production than to the manufacturing.” (source) - This quote is from a review of Superdistribution - Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier, in which the creator of Objective-C was advocating in the 90's for a new economic framework that rewards creation of components in proportion to their use. But software production is not like manufacturing of widgets in a factory. A (software) object is not an (hardware) widget.
6. Awesome Ios
- Emerge Tools - Prevent app size & performance regressions on every pull request, get automated insights on how to improve.
- SmallStrings (⭐131) - Reduce localized .strings file sizes by 80%.
Other Testing
- ETTrace (⭐581) - Locally measure performance of your app, without Xcode or Instruments.
Alert & Action Sheet
- LCActionSheet (⭐822) - A simple ActionSheet. WeChat, Weibo and QQ all use similar styles. Fully support Swift.
7. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Integrations
- vue-tg (⭐233) - Telegram Web Apps integration for Vue 3.
8. Awesome Docker
Terminal / CLI tools
- decompose (⭐89) - Reverse-engineering tool for docker environments. By @s0rg
9. Awesome Langchain
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- LLFn (⭐96): A light-weight framework for creating applications using LLMs
- Lagent (⭐2k): A lightweight framework for building LLM-based agents
- Embedbase (⭐504): The native Software 3.0 stack for building AI-powered applications.
10. Awesome Bash
- /r/bash - A subreddit dedicated to bash scripting.
- /r/commandline - For anything regarding the command line, in any operating system.
- #bash - IRC channel on Libera.Chat. The main contributors of the BashGuide, BashFAQ, BashPitfalls and ShellCheck hang around there.
11. Awesome Gbdev
Hardware / Opcodes
- fruttenboel - Page with loads of information on the hardware, custom boards to interface with the console and other related projects.
Compilers / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- RGBDS-Live - In-browser coding environment to try out RGBDS.
C / Syntax highlighting packages
12. Awesome Yew
Crates / Javascript Library Ports
- popper-rs (⭐5) - Popper JS bindings for Rust.
Crates / Utils
- browser-panic-hook (⭐7) - A panic handler for browser environments, allowing to fail in an end-user friendly way.
13. Awesome Polars
Official documentation
- Keynote on Polars at EuroSciPy 2023 ⏳
57 min
- Talk by @ritchie46 that dives into Polars and sees what makes it so efficient. It will touch on technologies like Arrow, Rust, parallelism, data structures, query optimization and more.
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Rust
- Polars CLI (⭐174)
Polars CLI
is a command line interface for running SQL queries with Polars as backend.
Resources / Tutorials & workshops
- Python Polars: A Lightning-Fast DataFrame Library - A tutorial that shows how to use Polars with Python ecosystem by @hfhoffman1144. Code used is available on Github here (⭐4.9k).
Resources / Talks and videos
- Using the Rust Polars DataFrame library in a CLI ⏳
4 min
- A video that shows how to integrate Polars in a commande line interface by @paiml.
- The Ultimate Guide to Data Wrangling with Python | Rust Polars Data Frame ⏳
10 videos
- A playlist of 10 videos (WIP) that equips you with all the necessary knowledge required to utilize Python Polars Data Frame by @AmitXShukla.
14. Awesome Plotters
Software / Vector Creation
- LineDream - A generative art library for Python that can export SVGs.
15. Awesome Terraform
Self-Hosted Registries / Miscellaneous
- nrkno/terraform-registry (⭐98) - A private Terraform registry with modular store backends.
- petra (⭐43) - Private Terraform Registry Manager
- philips-labs/terraform-registry (⭐92) - Terraform registry to serve arbitrary Terraform provider releases hosted on Github
Providers / Community providers
- terraform-provider-docker (⭐665) - Terraform Docker provider.
- terraform-provider-value (⭐16) - Value Provider for Terraform.
Tools / Community providers
- balcony - CLI tool for easy AWS API reads. Also generates Terraform import-blocks, and actual Terraform Resource code.
- burrito - Burrito is a TACoS (Terraform Automation Collaboration Software) Kubernetes Operator.
- cfnctl (⭐134) - Cfnctl brings the Terraform cli experience to AWS Cloudformation.
- coretech/terrafile (⭐140) - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform (written in Go). 💀
- dxw/terrafile (⭐2) - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform (written in Ruby).
- pytest-terraform (⭐57) - pytest terraform plugin with fixtures and offline replay support.
- renovate-config (⭐48) - Sharable Config Presets for Renovatebot, especially useful for DevOps folks.
- stacks (⭐178) - Stacks, the Terraform code pre-processor
- terracove - Recursively test a directory tree for Terraform diffs and coverage.
- terraeasy (⭐34) - Easy Terraform wrapper
- terraform-cleaner (⭐177) - Tiny utility which detects unused variables in your terraform modules.
- terramagic (⭐46) - Wizard tool for create folders and terraform files automated, written in Python !
- terrap-cli (⭐67) - Terrap - a powerful CLI tool that scans your infrastructure and identifies any required changes.
- terrars (⭐103) - Terrars is a tool for building Terraform stacks in Rust. This is an alternative to the CDK.
- terrascope (⭐29) - Build orchestrator for terraform monorepos.
- terrashine - Terrashine is a terraform provider mirror1 implementation that works by automatically caching dependencies as providers are requested.
- tfgen (⭐84) - Terraform code generator for consistent codebase and DRY.
- tfrepl (⭐30) - A Terraform REPL, giving you a full shell experience. Readline based. No dependencies. Save config changes. History.
- tfsort (⭐184) - CLI utility to sort Terraform variables and outputs.
- travelgrunt (⭐69) - cd inside [mono]repos without fatigue!
Tools / CI
- setup-terraform (⭐1.4k) - Sets up Terraform CLI in your GitHub Actions workflow.
- terraform-plan (⭐63) - GitHub Action to run Terraform plan and add a comment with the changes.
Tools / IDE
- vscode-terraform-live-graph (⭐240) - Terraform Live Graph Extension for Visual Studio Code is a plugin that allows you to generate a live Terraform graph as you code.
16. Awesome Cl
C, C++
- endatabas (⭐277) - Schemaless SQL document database with full history. AGPL-3.0.
- built in Common Lisp and Rust.
- in development, alpha product scheduled for Q2 of 2024. roadmap.
17. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Utilities
- HTTPreserve linkstat (⭐10) - Command line implementation of to describe the status of a web page. Can be easily scripted and provides JSON output to enable querying through tools like JQ. HTTPreserve Linkstat describes current status, and earliest and latest links on (Golang). (Stable)
18. Awesome Connectivity Info
Connectivity Maps
- Global CDN Infrastructure Map - Steve Song's open data map of Content Distribution Networks around the world (May 2024).
- Telegeography Cloud Infrastructure Map - Map of cloud infastructure providers around the world.
Regional Connectivity Reports and Data
- RIA Africa Mobile Pricing (RAMP) Indices Portal - (Q3 2022) - Pricing information on Voice/SMS basket, 1GB data basket, and Value For Money bundles.
Other sources
- - Country Pages - Summary of country-level IP data covering top ASNs, important routers, city-level information, carrier IPs, and other IP data.
- Cloudflare Radar's Internet Quality Index - Estimated country-level internet download speeds and performance.
19. Awesome Privacy
Photoshop / Illustrator
- Excalidraw (⭐93k) - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.
20. Awesome Design Systems
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit:
Source code *:
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐8.2k)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *:
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐450)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐24k)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *:
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit:
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐58)
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone:
Designers Kit:
Source code *:
: ___
21. Awesome Ai Tools
Text / Developer tools
- Prediction Guard - Seamlessly integrate private, controlled, and compliant Large Language Models (LLM) functionality.
22. Awesome V
- cotowali (⭐613) - A statically typed scripting language that transpiles into POSIX sh.
- emoji-mart-desktop (⭐21) - An emoji picker created with V, webview and SvelteKit.
User Interface toolkits
- V-WebUI (⭐123) - A wrapper for WebUI. A lightweight library that allows you to use any web browser as a GUI, with V in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.
- webview (⭐69) - Bindings for webview. A tiny library to build modern cross-platform GUI applications. It allows to combine V with modern web technologies to design a graphical user interface.
- west (⭐10) - A wrapper of vweb to work in a similar way as nestjs works with modules and dependency injection.
Online IDEs with V / Vim
23. Awesome Magento2
- DDEV (⭐2.9k) - A open source tool for launching local web development environments in minutes. It supports PHP, Node.js, and Python.
- Magento 2 Url Data Integrity Checker (⭐265) - Magento 2 module which can find potential url related problems in your catalog data
24. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Video Conferencing
- Janus - General-purpose, lightweight, minimalist WebRTC Server. (Demo, Source Code (⭐8.5k))
Software / Feed Readers
- RSSHub - An easy to use, and extensible RSS feed aggregator, it's capable of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything ranging from social media to university departments. (Demo, Source Code (⭐36k))
Software / Miscellaneous
- Cerbos - A self-hosted, open source user authorization layer for your applications. (Demo, Source Code (⭐3.7k))
- Watcharr (⭐699) - A free and open source content watch list. Add and track all the shows and movies you are watching. Comes with user authentication, modern and clean UI and a very simple setup. (Demo)
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Review Board - Extensible and friendly code review tool for projects and companies of all sizes. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.6k))
25. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vanilla
- vite-vanilla-js-template (⭐54) - Starter template ESlint, Prettier, PostCSS, Nesting, Autoprefixer, CSS Nano, CSS Reset.
Templates / React
- vite-react-ssr-boost-template (⭐30) - Template for creating
React 18
SSR/SPA apps withTypeScript
,React Router
,Head Manager
, Suspense, Streaming. Also included CI/CD,ESLint
,Semantic Release
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- @storybook/builder-vite (⭐86k) - Storybook builder.
- (⭐13k) - Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker.
Libraries / Community
- vite-ssr-boost (⭐96) - Server side rendering library for create awesome app based on
26. Awesome Fantasy
Epic Fantasy / Temeraire (2006) by Naomi Novik [4.06]
- His Majesty's Dragon
- Throne of Jade
- Black Powder War
- Empire of Ivory
- Victory of Eagles
- Tongues of Serpents
- Crucible of Gold
- Blood of Tyrants
- League of Dragons
27. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- Vanna Labs - An Ethereum L2 rollup that supports native, seamless, and trustless AI/ML inferences on-chain to empower decentralized applications.
28. Awesome Construct
Construct 2
- AppPlayer-Electron (⭐3) - Preview apps/games in an Electron prebuilt exe - as if Electron were a normal browser! Currently Windows only, but soon™ for Mac and Linux.
29. Awesome Coq
Projects / Frameworks
- SSProve (⭐57) - Framework for modular cryptographic proofs based on the Mathematical Components library.
30. Awesome Go
Database Tools
- dg (⭐31) - A fast data generator that produces CSV files from generated relational data.
Date and Time
- approx (⭐13) - A Duration extension supporting parsing/printing durations in days, weeks and years.
- go-dbw (⭐16) - A simple package that encapsulates database operations.
31. Mind Expanding Books
Startups and Business
Name: The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!
Author: M.J. DeMarco
Goodreads Rating: 4.28
Year Published: 2011
Name: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
Author: Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
Goodreads Rating: 4.05
Year Published: 2002
Philosophy And Psychology
Name: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
Author: Eric Jorgenson
Goodreads Rating: 4.64
Year Published: 2020
Name: The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living
Author: Ryan Holiday, Stephan Hanselman
Goodreads Rating: 4.34
Year Published: 2016
Name: The Magic of Thinking Big
Author: David J. Schwartz
Goodreads Rating: 4.23
Year Published: 1959
Name: The Way of the Monk
Author: Gaur Gopal Das
Goodreads Rating: 4.10
Year Published: 2020
Name: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving a F@ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
Author: Mark Manson
Goodreads Rating: 3.91
Year Published: 2017
Name: The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life When Robots Rule the Earth
Author: Robin Hanson
Goodreads Rating: 3.41
Year Published: 2016
Autobiographies and Biographies
Name: Man Without Fear
Author: Rajat Gupta
Goodreads Rating: 4.20
Year Published: 2019
Name: A Sense of the World
Author: Jason Roberts
Goodreads Rating: 4.10
Year Published: 2005
Name: Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
Author: Timothy Snyder
Goodreads Rating: 4.36
Year Published: 2010
Name: The Soul of a New Machine
Author: Tracy Kidder
Goodreads Rating: 4.12
Year Published: 1981
Name: The UNIX-HATERS Handbook
Author: Simson Garfinkel, Daniel Weise, Steven Strassmann
Goodreads Rating: 3.78
Year Published: 1994
Logic and Problem Solving
Name: Thinking Forth: A Language and Philosophy for Solving Problems
Author: Leo Brodie
Goodreads Rating: 3.96
Year Published: 1984
Name: On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
Author: Timothy Snyder
Goodreads Rating: 4.20
Year Published: 2017
Fiction / Fantasy
Name: The Stormlight Archive
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Goodreads Rating: 4.81
Year Published: 2007
Name: Of Fire and Stars Book
Author: Audrey Coulthurst
Goodreads Rating: 3.76
Year Published: 2016
Fiction / Mystery
Name: Angels & Demons
Author: Dan Brown
Goodreads Rating: 3.93
Year Published: 2000
Fiction / Science Fiction
Name: Project Hail Mary
Author: Andy Weir
Goodreads Rating: 4.52
Year Published: 2021
Name: Roadside Picnic
Author: Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky
Goodreads Rating: 4.16
Year Published: 1972
Name: Contact
Author: Carl Sagan
Goodreads Rating: 4.14
Year Published: 1985
Fiction / Horror
Name: London (Surviving The Evacuation #1)
Author: Frank Tayell
Goodreads Rating: 3.86
Year Published: 2013
Health / Miscellaneous
Name: Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art
Author: James Nestor
Goodreads Rating: 4.15
Year Published: 2020
Design / Miscellaneous
Name: Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation
Author: Tim Brown
Goodreads Rating: 3.88
Year Published: 2009
32. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
- The AIKEA Effect: by Artur Piszek
Critical Views about Generative AI
- Behind the AI boom, an army of overseas workers in ‘digital sweatshops’ | The Washington Post: Scale AI’s Remotasks workers in the Philippines cry foul over low pay
Generative AI Tools Directories
- AIForme: AI tools discovery platform with comparison feature
Speech-to-text (STT) and spoken content analysis / Deforum
- facebookresearch/seamless_communication (⭐11k): Foundational Models for State-of-the-Art Speech and Text Translation
33. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- - IP Geolocation API - Forever free plan that spans 150 monthly requests.
- TinaCMS — Replacing Open source Git-backed headless CMS that supports Markdown, MDX, and JSON. The basic offer is free with two users available.
Security and PKI
- - Automated Product Security Engineer as a free GitHub bot that submits PRs to your Java code base to automatically resolve vulnerabilities. Other languages coming soon!
Messaging and Streaming
- httpSMS - Send and receive text messages using your Android phone as an SMS Gateway. Free to send and receive up to 200 messages per month.
- — Create online forms with powerful features like conditional logic, automatic score calculator, and AI. Collect up to 100 responses with a free plan, embed your forms on a website, or use them with a link.
Other Free Resources
- — Send and receive test SMS messages for free.
34. Awesome Neovim
Register / Diagnostics
- desdic/macrothis.nvim (⭐28) - Save and load macros/registers.
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- IlyasYOY/obs.nvim (⭐82) - Your Obsidian notes at the speed of thought.
Code Runner / Diagnostics
- jaytyrrell13/static.nvim (⭐12) - Run static site generator commands.
35. Awesome Developer First
- OpenCage - Forward and reverse geocoding API based on open data.
- Better Stack - Uptime monitoring, incident management, and status pages.
36. Awesome Crystal
HTML Builders
- to_html (⭐9) - The fastest HTML builder engine for Crystal
37. Awesome Dotnet
Artificial Intelligence
- Mpt-Instruct-DotNet-S (⭐18) - LLM that can generate and explain C# code (and its C# wrapper to run on consumer CPU with 5GB ram+, contains Console and Blazor sample projects)
38. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- SignalVisualizer (⭐459) - Displays the current scene's signals and connections in a easy to read graph and tree dock.
39. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎬 Responsive Framer Motion with Tailwind CSS - Learn how CSS variables can bridge the gap between Framer Motion and Tailwind CSS.
- Prev: Sep 04 - Sep 10, 2023
- Next: Aug 21 - Aug 27, 2023