Awesome List Updates on Jul 31 - Aug 06, 2023
50 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Mirth
Client API
- 🔧 PowerShell (⭐11) - PowerShell wrapper for the Mirth REST API (v3.6+).
- 🔧 VSCode Connect (⭐9) - Environment for testing scripts using the Rhino engine in a pseudo-Mirth environment.
2. Awesome Deno
Modules / CLI utils
- tui (⭐272) - Module which allows easy creation of Terminal User Interfaces.
3. Tools
Tools collection
4. Awesome Docker
Wrappers / Other
- Preevy (⭐2.1k) - Preview environments for Docker and Docker Compose projects. Test your changes and get feedback from devs and non-devs (Product/Design) by deploying pull requests to the your cloud provider as part of your CI pipeline.
5. Awesome Privacy
Password Managers
- Proton Pass - Open-source and encrypted password manager by Proton.
6. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Q&A with Simon's Book - Have a chat with the book Ask Simon's book anything.
- Research Map Chat - Have an AI chat with Simon's Research Wardley Maps that are available on GitHub.
7. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- Observable - Push the limits of data visualization.
8. Awesome Electronics
Other Lists / Help
- TCAD Central - List of Technology CAD (TCAD) software and resources from the maker of DEVSIM.
9. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- PSCout - A tool that extracts the permission specification from the Android OS source code using static analysis
Tools / Fuzz Testing
Tools / Market Crawlers
- Google Play crawler (Node) (⭐271) - get app details and download apps from the official Google Play Store.
Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Research Papers
Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware
10. Awesome Cakephp
Authentication and Authorization
- ApiTokenAuthenticator plugin (⭐3) - A simple token authentication plugin for CakePHP REST APIs.
11. Awesome Scientific Writing
- - Open source, online, desktop and container deployable diagramming software named
Spell Checking and Linting
- LanguageCheck (⭐94) - Analyses scientific LaTeX papers, suggesting improvements from a list of common mistakes/ambiguities, tense consistency, a vs. an, spell check, and paragraph topic sentences.
Tutorials / Books
- Scott Selisker - Plain Text Workflow for Academic Writing with Atom.
12. Awesome Db Tools
API / Samples
- VulcanSQL (⭐659) - Write templated SQL to automatically exposing RESTful APIs from your database/data warehouse/data lake.
HA/Failover/Sharding / Zabbix
- ShardingSphere (⭐20k) - Distributed SQL transaction & query engine for data sharding, scaling, encryption, and more - on any database.
13. Awesome Gnome
Icons / Upstream Style
- MoreWaita (⭐574) - An Adwaita-style icon theme for Gnome Shell.
14. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Pi Temperature Exporter (⭐24) - a CPU and GPU temperature exporter for Prometheus consumption.
15. Awesome Userscripts
Scripts / ChatGPT
- ChatGPT Auto-Continue - Automatically continue generating multiple ChatGPT responses.
- ChatGPT Auto Refresh - Auto-sends background requests to keep sessions fresh & prevent Cloudflare checks + network errors.
- Autoclear ChatGPT History - Auto-clears chat history when visiting for maximum privacy.
16. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Screego - Screego is a simple tool to quickly share your screen to one or multiple people via web browser. (Demo, Source Code (⭐8.4k))
Software / Money, Budgeting & Management
- FOSSBilling - Free and open source hosting and billing automation. Integrates with WHM, CWP, cPanel and HestiaCP. Full API and easily extensible. (Demo, Source Code (⭐963))
Software / Remote Access
- Remotely (⭐4.7k) - A remote desktop control and remote scripting solution, enterprise level remote support solution with admin web interface and remote control via browser.
17. Awesome Vscode
- Syntax highlighting
- Code snippets
- Commenting
- Code folding
- Automatic code completion
- Source code formatting (document formatting)
- Code navigation
- Code analysis, such as continuous code checking and automatic fixes
18. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Devops
- flog (⭐1.1k) - A fake log generator for log formats such as apache-common, apache error and RFC3164 syslog.
Development / Boilerplate
- mevn-cli (⭐825) - Light speed setup for MEVN (Mongo Express Vue Node) Apps.
Files and Directories / Directory Navigation
- tere (⭐1.7k) - A faster alternative to using cd and ls.
Version Control / Git
- Lazygit (⭐53k) - Simple TUI for git commands.
19. Awesome Pentest
Vulnerability Databases / Social Engineering Tools
- CISA Known Vulnerabilities Database (KEV) - Vulnerabilities in various systems already known to America's cyber defense agency, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, to be actively exploited.
20. Awesome Dotnet
- FastCache (⭐144) - 10X faster alternative to
for .NET
21. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / DSL
- bipokot/Kabu (⭐33) - The fastest way to create complex Kotlin DSL
22. Awesome React Components
- mantine-datatable (⭐855) - demo/docs - Lightweight table component for Mantine UI applications, with lots of features
- mantine-contextmenu (⭐118) - demo/docs - Context-menu hook/component for applications built with Mantine UI.
- react-mrz-scanner (⭐3) - A React component to scan MRZ on passports, visa cards, etc. It is based on Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.
Form Components / Input Types
- react-multi-email (⭐286) - demo - Format multiple emails as the user types.
23. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- tmux-nav-master (⭐6) Easy cross-navigation between tmux and other terminal applications.
- tmux-snazzy (⭐16) Elegant tmux theme with bright colors
- tmux-keylocker (⭐4) Lock away your tmux keybinds temporarely.
24. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- Pandas vs Polars: A database speed test. Who wins? - A blog post that compares the run-time of reading a database into a dataframe using Pandas versus using Polars by Thomas Reid.
25. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
Example Projects
26. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- atuin (⭐23k) [atuin] - Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and records additional context for your commands. Additionally, it provides optional and fully encrypted synchronisation of your history between machines, via an Atuin server.
Applications / Utilities
- rust-parallel (⭐182) - Fast command line app using Tokio to execute commands in parallel. Similar interface to GNU Parallel or xargs.
27. Awesome Mac
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Mattermost - Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle.
28. Awesome Jupyter
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- qBraid Lab - JupyterLab deployment providing curated software tools and integrations for quantum computing.
29. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Casual
- Jade Rapids - Android - Swim with your pug up Jade Rapids collecting treats and dodging obstacles. By Philip Lalonde
App Releases / Educational
30. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- containers (⭐4) - Provides aliases and better interoperability between podman and docker commands based on which you have installed.
- pr-user (⭐1) - Creates a global variable that can be used in prompts.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- checkmate (⭐1) - Decorated with chess pieces. Includes decorators for python venv, current directory,
status and whether you're running as root. Requires a Nerd Font.
- git-kali (⭐7) - Based on An informative
prompt for kali (⭐1.7k). Includes decorators forgit
status, username@host, and the current directory.
31. Awesome Testing
Software / Web3 & Blockchain Testing
- Cannon - Continuous configuration automation for Ethereum.
32. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Websocket Client (⭐50) - Capacitor WebSocket Client Plugin.
33. Awesome Yew
- Ubiquity (⭐186) - An open-source, cross-platform markdown editor; built with Yew, Tauri, Tailwind, and DaisyUI. Web App.
34. Awesome Algorand
AlgoKit Templates / Official
- algokit-react-frontend-template (⭐4) - Official AlgoKit React frontend template provides a production-ready baseline for developing and deploying React frontend applications with Algorand dependencies integrated. Also serves as a reference for template builders on implementing standalone algokit frontend templates.
- algokit-fullstack-template (⭐6) - Official AlgoKit fullstack template provides a production-ready baseline for developing and deploying fullstack applications with Algorand dependencies integrated. Also serves as a reference for template builders on how to combine standalone algokit templates under one full stack template project.
35. Awesome Crypto Papers
Specific topics / Public key cryptography: General and DLP
- Secure Communications Over Insecure Channels - Paper by R. Merkle, predated "New directions in cryptography" though it was published after it. The Diffie-Hellman key exchange is an implementation of such a Merkle system.
Specific topics / Public key cryptography: Elliptic-curve crypto
- Recommendations for Discrete Logarithm-Based Cryptography: Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters (NIST SP 800-186) - Official NIST guide how securely implement elliptic curves. It also includes math shortcuts, optimizations and possible security risk of wrong algorithm implementation. (February 2023)
36. Awesome Terraform
Community Modules / Miscellaneous
- terraform-kubestack (⭐667) - Kubestack is a framework for Kubernetes platform engineering teams to define the entire cloud native stack in one Terraform code base and continuously evolve the platform safely through GitOps.
- terraform-nixos (⭐350) - A set of Terraform modules that are designed to deploy NixOS.
- typhoon (⭐2k) - Minimal and free Kubernetes distribution with Terraform.
Tools / Community providers
- terraform-aws-clickops-notifier (⭐308) - Get notified when actions are taken in the AWS Console.
37. Awesome Go
Advanced Console UIs
- bubble-table (⭐473) - An interactive table component for bubbletea.
- dive (⭐50k) - A tool for exploring each layer in a Docker image.
Other Software / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- GoNB (⭐783) - Interactive Go programming with Jupyter Notebooks (also works in VSCode, Binder and Google's Colab).
38. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Large Language Models (LLMs)
39. Awesome Lidar
- LSLIDAR - LSLiDAR (Leishen Intelligent System Co., Ltd.) is a LIDAR sensor manufacturer and complete solution provider based in Shenzhen, China.
- XenomatiX - XenomatiX offers true solid-state lidar sensors based on a multi-beam lasers concept. XenomatiX is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium.
40. Awesome Typescript
Tools / Playground
- sqlx-ts (⭐198) - SQLx-ts is a CLI application featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL and generates types against SQLs to keep your code type-safe
41. Awesome Selenium
Driver / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- Appium for Mac - Appium/WebDriver implementation for automating Mac OS X desktop.
Cloud Services / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- TestGrid - End to End testing of mobile apps & websites on 1000+ real browsers & OS. Request Free Trial.
42. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Libraries / C#
- C#: Entity Component System
- 🎉 Arch (⭐831) - High-performance ECS with optional multithreading.
- 🎉 DefaultEcs (⭐641) - ECS framework designed for game development.
- 🔒 Friflo.Engine.ECS (⭐146) - Archetype based ECS with focus on performance, cache locality and DX.
- 🎉 LeoECS (⭐184) - ECS framework powered by C# with optional integration to Unity.
Specialty Topics / Shaders
- Dithering
- 📚 Dithering on the GPU - Ordered dithering in glsl using 8x8 Bayer Dithering.
Tools / Software / Color / Palettes
- 🌎 Lospec - Database of palettes for pixel art.
43. Awesome Fantasy
Epic Fantasy / Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne (2014) by Brian Staveley [4.1]
Epic Fantasy / Redwall (1986) by Brian Jacques [4.1] 🔥
- Redwall [4.1] 🔥
- Mossflower [4.1]
- Mattimeo [4.1]
- Mariel [4.1]
- ... 21 total
Epic Fantasy / The Demon Cycle (2008) by Peter V. Brett [4.2] 🔥
44. Awesome Langchain
Open Source Projects / Knowledge Management
- Chaindesk (⭐2.9k): The no-code platform for semantic search and documents retrieval
Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots
- Code Interpreter API (⭐3.8k): About Open source implementation of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- Autochain (⭐1.8k): Build lightweight, extensible, and testable LLM Agents with AutoChain.
- TypeChat (⭐8.3k): TypeChat is a library that makes it easy to build natural language interfaces using types.
- Marvin (⭐5.5k): ✨ Build AI interfaces that spark joy
- LMQL (⭐3.8k): A programming language for large language models.
- LLMFlow (⭐683): Simple, Explicit and Transparent LLM Apps
45. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Equity and Environmental Justice
- USDOT Equitable Transportation Community Explorer - The U.S. DOT Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer is an interactive web application that uses 2020 Census Tracts and data, to explore the cumulative burden communities experience, as a result of underinvestment in transportation, in the following five components: Transportation Insecurity, Climate and Disaster Risk Burden, Environmental Burden, Health Vulnerability, and Social Vulnerability.
Public Data Resources / OpenStreetMap
- Overture Maps - A joint mapping consortium looking to power current and next-generation map products by creating reliable, easy-to-use, and interoperable open map data. Builds on OpenStreetMap and other datasets to expand access to open data.
46. Free for Dev
CI and CD
- — Database CI/CD and DevOps. Free under 20 users and ten database instances
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management
- Logto - Develop, secure, and manage user identities of your product - for both authentication and authorization. Free for up to 5,000 MAUs with open-source self-hosted option available.
Crash and Exception Handling
- Semaphr — Free all-in-one kill switch for your mobile apps.
47. Awesome Vite
Templates / Svelte
- template-vite-svelte-ts-tailwind (⭐10) - Svelte + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS + Prettier.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-dc (⭐3) - Integration with @dvgis/dc-sdk library.
- vite-plugin-cloudflare-functions (⭐58) - Cloudflare pages function integration.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-turbo-console (⭐594) - Enhance the readability of
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-cli-copy (⭐3) - Start the project and automatically copy the terminal's network URL.
Vue / Routing
vite-plugin-vue-routes (⭐1) - File-based routing, similar to SvelteKit and Next.js App Router.
Vue / Ecosystem
vite-plugin-i18n-autoimport (⭐3) - Auto import i18n config file for components.
Fastify / Integrations
- vite-plugin-fastify (⭐11) - Fastify plugin for Vite with Hot-module Replacement.
Fastify / Routing
- vite-plugin-fastify-routes (⭐6) - File-based routing, similar to SvelteKit and Next.js App Router.
Frameworks / Community
- @fastify/fastify-dx (⭐899) - Allowing you to serve static or live (SSR).
ASP.NET Core / Community
- Vite.AspNetCore (⭐298) - Integration with ASP.NET Core projects.
Apps/Websites / Community
- vite-run (⭐65) - Multiple configuration execution support for vite, freely combining configurations like stacked blocks.
48. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- aznhe21/actions-preview.nvim (⭐440) - Fully customizable previewer for LSP code actions.
Fuzzy Finder / Diagnostics
- linrongbin16/fzfx.nvim (⭐137) - A fuzzy finder that updates on every keystroke.
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- ada0l/obsidian/ (⭐41) - Base Obsidian functionality.
Keybinding / Diagnostics
- echasnovski/mini.nvim#mini.clue (⭐6.8k) - Module of
to show next key clues. Has opt-in triggers, shows next key information after customizable delay, allows hydra-like submodes, and more.
49. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Productivity
- Openreads (⭐1k) - A privacy oriented books tracker that allows you to keep track of your readings by mateusz-bak.
50. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 🧩 Windstatic - Set of 161 elements & layouts made with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.
- 🧩 TailwindFlex - Free library of Tailwind CSS examples.
- 📁 Astro Template Cactus (⭐1.1k) - Tailwind CSS Astro starter template.
- Prev: Aug 07 - Aug 13, 2023
- Next: Jul 24 - Jul 30, 2023