Awesome List Updates on Jan 16 - Jan 22, 2023
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Related Events / 2023
2. Awesome V
Programming contests / Vim
- Rosetta Code in V - Solutions for Rosetta Code in V.
3. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Acquisition
- DiskerNet (⭐3.8k) - A non-WARC-based tool which hooks into the Chrome browser and archives everything you browse making it available for offline replay. (In Development)
4. Awesome Open Hardware
- Open Gamma Detector (⭐205) - Hackable, low-cost gamma-ray spectrometer.
5. Awesome Newsletters
Mobile / Svelte
- Flutter Tap. Flutter Tap is a free weekly newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Flutter development.
6. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Observability
- Hubble (⭐3.7k) - Network, service and security observability for Kubernetes using eBPF.
- Caretta (⭐1.8k) - Instant Kubernetes service dependency map generated by eBPF, right to a Grafana instance.
Projects Related to eBPF / Security
- Tetragon (⭐3.8k) - Kubernetes-aware, eBPF-based security observability and runtime enforcement.
7. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / DNS - Control Panels & Domain Management
- DNSControl - Synchronize your DNS to multiple providers from a simple DSL. (Source Code (⭐3k))
Software / Software Containers
- Docker Compose - Define and run multi-container Docker applications. (Source Code (⭐33k))
- Docker Swarm - Manage cluster of Docker Engines. (Source Code (⭐3.3k))
- LXD - Container "hypervisor" and a better UX for LXC. (Source Code (⭐2.3k))
8. Awesome Docker
Registry / Other
- Dragonfly (⭐2.4k) - Provide efficient, stable and secure file distribution and image acceleration based on p2p technology.
9. Awesome Lowcode
Flow-based programming
- Hookdeck - Never miss a webhook.
10. Awesome Qubes OS
- USB Qubes - A USB qube acts as a secure handler for potentially malicious USB devices, preventing them from coming into contact with dom0 (which could otherwise be fatal to the security of the whole system). I
- Anti Evil Maid (AEM) - A user who frequently travels with a Qubes laptop holding sensitive data may be at a much higher risk of Evil Maid attacks than a home user with a stationary Qubes desktop.
- Qubes-GUI-Rust (⭐7) - Rust libraries for the Qubes OS GUI Protocol
Exploitation Tools / Unikernel-like
- MemProcFS (⭐3.1k) - MemProcFS is an easy and convenient way of viewing physical memory as files in a virtual file system.
- MemProcFS-Plugins (⭐55) - This repository contains various non-core plugins for MemProcFS - The Memory Process File System.
Training and Materials / Extra Info
- Anonymous Planet - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity: the comprehensive guide for online anonymity and OpSec.
- Anonymous Planet Onion - For those who wish to read over the anonymous Tor network.
- Privacy-Security-Anonymity Matrix Space - The place to be for all topics regarding privacy, anonymity and other subjects. Rooms are click-to-join.
Qubes OS Legends / Extra Info
- Core Team - Qubes OS core team.
11. Awesome Emails
Services / Misc
- Mailscribe Mailmaker - AI-powered email marketing platform that allows to design email with built-in components.
12. Tools
13. Awesome Gatling
Tools / Sandbox
- gatling-scaffold (⭐18) - Base for load test project using Gatling, InfluxDB and Grafana.
- perfiz (⭐15) - A dockerised API performance test setup based on Gatling with Grafana dashboards and Prometheus monitoring.
14. Awesome Privacy
Link in Bio Tools
- Keyoxide - A modern, secure and privacy-friendly platform to establish your decentralized online identity.
15. Awesome Cytodata
Datasets / Chemical Perturbations
- Haghighi et al. 2021 - Cell painting matched to L1000 profiles in 4 experiments, including compound and genetic screens (Details on GitHub (⭐42)).
Software / Genetic Perturbations
- histoCAT (⭐0) - Toolbox to extract quantitative phenotypic descriptors and contextual information for histology and multiplex imaging.
Publications / Reviews
- Pooled genetic screens with image-based profiling - Review of the different modalities available for genetic screens and which ones are suitable for morphological profiling.
Publications / Applications
- Tales of 1,008 Small Molecules: Phenomic Profiling through Live-cell Imaging in a Panel of Reporter Cell Lines - Demonstrating the effects of polypharmacology in MOA prediction while offering solutions for overcoming it in future image-based profiling studies.
- Multiparametric phenotyping of compound effects on patient derived organoids - Profiling chemical effects on patient-derived organoids.
- The phenotypic landscape of essential human genes - Comparing morphological descriptors in a pooled CRISPR screen with in-situ sequencing
- The molecular architecture of cell cycle arrest - Comparing cellular features across stages of the cell cycle.
- Integrated intracellular organization and its variations in human iPS cells - Decomposing cellular and nuclear shapes in 3D in multiple iPSC and studying association between cellular structures.
- Single-cell metabolic profiling of human cytotoxic T cells - Combining metabolic profiling and spatial information to define immune subsets in tumor microenvironments.
- The single-cell pathology landscape of breast cancer - Defining cell populations and their interactions in breast cancer based on shape, intensity and contextual information from multiplexed imaging.
- Identification of phenotype-specific networks from paired gene expression–cell shape imaging data - Looking for gene networks underlying cellular morphology by matching expression and imaging data.
- Predicting drug polypharmacology from cell morphology readouts using variational autoencoder latent space arithmetic - Model cell morphology with autoencoders to estimate effects of drug combinations.
- Deep Morphology Learning Enhances Ex Vivo Drug Profiling-Based Precision Medicine - Concrete description of how morphological information can be extracted from patient material and guide treatment.
Publications / Methods
- Label-Free Prediction of Cell Painting from Brightfield Images - Reconstructing images for Cell Painting dyes and ensuring corresponding morphological measurements are preserved.
- ShapoGraphy: A User-Friendly Web Application for Creating Bespoke and Intuitive Visualisation of Biomedical Data - Method to visualize morphological profiles.
- Morphology and gene expression profiling provide complementary information for mapping cell state - Comparison of the information contained in Cell Painting and L1000 assays for the same perturbations.
- Fully unsupervised deep mode of action learning for phenotyping high-content cellular images - Unsupervised approach to represent cellular morphology with clusters corresponding to meaningful relations such as mechanism of action. With an overview of deep learning methods for morphological profiling and classification.
- Automated high-speed 3D imaging of organoid cultures with multi-scale phenotypic quantification - Experimental and computational workflow to extract 3D morphological descriptors of organoids using light-sheet microscopy.
16. Awesome No Login Web Apps
File Converters / Others
- - Free online tools. Convert or edit documents, images, audio, video and more.
Privacy, Security and Cryptography / Others
- Cryptii - Offers modular conversion, encoding and encryption with a wide variety of ciphers and methods.
Programming Tools / Others
- DebugBear Speed Test - Test site speed and Core Web Vitals.
Study and Education / Others
- Abc-Map - Create geographical maps, pick data from the data store, process data to create visualizations, export or share your maps online.
17. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- Activepieces - No-code business automation tool like Zapier or Tray. For example, you can send a Slack notification for each new Trello card. (Source Code (⭐12k))
Software / Wikis
- Wiki.js - Modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app using Git and Markdown. (Demo, Source Code (⭐26k))
18. Awesome Electronics
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- PCBWay - Low cost PCB batching service with PCBA, CNC and 3D-Printing services.
19. Awesome Svelte
State Libraries
- svelte-asyncable (⭐169) - The Svelte store contract with support for asynchronous values.
- svelte-splitpanes (⭐416) - Full featured resizeable views panels.
- mathjax-svelte (⭐0) - A Svelte component for MathJax.
- svelte-form-builder (⭐73) - A No-code Drag n Drop Form Builder built for Svelte
20. Awesome Nextjs
21. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📁 Flowbite Admin Dashboard (⭐2.3k) - Open-source admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite.
22. Awesome Blazor
Articles / Others
- Reducing Blazor WASM size by providing custom ICU data - January 16, 2023 - Reducing Blazor WASM size by providing custom ICU data.
23. Awesome Elixir
Static Page Generation
- NimblePublisher (⭐486) - Minimal filesystem-based publisher with markdown and syntax highlighting.
Third Party APIs
- omise (⭐10) - Omise client library for Elixir.
24. Awesome Graphql
- GraphQXL - GraphQXL is an extension of the GraphQL language with some additional features that help creating big and scalable server-side schemas.
- GraphQL Scalars - hosts community defined custom Scalar specifications for use with @specifiedBy.
- Discord - GraphQL - Official discord channel.
- Apollo GraphQL Community - Connect with other developers and share knowledge about every part of the Apollo GraphQL platform.
- Discord - Reactiflux - Join
on the Reactiflux Discord server.
25. Awesome Geojson
- geojson-indoor-tools (⭐8): Python tools for editing indoor GeoJSON features: adding room heights, building walls and creating doors
26. Awesome Game Remakes
- Vange-rs (⭐435) - The idea of this project is to replicate the old look and behavior of Vangers, but with native hardware acceleration for the graphics.
- VanillaConquer (⭐352) - Command and Conquer and Red Alert original release source port based on the remaster source code drop.
27. Awesome React Components
Photo / Image
- yet-another-react-lightbox (⭐736) - demo - docs - React lightbox component.
28. Awesome Datascience
Other Awesome Lists / Book Deals (Affiliated)
29. Awesome Zig
- MasterQ32/zig-network (⭐509) - Small network abstraction layer around TCP & UDP.
- dantecatalfamo/zig-dns (⭐61) - Experimental DNS library implemented in zig.
30. Awesome Go
- teler-waf (⭐365) - teler-waf is a Go HTTP middleware that provide teler IDS functionality to protect against web-based attacks and improve the security of Go-based web applications. It is highly configurable and easy to integrate into existing Go applications.
31. Awesome Integration
Projects / Managed File Transfer
- TIBCO Managed File Transfer - Centralized MFT platform with robust automation and security features designed to support diverse file transfer scenarios.
32. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Screencapturing Software
- Snagit - Screen Capture and Recording Software. Simple and Powerful.
Mac App Download Sites / Pirated software download site blocklist
- Appstorrent:
33. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Other
- Code extension - Visual Studio Code extension for Inertia.js.
34. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
35. Awesome Cl
- hu.dwim.walker (⭐8) - a code walker and unwalker (aka AST parser and unparser). BSD. See also this blog post.
JetBrains / Third-party APIs
- SLT (⭐202) - an IDE Plugin for Itellij/Jetbrains IDE lineup implementing support for Common Lisp via SBCL and Slime/Swank.
- 🎉 NEW! Released in Jan, 2023.
36. ALL About RSS
Self Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
37. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- echasnovski/mini.nvim#mini.move (⭐6.8k) - Module of
to move any selection (charwise, linewise, blockwise, current line in Normal mode) in any direction. Handles bothv:count
and undo history.
38. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Human-Level Problem Solving
- Hierarchical reasoning by neural circuits in the frontal cortex - Science, 2019. [All Versions]. Neuroscience evidence supporting rule switch.
- The importance of mixed selectivity in complex cognitive tasks - Nature, 2013. [All Versions]. The original paper introducing mixed selectivity with high-dimensional neural representations.
- Goals, usefulness and abstraction in value-based choice - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2023. [All Versions]. A review that outlines the computational and biological principles that enable the brain to compute the usefulness of an option or action by creating abstractions that flexibly adapt to changing goals.
- Abstract strategy learning underlies flexible transfer in physical problem solving - CogSci'20, 2020. [All Versions].
Commonsense / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- ConceptNet 5.5: An Open Multilingual Graph of General Knowledge - AAAI'17, 2017. [All Versions]. Latest version of ConceptNet.
Knowledge Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Chinese Library Classification - National Library of China. Classification system of P. R. China (online user interface in Chinese). [English introduction at ISKO]. [Wikipedia-EN].
39. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Mattermost — Secure collaboration for technical teams. Free plan with unlimited channels, playbooks, boards, users, 10GB storage, and more.
- Keploy - Keploy is a functional testing toolkit for developers. Recording API calls generates E2E tests for APIs (KTests) and mocks or stubs(KMocks). It is free for Open Source projects.
- — 60 uptime monitors, 5-minute interval. Email, Slack alerts.
Feature Toggles Management Platforms
- GrowthBook - Open source feature flag and A/B testing provider with built-in Bayesian statistical analysis engine. Free for up to 3 users, unlimited feature flags and experiments.
CDN and Protection
- Stellate - Stellate is a blazing-fast, reliable CDN for your GraphQL API and free for two services.
40. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-mui-ts (⭐60) - React + TypeScript + Redux + Material UI + RRD + ESLint + Prettier.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- Vite-plugin-graphiql (⭐7) - Integration for GraphiQL IDE.
- vite-plugin-graphql-server (⭐9) - Bootstrap a local GraphQL server for testing and documentaion.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-image-optimizer (⭐376) - Optimize (compress) your image assets using Sharp.js and SVGO at build time.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-shortcuts (⭐10) - Add additional customized shortcut key population.
- vite-plugin-auto-alias (⭐10) - Automatically generate alias based on path.
Open Source / Community
- Compiiile (⭐214) - Preview or host folders containing Markdown files with full-text search and presentation slides.
41. Awesome Rust
Applications / Text editors
- emacs-ng (⭐1.7k) - Complementing the C codebase with rust code to introduce new features.
- Lapce (⭐35k) - A modern editor with a backend. Taking inspiration from the discontinued xi-editor (⭐20k).
Libraries / Configuration
- softprops/envy (⭐890) - deserialize env vars into typesafe structs
Libraries / GUI
- xilem (⭐4.1k) - Successor of the data-first UI design toolkit druid (⭐9.6k).
Libraries / Platform specific
- Linux
- hannobraun/inotify-rs (⭐266) - inotify bindings
- pop-os/distinst (⭐221) - Linux distribution installer
- yaa110/rust-iptables (⭐88) [iptables] - iptables bindings
- hannobraun/inotify-rs (⭐266) - inotify bindings
42. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- FreedomBox - FreedomBox is a private home server for non-experts.
Community / iOS
43. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
Critical Views about Generative AI
- Stable Diffusion Frivolous · Because lawsuits based on ignorance deserve a response.: a community response for the "Stable Diffusion litigation"
Courses and Educational Materials
- [🔥🔥🔥] DAIR.AI: Democratizing Artificial Intelligence Research, Education, and Technologies
Papers Collection
- dair-ai/ML-Papers-Explained (⭐7.5k): Explanation to key concepts in ML
Prompt Engineering
- dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide (⭐54k): Guide and resources for prompt engineering
Text-related Generative Tools / Multi-agents
- Character.AI: platform for creating and talking to advanced AI Characters
AI Tools for Research / Multi-agents
- Paper Brain: summarizer for paper parts. The user needs to copy and paste into their interface.
- Explainpaper: "Upload a paper, highlight confusing text, get an explanation"
- Paper Player: A new way for busy scientists and technologists to consume open science
- TalkToPapers - namuan/dr-doc-search: Converse with book - Built with GPT-3 (⭐601): a github util where AI will do the paper reading for you instead
- hwaseem04/Research-digest (⭐2): Research paper summariser application for our hackathon
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- DreamFusion / Twitter: Text-to-3D using 2D Diffusion paper
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- [🔥] dmarx/video-killed-the-radio-star (⭐208): Notebook and tools for end-to-end automation of music video production with generative AI
- [🔥🔥🔥] Phenaki – Google Research: realistic video generation from open-domain textual descriptions
Text-to-speech (TTS) and avatars / Deforum
- VALL-E: synthesize high-quality personalized speech with only a 3-second samples
Speech-to-text (STT) and spoken content analysis / Deforum
- AI for Game Development: Creating a Farming Game in 5 Days. Part 1
Artists and Artworks / Deforum
- Artificial Realities: Coral / Twitter: artwork by @refikanadol commissioned by World Economic Forum
Auxiliary tools and concepts / Deforum
- BIRME: Bulk Image Resizing Made Easy 2.0 (Online & Free)
44. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / EHR
- Ozone HIS - The entreprise-grade integrated health information system built with OpenMRS 3
Contents / Imaging
- Slim (⭐110) - Interoperable web viewer and annotation tool for computational pathology.
Contents / Libraries
- ehrapy (⭐129) - Electronic Health Record analysis in Python.
- Hermes (⭐163) - a SNOMED CT terminology server.
45. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- omz-full-autoupdate (⭐73) - Automatically update oh-my-zsh (⭐177k) plugins and themes.
- toolbox (⭐0) - Automagically updates homebrew plugins. Allows enabling/disabling notice during startup and alias setup.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- daivasmara (⭐80) - Chill theme with decorators for current directory (truncated if necessary) and
information, including time since last commit.
- gianu-alternative (⭐1) - An alternative to OMZ Gianu (⭐177k) that changes prompt based on privilege. Includes
status and current directory decorators.
46. Awesome Dotfiles
Articles / Tutorials
Tools / Ansible
- themer (⭐5.5k) - Manage and generate themes across your development tools from within your dotfiles.
Miscellaneous / macOS
- - Your unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub.
Related Lists / macOS
- Awesome Fish (⭐4.2k) - Curated list of packages, prompts, and resources for the fish shell.
- Awesome Sysadmin (⭐25k) - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources.
Archive/abandoned projects / macOS
47. Awesome Algorand
Languages / .NET
- dotnet-alogrand-sdk (2) (⭐28) - Algorand .NET SDK maintained by @FrankSzendzielarz.
- dotnet-tinyman-sdk (⭐9) - Tinyman .NET SDK.
- dotnet-yieldly-sdk (⭐11) - Yieldly .NET SDK.
- powershell-algorand-module (⭐2) - Algorand PowerShell Module.
48. Awesome Crypto Papers
Specific topics / Zero Knowledge Proofs
- Information Theoretic Reductions among Disclosure Problems - Brassau et al.
49. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- airbrake/gobrake (⭐105) - An Airbrake middleware that reports performance data (route stats).
- Prev: Sep 10 - Sep 16, 2012
- Next: Jan 09 - Jan 15, 2023