Awesome List Updates on Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2023
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Editors
- Mundus (⭐162) - World/level editor for 3D worlds with a runtime for libGDX.
Resources / Setup and Deployment
- libgdx-library-template (⭐14) - A skeleton project for making new libraries, since they need different config.
Resources / User Interface
- TextraTypist (⭐96) - Like TypingLabel (below), but also supports styles, emoji, multiple fonts, clickable links, etc.
Resources / Visual Effects
- colorful-gdx (⭐76) - Expands how tinting can affect colors; also has many pre-written shaders.
Resources / Others
- anim8-gdx (⭐41) - Allows saving (animated) GIFs and PNGs from sequences of Pixmaps, with configurable dithering if needed.
2. Awesome Dotnet
Object to object mapping
- Mapperly (⭐3.1k) - A .NET source generator for generating object mappings. No runtime reflection.
3. ALL About RSS
🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin
4. Awesome Katas
5. Awesome Job Boards
Big Data
- Data Science Jobs Canada - Jobs in Data Science, Data Engineering, Data Analysis, AI, and Machine Learning
- Jobs In Blockchain - Discover latest Blockchain, Web3, Smart Contracts, Defi, NFT, Cryptocurrency related jobs
6. Awesome Clojure
Web Framework
7. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- GQL (⭐3.4k) - A SQL like query language to run on .git files.
Applications / Utilities
- rustic-rs/rustic (⭐2.2k) [rustic-rs] - Fast, encrypted, deduplicated backups powered by Rust.
8. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Music Information Retrieval
- chord-detection (⭐78) 🐙 (⭐78) - Algorithms for chord detection and key estimation.
9. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Array
- fast-cartesian (⭐55) - Fast cartesian product.
Modules / Other
- nanoid (⭐22k) - A tiny (130 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript
10. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- There Would Have Been No LLMs Without This (episode#3 in the History series): timeline of LLMs by Turing Post
Critical Views about Generative AI
AI-Powered Code Generation
- GPT Web App Generator: generates a webapp from a title, description, and other simple parameters
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- Ultimate Vocal Remover: vocal removal using AI
11. Awesome Algorand
AlgoKit Templates / Community
- algokit-goracle-template (⭐4) - Algokit community template for quick starting a smart contract project interacting with goracle.
12. Awesome Playwright
- currents-dev - A Cloud Dashboard to debug, troubleshoot and analyze parallel Playwright CI tests.
13. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Topic-specific
- Conducting Personal Network Research: A Practical Guide, by Christopher McCarty et al. (2019).
- Egocentric Network Analysis with R - An online book/tutorial that covers a lot of similar ground.
Software / R
- multigraph - Functions to build and visualize all sorts of multigraphs.
- multigraphr - Random multigraph models, statistics of multigraph properties, and goodness of fit tests.
- multinets - Package to handle multilevel networks in
- signnet Methods to analyse signed networks (structural balance, blockmodeling, centrality, etc.).
Software / Tutorials
14. Awesome Web Archiving
- Training materials:
15. Awesome Osint
Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools / Steam
16. Awesome Cpp
Web Application Framework
- C++ wfrest (⭐915) - C++ Web Framework REST API. [Apache2]
17. Awesome Elixir
- request_cache_plug (⭐24) - Easy to use caching for requests in either Phoenix Controllers or GraphQL resolvers. Bypasses JSON encoding/decoding for a large speedup.
Errors and Exception Handling
- elixir_error_message (⭐34) - Simple error helpers to make errors in your system predictable and easy to render to JSON or in logs.
18. Awesome Gnome
- Footage - Application to trim, flip, rotate and crop individual clips.
19. Awesome Theravada
- Tipitaka - The Tipitaka, or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism.
- Early Buddhist texts, translations, and parallels - The Tipitaka; translated by Bhante Sujato along with related translations.
Forums / Audio
- Dhammaloka Community - Ask and learn from the members of Dhammaloka City Centre in Australia.
Videos / Individual Videos
- The Mindful Way - BBC documentary about the life and function of a Buddhist monastery of the Forest Tradition in Thailand.
20. Awesome Free Software
Software / Command Line Tools
- Clipboard (⭐3.7k) - Cut, copy, and paste anything, anywhere, all from the command line. (GNU GPLv3 (⭐3.7k))
Software / Text Editors
21. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors
Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors
Processor: LNURL Daemon (⭐18)
Fees: No fees
Lightning: Yes
Directly to Your Wallet: Yes
Conversion to Fiat: No
Requirements: LND node
22. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- tanstack-table (⭐26k) - Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids.
- @kolirt/vue-modal (⭐15) - ⚡️ Simple Vue3 modal package
- vue-skia (⭐310) - Skia based 2d graphics vue3 rendering library. It is based on Rust to implement software rasterization to perform rendering.
- @kolirt/vue-web3-auth (⭐36) - 💎 Web3 authentication for Vue3 apps based on WalletConnect v2 and wagmi
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- tanstack-query (⭐44k) - Powerful asynchronous state management.
23. Awesome Developer First
- Tinybird - Real-time data streams to APIs.
- Novu - Open-source notification (Email, SMS, Direct, and Push) management.
24. Awesome V
- polygon-editor (⭐7) - A tool to create and edit 2D polygons with sprite lookup, created in V.
25. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / IDEs
- Zed - A high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
Utilities / Window Management
- Tiles - Easily reorganize windows by either dragging them to the edges of the screen, using keyboard shortcuts, or the menu bar.
26. Awesome Nextjs
- Taxonomy (⭐19k) - An example app built using Next.js 13 server components.
- shadcn/ui (⭐83k) - Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps.
27. Awesome Decentralized
- Fred (⭐1k): Freenet REference Daemon. Also:
- Keet: Peer to peer video & chat. Private & encrypted. Share huge files instantly.
- Netsukuku (⭐150): Netsukuku is an alternative to the internet; it will have all of the features of the internet, such as websites, instant messaging, file transfers, DNS, etc. It functions as a mesh network or a p2p net system that generates and sustains itself autonomously. It is designed to handle an unlimited number of nodes with minimal CPU and memory resources.
- NNTPChan (⭐70): NNTP based decentralized imageboard.
- SecuShare: A research project. Consider that it basically consists of a new Internet stack combined with a full-fledged distributed scalability alternative to cloud technology. Source code:
- Hyphanet: Hyphanet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant and privacy-respecting publishing and communication. The original Freenet.
- GNUnet: GNUnet is a network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. The Internet of tomorrow needs GNUnet today.
- Gun (⭐18k): A cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data; GUN is an ecosystem of tools that let you build community run and encrypted applications - like an Open Source Firebase or a Decentralized Dropbox.
28. Awesome Fiber
📁 Recipes / 🌱 Third Party
- alpody/golang-fiber-realworld-example-app (⭐132) - Example real world backend API built with Fiber, Gorm, Swagger.
29. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- EDA with Polars: Step-by-Step Guide to Aggregate and Analytic Functions (Part 2) - A blog post that shows how to perform with Polars and Python some fairly complex aggregates, rolling statistics and more by @AntonsRuberts. Code used is available in this notebook (⭐62).
- Pyspark or Polars — What should you use? - A blog post that explores and breaks down some of the similarities between PySpark and Polars. It provides insights on when to choose one over the other by Vivek Kovvuru.
30. Awesome Blazor
Articles / Others
- Silverlight Just Won't Die: 'XAML for Blazor' Arrives - July 13, 2023 - Userware is using vestiges of the long-gone and sorely missed Microsoft Silverlight web-dev platform to power its new "XAML for Blazor" offering, which lets .NET developers use markup language within client-side Blazor applications.
- What’s New in Blazor: 2023 Volume 2 - July 12, 2023 - New components and features added in the Syncfusion Essential Studio 2023 Volume 2 release for the Blazor platform.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 6 - July 11, 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 6 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release: Form model binding & validation with server-side rendering, Enhanced page navigation & form handling, Preserve existing DOM elements with streaming rendering, Interactive rendering with Blazor WebAssembly and more.
- Exploring Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Server Side Rendering (SSR) - July 11, 2023 - This is the first in a number of posts where we’ll explore the changes coming for Blazor in .NET 8.
- Introducing XAML for Blazor - July 10, 2023 - Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of “XAML for Blazor”, a new Blazor extension by Userware that brings the power of XAML to Blazor WebAssembly applications. It combines the familiarity and capabilities of XAML with the versatility of Blazor, empowering .NET developers to create cutting-edge web applications with even greater ease and flexibility.
31. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Identity Management - Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Authentik - Flexible identity provider with support for different protocols. (OAuth 2.0, SAML, LDAP and Radius). (Source Code (⭐8.2k))
32. Awesome Cli Apps
Utilities / Calendars
- clevercli (⭐126) - Collection of ChatGPT powered utilities.
Command Line Learning / Internet Speedtest
- yai (⭐674) - AI powered terminal assistant.
Files and Directories / File Managers
- far2l (⭐1.8k) - Orthodox file manager.
33. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model
- Generative Modeling Explained (⭐55) - Statistical Machine Learning Tutorials, 2022. This tutorial on generative modeling is in part of Statistical Machine Learning Tutorial by Ying Nian Wu at UCLA Statistics. The tutorial goes over the key equations and algorithms for learning recent generative models, including energy-based models, diffusion/score-based models, autoregressive/flow-based models, VAEs, and GANs, and explains the connections between these models.
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- An overview of multi-agent reinforcement learning from game theoretical perspective - 2020. [All Versions]. Yaodong Yang's review on multi-agent reinforcement learning from the perspective of game theory.
- When to Trust Your Model: Model-Based Policy Optimization - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions]. [Post].
Meta-Level Considerations / The Aha! Moment
- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1999. [All Versions]. [APA].
34. Awesome Groovy
- Groogle - A Groovy DSL written to use Google services APIs.
35. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Frameworks
- Meteor (⭐44k) - Meteor specific linting rules for ESLint.
Parsers / Testing Tools
- babel-eslint-parser (⭐43k) - Allows you to lint ALL valid Babel code with the fantastic ESLint.
Globals / Testing Tools
- confusing-browser-globals (⭐103k) - A curated list of browser globals that commonly cause confusion and are not recommended to use without an explicit window. qualifier.
Developing for ESLint / Testing Tools
- eslint-docgen (⭐10) - Automatically generate ESLint plugin documentation from rule metadata and test cases.
36. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Tools
- ebpfmon (⭐86) - A TUI (terminal user interface) application for real time monitoring of eBPF programs.
37. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Multiplatform
- Ashampoo/xmpcore (⭐17) - Kotlin Multiplatform port of Adobe's XMP SDK
- Ashampoo/kim (⭐179) - Kotlin Multiplatform library for reading and writing image metadata
Libraries/Frameworks / Jetpack-Compose
- mahozad/wavy-slider (⭐171) - Multiplatform UI widget that recreates the Android 13 squiggly progress bar
38. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Learning / Computer Graphics
- Awesome Collections
- 📚 Awesome Demoscene (⭐280) - Underground computer art culture exploring computer graphics and sound.
- 📚 Awesome Graphics Libraries (⭐384) - Curated list of 3D graphics libraries and resources.
Libraries / Haxe
- 📚 Haxe Blog: Game Engine - "How I wrote my own 3D game engine and shipped a game in 20 months".
- 📚 Haxe Blog: OpenFL - "Flash is dead, long live OpenFL".
Tools / Software / Animation Software
- 🆓 DragonBones - Open source 2D game skeletal animation solution. [Source]
39. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-sonner (⭐811) - An opinionated toast component for Svelte.
Internationalization / Form Components
- VoerkaI18n - Internationalization solution for
40. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- creativenull/efmls-configs-nvim (⭐287) - An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for efm-langserver to work with builtin LSP.
- creativenull/diagnosticls-configs-nvim (⭐90) - An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for diagnostic-languageserver to work with builtin LSP.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- xero/miasma.nvim (⭐350) - A dark pastel color scheme inspired by the woods. Built using lush and supports Tree-sitter, diagnostics, CMP, Git-Signs, Telescope, Which-key, Lazy, and more.
Tabline / Diagnostics
- tomiis4/BufferTabs.nvim (⭐83) - Simple and Fancy tabline.
Debugging / Diagnostics
- niuiic/dap-utils (⭐36) - Utilities to provide a better experience for using nvim-dap.
Fennel / Diagnostics
- Olical/nfnl (⭐270) - Streamlined successor to Aniseed, compiling Fennel to Lua on file write.
41. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-cht-sh (⭐32) Access cheatsheets easily in a popup
42. Alternative Internet
- ADPS (Amateur Digital Post Service) is an offline sneakernet software which enables using USB-drives for communication between other nodes which also use removable storages. It has two separate implemetantions. The first one (⭐2) is for Windows, has GUI and is written on C#. Another one (⭐3) is crossplatform but uses CLI instead of GUI and it's written on Python.
43. Awesome Fastapi
- FastAPI Amis Admin (⭐1.1k) - A high-performance, efficient and easily extensible FastAPI admin framework.
- Starlette Admin (⭐692) - Admin framework for FastAPI/Starlette, supporting SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, MongoDB, and ODMantic.
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- Bitcart (⭐590) - Platform for merchants, users and developers which offers easy setup and use.
- FastAPI with Observability (⭐718) - Observe FastAPI app with three pillars of observability: Traces (Tempo), Metrics (Prometheus), Logs (Loki) on Grafana through OpenTelemetry and OpenMetrics.
- Markdown-Videos (⭐82) - API for generating thumbnails to embed into your markdown content.
44. Awesome Privacy
Workout planners
- (⭐1.3k) - A small web application to create workouts based on your available equipment and the muscles you want to train that you can selfhost.
45. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Espressif
46. Awesome Micropython
Communications / Web
- wlan-relays (⭐0) - Very simple HTTP server written in MicroPython for controlling the pins of an ESP32 board.
Display / Fonts
- packed-font (⭐22) - Memory efficient MicroPython fonts for the Pico Pi and SSD1306 OLED Display.
- PCF8591_micropython_library (⭐2) - MicroPython library for PCF8591 8-bit ADC/DAC.
Motion / Servo
- MicroPython_PCA9685 (⭐6) - MicroPython Driver for the PCA9685 PWM control IC, commonly used to control servos, LEDs and motors.
Sensors / Barometer - Air and Water Pressure
- D6F-PH (⭐0) - MicroPython module for differential pressure sensor, D6F-PH (OMRON).
- uPIDE (⭐24) - µPIDE is a simple IDE for MicroPython.
47. Awesome Graphql
- gqty (⭐981) - A No GraphQL client for TypeScript
Frontend Framework Integrations / React
- @gqty/react (⭐981) - A No GraphQL client for TypeScript
Services / React
- Grafbase - Instant GraphQL APIs for any data source.
CMS / React
- Hygraph - Build Scalable Content Experiences.
48. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Analytics
- Mixpost - Self-hosted social media management software. Easily create, schedule, publish, and manage social media content in one place (alternative to Hootsuite, Buffer, and other social media tools). (Source Code (⭐94))
- Socioboard (⭐1.2k)
- Social media management, analytics, and reporting platform supporting nine social media networks out-of-the-box.GPL-3.0
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Hyphanet - Anonymously share files, browse and publish freesites (web sites accessible only through Hyphanet) and chat on forums. (Source Code (⭐1.1k))
Software / Database Management
- MindsDB - MindsDB is an open source self hosted AI layer for existing databases that allows you to effortlessly develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models using standard queries. (Source Code (⭐27k))
Software / DNS
- AdGuard Home - Free and open source, userfriendly ads & trackers blocking DNS server. (Source Code (⭐27k))
Software / File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers
- SeaweedFS (⭐24k) - SeaweedFS is an open source distributed file system supporting WebDAV, S3 API, FUSE mount, HDFS, etc, optimized for lots of small files, and easy to add capacity.
Software / File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload
- Picsur (⭐970) - A simple imaging hosting platform that allows you to easily host, edit, and share images.
Software / Internet of Things (IoT)
- FlowForge - FlowForge allows companies to deploy Node-RED applications in a reliable, scalable and secure manner. The FlowForge platform provides DevOps capabilities for Node-RED development teams. (Source Code (⭐309))
Software / Knowledge Management Tools
- Atomic Server (⭐1.2k) - Knowledge graph database with documents (similar to Notion), tables, search, and a powerful linked data API. Lightweight, very fast and no runtime dependencies. (Demo)
Software / Money, Budgeting & Management
- HyperSwitch
- HyperSwitch is an Open Source Financial Switch to make payments Fast, Reliable and Affordable. It lets you connect with multiple payment processors and route traffic effortlessly, all with a single API integration. (Source Code (⭐14k))Apache-2.0
Software / Personal Dashboards
- LittleLink (⭐2k) - A simplistic approach for links in bio with 100+ branded buttons (alternative to Linktree). (Demo, Source Code (⭐2k))
Software / Photo Galleries
- Chevereto - Ultimate image sharing software. Create your very own personal image hosting website in just minutes. (Source Code (⭐603))
- Immich - Self-hosted photo and video backup solution directly from your mobile phone. (Source Code (⭐61k))
49. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Hook0 - Hook0 is an open-source Webhooks-as-a-service (WaaS) that makes it easy for online products to provide webhooks. Dispatch up to 3,000 events/month with seven days of history retention for free.
- — Reliable email delivery API. Free tier (10,000 emails/per month). Send asynchronously. Use several SMTP servers. Blocklists, Logging, Tracking, Webhooks, and more.
Web Hosting
- Lecturify - Web hosting with SFPT access for file upload and download, php available.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- — Free Minimalistic Time Tracker and Timesheet app for projects.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Aptabase — Open Source, Privacy-Friendly, and Simple Analytics for Mobile and Desktop Apps. SDKs for Swift, Kotlin, React Native, Flutter, Electron, and many others. Free for up to 20,000 events per month.
50. Awesome Newsletters
Technology in General / Svelte
- MindByte Weekly Pulse Fuel your week with MindByte Weekly Pulse, your indispensable guide to navigating the dynamic world of GitHub, Azure, and .NET. Discover the latest insights, tips, and trends, curated by an industry expert, delivered to your inbox every week.
51. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- Spacemono (⭐385) - Google's new original monospace display typeface family.
52. Awesome Langchain
Open Source Projects / Knowledge Management
- Second Brain AI Agent (⭐210): A streamlit app dialog with your second brain notes using OpenAI and ChromaDB locally.
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- MetaGPT (⭐49k): The Multi-Agent Meta Programming Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo and CI
- Hyv (⭐23): Probably the easiest way to use any AI Model in Node.js and create complex interactions with ease.
53. Awesome Ada
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- vulkada - A complete Vulkan 1.1 thick binding for Ada 2012.
- Prev: Jul 17 - Jul 23, 2023
- Next: Jul 03 - Jul 09, 2023