Awesome List Updates on Jul 03 - Jul 09, 2023
45 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Capacitorjs
Plugins / Community Plugins
- @wahr/capacitor-websocket-client (⭐50) - Capacitor WebSocket Client Plugin.
2. Awesome Python Typing
Static type checkers
- basedmypy (⭐160) - Based static typing with baseline functionality.
3. Awesome Haxe Gamedev
Game engines
- Armory (Kha) (⭐2.9k) - An open-source 3D game engine with full Blender integration (
- Away3D (⭐187) - An open source, real-time 3D engine for OpenFL (
- ceramic (⭐211) - Cross-platform 2D framework (
- HaxeFlixel (OpenFL) (⭐1.8k) - Free, cross-platform 2D game engine powered by OpenFL (
- Haxegon (OpenFL) (⭐192) - A programming library for beginners. Powered by OpenFL and Starling (
- Heaps (⭐3k) - High Performance Game Framework (
- hxdefold (⭐177) - Haxe/Lua externs for Defold game engine (
- OpenFL (⭐1.8k) - Interactive game and app development library (
- Starling (⭐230) - The "Cross-Platform Game Engine", a popular Stage3D framework (
- Stencyl (OpenFL) (⭐181) - Create Flash, HTML5, iOS, Android, and desktop games with no code (
- unreal.hx (⭐412) - Haxe Integration for Unreal (
- HxGodot (Godot 4.0) (⭐185) - A Haxe GDExtension for Godot 4 (
Low-level Engine
- Kha (⭐1.4k) - Ultra-portable, high performance, open source multimedia framework (
- Lime (⭐722) - A flexible, lightweight layer for Haxe cross-platform developers (
- linc_glfw (⭐16) - Desktop - GLFW binding (multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan) (Desktop).
- NME (⭐470) - A cross-platform native backend (
- 3DSHaxe (⭐27) - Make 3ds homebrew! (
- echo (⭐138) - Simple Physics Library.
- haxebullet (⭐93) - Bullet 3D Physics.
- nape-haxe4 (⭐43) - Physics Engine (the original Haxe3 version of nape can be found here (⭐542)).
- awe6 (⭐81) -
- The inverted game framework, is a development tool focused on Future Proofing.
- ecx (⭐51) -
- An Entity Component System framework.
- hexMachina (⭐7) -
- A powerful multi-modular MVC framework.
- OSIS (⭐42) -
- Entity Component System architecture with networking support.
- Anette (⭐37) - Simple network library (no UDP).
- colyseus-hx (⭐69) - Multiplayer Game Client.
- haxe-simple-peer (js) (⭐4) - Haxe externs for simple-peer.
- hxWebSockets (⭐77) - Websockets for all platforms.
- Built-in - Heaps, OpenFL (HaxeFlixel & co), Kha (Armory).
Serialization and storage
- Bits (⭐22) - Binary bit flags with unlimited amount of bits.
- CastleDB (⭐517) - A structured static database easing collaboration.
- hxbit (⭐144) - A binary serialization and network synchronization library.
- PODStream (⭐21) - Plain Old Data serializer.
- Darksburg - Heaps -
- Dead Cells - Heaps -
- Defender's Quest - HaxeFlixel (OpenFL) -
- Defender's Quest 2 - HaxeFlixel (OpenFL) -
- Dicey Dungeons - Haxegon (OpenFL) -
- Evoland - Heaps -
- Northgard - Heaps -
- Papers, Please - OpenFL -
- Pocket Kingdom - HaxePunk (OpenFL)-
- rymdkapsel - OpenFL -
- Spellbreak - unreal.hx -
- The Westport Independent - Luxe -
Miscellaneous / 3rd party API
- SteamWrap (⭐96) - Native extension for the SteamAPI.
- newgrounds - Newgrounds API.
- hxgamejolt-api (⭐11) - Haxe bindings for GameJolt API.
Miscellaneous / Animation
- spine-hx (⭐54) - Spine runtime automatically converted from the official Java/libgdx runtime.
- HaxeFlixel - Spine parser.
- Heaps-Spine (⭐17) - Spine player for heaps.
- heaps-aseprite (⭐25) - Load and render sprites and animations in Aseprite format.
- openfl-aseprite (⭐15) - Load and render sprites and animations in Aseprite format.
- openfl-spine (⭐16) - Render Spine animation in the OpenFL engine, rendering processing can be achieved throughSprite and Tilemap.
- ase (⭐15) - File format reader/writer for .ase/.aseprite without external dependencies.
- flxgif (⭐10) - Yagp's Gif Player for HaxeFlixel.
Miscellaneous / Audio
- sfxr-hx (⭐5) - Pure haxe implementation of Sfxr.
Miscellaneous / Color manipulation
- nxColor (⭐38) - Color manipulation library.
Miscellaneous / Collision
- differ (⭐158) - A separation axis theorem collision library.
Miscellaneous / Computer Vision
- Vision (⭐34) - Cross platform computer vision library.
Miscellaneous / Data structures
- polygonal-ds (⭐341) - Data structures for games.
Miscellaneous / Editor
- flixel-studio (⭐98) - In-game editor for HaxeFlixel.
Miscellaneous / Helpers
- deepnightLibs (⭐215) - General gamedev purpose libs.
Miscellaneous / Localization
- firetongue (⭐142) - A translation/localization framework.
Miscellaneous / Map parser
- PyxelEdit Map Importer (⭐33) - Parser for maps generated by the editor PyxelEdit.
- Heaps - Built-in parser for Tiled.
- HaxeFlixel - Parser for Tiled & Ogmo.
- LEd (⭐83) - 2D level editor with a typed compile time loader.
- TiledHX (⭐8) - A comprehensive modern Tiled parser.
Miscellaneous / Math helpers
- hxmath (⭐88) - A game-oriented math library.
- haxe-glm (⭐44) - A toolset for using 2, 3, and 4 dimensional vectors and matrices, as well as quaternions.
- hx-vector2d (⭐12) - Worlds most complete Vector2d / Point class. With operator overloading.
Miscellaneous / Modding
- polymod (⭐147) - An atomic modding framework for games/apps.
Miscellaneous / Particles
- Sparkler (⭐15) - Modular Particle System.
Miscellaneous / Monetization
- extension-iap (⭐8) - Provides an access to in-app purchases (iOS) and in-app billing (Android) for OpenFL projects using a common API. Fork of this (⭐71).
Miscellaneous / Pathfinding
- pathfinder (⭐28) - Easy A* pathfinding algorithm.
- astar - Versatile framework-agnostic A-star solver Library.
Miscellaneous / Shaders
- HGSL (⭐131) - Haxe to GL Shading Language.
- parasol (⭐14) - HaxeFlixel library of shaders.
Miscellaneous / Sprite
- haxe-aseprite (⭐20) - Parser for .ase and .aseprite files.
Miscellaneous / Texture Packer
- hxpk (⭐46) - Port of the libGDX Texture Packer.
Miscellaneous / Tweening
- actuate (⭐150) - A flexible, fast "tween" library.
- YATL (⭐16) - Yet Another (Haxe) Tweening Library.
- TweenX/TweenXCore (⭐89) - Tween library.
Miscellaneous / UI
- domkit (⭐77) - CSS Components based strictly typed UI framework.
- flixel-ui (⭐158) - GUI library for HaxeFlixel.
- HaxeUI - UI library with multiple framework backends (HTML5, Kha, OpenFL, PixiJS, WxWidgets, and a number of others as works in progress).
- Feathers UI - Cross-platform graphical user interface components for creative frontend projects.
Miscellaneous / Video
- hxCodec (⭐104) - Adds native video playback on HaxeFlixel and OpenFL.
4. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- tfgpt (⭐71) - A CLI tool that integrates Terraform with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo to provide explanations for Terraform commands and concepts.
- tfvar (⭐216) - tfvar scans your Terraform configurations or modules and extracts the variables into formats of your choice (tfvar, environment variables, etc.) for editing.
5. Awesome Zig
Algorithms and data structures
- karlseguin/cache.zig (⭐50) - Thread-safe, expiration-aware, LRU cache.
- karlseguin/zuckdb.zig (⭐109) - DuckDB wrapper.
Misc libraries
- karlseguin/singleflight.zig (⭐3) - Duplicate function call suppression.
6. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors
Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors
Processor: SatSale (⭐242)
Fees: No fees
Lightning: Yes
Directly to Your Wallet: Yes
Conversion to Fiat: Weakhands: swap to USDT on Liquid (⭐242), no-KYC
Requirements: Python. Bitcoin node, Lightning node & WooCommerce optional.
Processor: Keagate (⭐171)
Fees: No fees
Lightning: No
Directly to Your Wallet: Yes
Conversion to Fiat: No
Requirements: 1 GB RAM, Unix
7. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Node.js
- Node.js Best Practices (⭐102k) - Yoni Goldberg, et al.
8. Awesome Rails
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- podiscover (⭐20) - An open source social media platform to discover new podcasts. (using Rails 7.0) - 🌍
9. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Application
- javactrl-kafka (⭐12) [Java] - An application of a stateful stream processing for workflow as Java code (microservices orchestration, business process automation, and more).
10. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- EDA with Polars: Step-by-Step Guide for Pandas Users (Part 1) - A blog post that describes the main data processing operations with Polars in Python by @AntonsRuberts. Code used is available in this notebook (⭐62).
Resources / Talks and videos
- How to update mass data using Polars DataFrame ⏳
9 min
- A video that presents the process of writing code to update mass columns across CSV or data files by @AmitXShukla. Notebook used for the video in this github repo (⭐79).
11. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- Trust Region Policy Optimization - ICML'15, 2015. [All Versions]. The original paper introducing TRPO, a method for optimizing control policies, with guaranteed monotonic improvement.
Meta-Level Considerations / The Aha! Moment
- Dynamics and constraints in insight problem solving - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2002. [All Versions]. [APA].
Science Logology / AI Assisted Research
- Optimizing Spaced Repetition Schedule by Capturing the Dynamics of Memory - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023. [All Versions].
Paper Reading / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Text Visualization Browser - ISOVIS group, 2015. [Paper]. [All Versions]. A Hub of Text Visualization Techniques.
12. Awesome Talks
Software Development
- Programming’s Greatest Mistakes by Mark Rendle (NDC Copenhagen 2022) [55:34]
- Email vs Capitalism, or, Why We Can't Have Nice Things by Dylan Beattie (NDC Oslo 2023) [56:45]
Software Design
- Tidy First by Kent Beck (QCon 2023) [46:19]
13. Awesome Design Systems
Design tokens
- Design Tokens Validator - Validate your design tokens against the Design Token Community Group spec.
14. Awesome Math
- The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences - Great compendium of many different integer sequences. Founded 1964 by N. J. A. Sloane.
15. Awesome V
Text processing
- read_xlsx_v (⭐0) - Read xlsx using vlang.
- vest (⭐5) - A REST client in V.
16. Awesome Agriculture
Data Standardization, Interoperability and APIs
- Agstack - Open-Source Digital Infrastructure for the Agriculture Ecosystem.
- JDLinkMachineDataAPI-OAuth2-CSharp-Example (⭐0) - CSharp JDLink Machine Data API client example.
- MyJohnDeereAPI-OAuth2-Java-Example (⭐2) - Java MyJohnDeere API client example.
- MyJohnDeereAPI-OAuth2-NodeJS-Example (⭐3) - Node.js MyJohnDeere API client example.
- MyJohnDeereAPI-OAuth2-Python-Example (⭐19) - Python MyJohnDeere API client example.
IoT, Hardware / Shapefiles
- Farm-Data-Relay-System (⭐535) - System using ESP-NOW, LoRa, and other protocols to transport sensor data in remote areas without relying on WiFi.
- OpenWeedLocator (⭐366) - Open Source, low-cost, image-based weed detection device for in-crop and fallow scenarios.
Machine Learning and AI / Shapefiles
- AgML (⭐194) - Centralized framework for agricultural machine learning.
- FarmVibes.AI (⭐707) - Multi-Modal GeoSpatial ML Models for Agriculture and Sustainability.
17. Free for Dev
- Apptim — A mobile testing tool that enables people without performance engineering skills to evaluate an app's performance and user experience (UX). A desktop version using your own device is 100% FREE, with unlimited tests on both iOS and Android.
Managed Data Services
- Aiven - Aiven offers free PostgreSQL, MySQL and Redis plans on its open-source data platform. Single node, 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, and for PostgreSQL and MySQL, 5GB storage. Easy migration to more extensive plans or across clouds.
18. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
Projects Using Vue.js / Interactive Experiences
- Vue Play - Create Vue components and applications in an interactive / visual drag & drop designer.
19. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- Bearer (⭐2.2k) — Open-Source static code analysis tool to discover, filter and prioritize security risks and vulnerabilities leading to sensitive data exposures (PII, PHI, PD). Highly configurable and easily extensible, built for security and engineering teams.
20. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Prototyping and Mind-Mapping Tools
- QuikFlow - Create flowcharts with a mind-mapping workflow.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Pulp (⭐43) - Audio sample manager.
Security Tools / Audio Record and Process
- Suspicious Package - An application for inspecting macOS installer packages.
21. ALL About RSS
RSS services powered by utilizing Obsidian / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSS2Podcast / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tumblr RSS fix / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
22. Awesome Ddd
- Architecture Modernization - Concrete tools, techniques, and processes to align software architecture with your business domains, organizational design, team topologies, and corporate strategy.
- Collaborative Software Design - A practical guide for effectively involving all stakeholders in the design of software.A practical guide for effectively involving all stakeholders in the design of software.
Training Courses
- Distilling Domain-Driven Design - Vaughn Vernon's online training course.
- Event Sourcery - Introduction to DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing.
- EventStorming Fundamentals Course (also in Spanish) - learn the fundamentals of EventStorming. Everything about EventStorming with examples.
Community Resources
- DDD-es Google Group - The Google Group to discuss Domain-Driven Design in Spanish.
- EventStorming Google Group - The Google Group to discuss EventStorming.
- DDD/CQRS/ES Discord (⭐71) - A Discord (old Slack) team for those who want to chat about Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Event Sourcing and sometimes random things. Main channel is language and framework agnostic.
- Domain StoryTelling Discord - A Discord team about Domain StoryTelling (#domain-storytelling channel) by @hofstef. The homepage is at
- Awesome Domain Storytelling (⭐177) - awesome list that focuses only on Domain Storytelling.
- Domain-Driven Design in dynamic languages GitHub (⭐1.3k) - GitHub's profile of Domain-Driven Design in dynamic languages.
- Domain-Driven Design Crew GitHub - GitHub's profile of Domain-Driven Design Crew.
Sample Projects / JavaScript / TypeScript
- Over-engineered ToDo app (⭐1.1k) - Complete working example of using Domain Driven Design (DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing (ES), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) using TypeScript and NestJS generated using the Bitloops Language (BL) (⭐338).
Libraries and Frameworks / JavaScript / TypeScript
- Bitloops Language (BL) (⭐338) - Open-source, 4th-generation, transpiled programming language that helps you write clean code, well-designed systems, and build high-quality software that is testable, auditable and maintainable using DDD and Hexagonal Architecture.
Libraries and Frameworks / Python
- PyAssimilator (⭐182) - Quickly create DDD Python patterns, Event-Based Systems, CRUD applications. Set of Python patterns for database access that support SQLAlchemy, MongoDB, Redis, or Pure Python. PyAssimilator allows you to write code without dependencies, meaning you can switch SQL to NoSQL without changing a single file in your system.
23. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Burke Learns Blazor -
July 7, 2023 - Finishing the API and starting the UI. Community links.
- Adding Progress Indicators & Progress Telerik Maps in 'Next Tech Event' | Part 21 -
July 4, 2023 - In this episode, we discuss and implement progress indicators to enhance user experience. Plus, we integrate a Map component from Progress Telerik, adding a visually striking and functional element to the platform. Source code (⭐5).
- The Blazor Power Hour: Sections, SectionOutlet, and SectionContent in .NET 8 Preview -
June 28, 2023 - Let's take a deep dive into a .NET 8 Preview feature, sections. What are SectionOutlet, and SectionContent? How do we use them to build an extensive layout system for Blazor applications?
- Running ASP.NET Core Apps without a server? WHAT??? -
May 26, 2023 - By Isaac Levin at the NDC Oslo 2023. With the introduction of WebAssembly-based Blazor, .NET developers can now build solutions that can run on all sorts of new hosting platforms, even ones without servers. Building applications that can run nearly anywhere, all written in C# is an amazing experience for web developers, far and wide. Write code in the programming language you love, without having to learn the newest Javascript framework (though you can interop if you want to!) is the reason why Blazor is one of the most exciting things in the current .NET landscape. In this session, we will go over the technology of Blazor WebAssembly and showcase deploying a .NET app that can run in places we never thought we could.
24. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vanilla
- vite-tinybase (⭐9) - Starter template for TinyBase.
- vite-tinybase-ts (⭐11) - Starter template for TinyBase and TypeScript.
Templates / Vue 3
- antdv-pro (⭐741) - AntdvPro is a complete set of enterprise-level mid-backend front-end/design solutions based on Vue3, Vite4, ant-design-vue4, Pinia, UnoCSS and Typescript.
Templates / React
- create-react-app-vite (⭐141) - React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, MSW, Vitest, React Testing Library, ESLint, Prettier, GitHub Actions.
- vite-tinybase-react (⭐6) - Starter template for TinyBase and React.
- vite-tinybase-ts-react (⭐11) - Starter template for TinyBase, TypeScript, and React.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- @spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap (⭐69) - Pack your SVG files in one spritemap file and use them with
and directly in your CSS.
- vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html (⭐9) - A file directory-based automated multi-page build plugin that supports HTML templates using EJS.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js (⭐451) - Takes the CSS and adds it to the page through the JS.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-global-const (⭐10) - Define constants for reuse of your code.
Vue / Routing
unplugin-vue-router (⭐1.8k) - Official experimental file based routing.
Vue / Helpers
vite-plugin-vue-devtools (⭐1.6k) - Designed to enhance the Vue developer experience.
vite-plugin-vue-nested-sfc (⭐96) - Nest SFCs inside your SFC.
Libraries / Community
- vue-ssr (⭐12) - Minimalistic wrapper to develop and run SSR powered Vue apps.
25. Awesome Github Wiki
Useful links with tips & tricks
26. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Documentation
📚 Literature / Scientific Research
27. Awesome Hacking
Docker Images for Penetration Testing & Security
docker pull kalilinux/kali-linux-docker
official Kali Linux
Tools / Other
- Shodan - A web-crawling search engine that lets users search for various types of servers connected to the internet.
- masscan (⭐22k) - Internet scale portscanner.
- Keyscope (⭐369) - an extensible key and secret validation tool for auditing active secrets against multiple SaaS vendors
- CyLR (⭐579) - NTFS forensic image collector
- CAINE- CAINE is a Ubuntu-based app that offers a complete forensic environment that provides a graphical interface. This tool can be integrated into existing software tools as a module. It automatically extracts a timeline from RAM.
28. Awesome Groovy
Data Processing
- Nextflow - Groovy DSL for Data-driven computational pipelines
Try Groovy in Browser
29. Awesome Cl
- cl-jwk (⭐17) - Common Lisp system for decoding public JSON Web Keys (JWK). BSD License.
- NEW! CL CommunitySpec - a rendition of the Common Lisp ANSI Specification draft.
- with an interactive search, syntax highlighting! And open-source.
- NEW! novaspec - a modern rendition of the CL ANSI draft.
- not open-source?
30. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / R
- edgebundle (⭐127) - Edge bundling algorithms, useful to e.g. draw networks of transport maps.
- netseg - Various measures of network segregation and homophily.
31. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Analytics
- Swetrix - Ultimate, open-source web analytics to satisfy all your needs. (Demo, Source Code (⭐42))
Software / Communication - Email - Mailing Lists and Newsletters
- Sympa - Mailing list manager. (Source Code (⭐258))
Software / Miscellaneous
- GO Feature Flag - Simple, complete, and lightweight feature flag solution (alternative to LaunchDarkly). (Source Code (⭐1.6k))
Software / Pastebins
- YABin (⭐182) - A pastebin that contains plentiful features while remaining simple. Supports optional E2E encryption, a client-side CLI app, syntax highlighting, minimalistic UI, APIs, keyboard shortcuts, and more. It can even be run in serverless environments. (Demo)
Software / Proxy
- Koblas (⭐118) - Lightweight SOCKS5 proxy server.
32. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim (⭐200) - A colorscheme that features a combination of bright and juicy colors reminiscent of various citrus fruits, with LSP and Tree-sitter support.
- 2nthony/vitesse.nvim (⭐59) - Vitesse theme Lua port.
33. Awesome Machine Learning
Go / Natural Language Processing
- Cybertron (⭐298) - Cybertron: the home planet of the Transformers in Go.
Go / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Spago (⭐1.8k) - Self-contained Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing library in Go.
Python / Computer Vision
- joliGEN (⭐252) - Generative AI Image Toolset with GANs and Diffusion for Real-World Applications.
34. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Http Clients
- corbella83/ (⭐6) - Simple, powerful and lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform Network Client
35. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Utilities
- cdx-toolkit - Library and CLI to consult cdx indexes and create WARC extractions of subsets. Abstracts away Common Crawl's unusual crawl structure. (Stable)
Tools & Software / Analysis
- Common Crawl Columnar Index - SQL-queryable index, with CDX info plus language classification. (Stable)
- Common Crawl Web Graph - A host or domain-level graph of the web, with ranking information. (Stable)
- Common Crawl Jupyter notebooks (⭐50) - A collection of notebooks using Common Crawl's various datasets. (Stable)
- Web Data Commons - Structured data extracted from Common Crawl. (Stable)
Community Resources / Mailing Lists
36. Awesome Micropython
- upython-chat-gpt (⭐31) - ChatGPT for MicroPython.
Communications / APIs
- micropython-linenotify (⭐10) - MicroPython library for sending notifications to Line Notify with ESP8266 and ESP32.
Communications / ESP-NOW
- mesh-espnow-micropython (⭐10) - Dynamic Secure Mesh for Collaborative Nodes of IoT devices.
Communications / IoT
- micropython-switchbot-thermometer-hygrometer (⭐4) - Read SwitchBot Thermometer/Hygrometer via Bluetooth.
Communications / RPC
- ujrpc (⭐5) - JSON RPC for MicroPython.
Communications / WiFi
- micropython-wifi_manager (⭐62) - WiFi Manager for ESP8266 and ESP32 using MicroPython.
Sensors / Accelerometer Digital
- MicroPython_MMA8452Q (⭐0) - MicroPython Driver for the NXP MMA8452Q Accelerometer.
Sensors / Motion Inertial
- MicroPython_ICG20660 (⭐0) - MicroPython Driver for the TDK ICG20660 Accelerometer/Gyro sensor.
37. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Service Discovery
- etcd - Distributed K/V-Store, authenticating via SSL PKI and a REST HTTP Api for shared configuration and service discovery. (Source Code (⭐47k))
Software / Software Containers
- Docker - Platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications. (Source Code)
- OpenVZ - Container-based virtualization for Linux. (Source Code)
- Portainer Community Edition - Simple management UI for Docker. (Source Code (⭐30k))
38. Awesome Algorand
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- AlgoRun (⭐31) - Simple CLI utility for setting up and starting Algorand MainNet participation node.
39. Awesome Langchain
Tools / Services
- AilingBot (⭐59): Quickly integrate applications built on Langchain into IM such as Slack, WeChat Work, Feishu, DingTalk.
Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots
- Autonomous HR Chatbot (⭐378) An autonomous HR agent that can answer user queries using tools
- GPT Migrate (⭐6.9k): Easily migrate your codebase from one framework or language to another.
Tools / Agents
- BlockAGI (⭐302): BlockAGI conducts iterative, domain-specific research, and outputs detailed narrative reports to showcase its findings
Open Source Projects / Knowledge Management
- DataChad (⭐316): A streamlit app that lets you chat with any data source. Supporting both OpenAI and local mode with GPT4All.
Learn / Videos Playlists
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- Outlines (⭐11k): Fast and reliable neural text generation.
- AI Utils (⭐1.2k): TypeScript-first library for building AI apps, chatbots, and agents.
40. Awesome Deno
Modules / Database
- dongoose (⭐24) - A simple and easy to use ORM for Deno KV.
Modules / Web utils
- react-icons - React Icons converted to preact for deno fresh.
41. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- TerraVide - TerraVide is an open source python package to process large urban environments mapped with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. As of v0.1.6, focuses on tree extraction.
42. Awesome Cpp
- DSPFilters (⭐1.9k) - A collection of useful C++ classes for digital signal processing. [MIT]
- iir1 (⭐669) - IIR Realtime C++ filter library. [MIT]
- kissfft (⭐1.6k) - A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) library that tries to Keep it Simple, Stupid. [BSD-3-Clause]
- pocketfft (⭐81) - FFT implementation based on FFTPack, but with several improvements. [BSD-3-Clause]
- wavelib (⭐393) - C implementation of 1D and 2D wavelet transforms. [BSD-3-Clause]
Inter-process communication
- SRPC (⭐2k) - A lightweight RPC system that supports multiple protocols and OpenTelemetry. [Apache2]
43. Awesome Rust
Applications / Graphics
- rustq/vue-skia (⭐310) - Skia based 2d graphics vue rendering library. It is based on Rust to implement software rasterization to perform rendering.
Libraries / Data visualization
- blitzarx1/egui_graphs (⭐484) [egui_graphs] - Interactive graph visualization widget powered by egui and petgraph.
Libraries / Finance
- d-e-s-o/apca (⭐153) [apca] - Opinionated and comprehensive bindings to the Alpaca API for stock trading and more.
Libraries / Scripting
- kcl (⭐1.9k) - A constraint-based record & functional language mainly used in configuration and policy scenarios.
44. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- The Next Token of Progress: 4 Unlocks on the Generative AI Horizon | Andreessen Horowitz: critical innovations on the horizon: steering, memory, ability to use tools, and multimodality
Critical Views about Generative AI
Generative AI Tools Directories
- Technologies in LabLab: list of AI tools suggested by for their hackathons
AI-Powered Code Generation
- wolfia-app/gpt-code-search (⭐204): search a codebase with natural language using AI
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- [🔥🔥🔥] Emerging Architectures for LLM Applications | Andreessen Horowitz: "a reference architecture for the emerging LLM app stack"
Hypertechniques / ControlNet
Image Upscaling / Deforum
- AI Image Upscaler - Enlarge & Enhance Your Photos for Free - simple free alternative for image upscaling
- Topaz Labs: AI Image Quality Software: "professional grade workflow, with many features" (this is an affiliate link by
- AI Image Upscaler - Upscale Photo, Cartoons in Batch Free: "free, browser-based, with five credits per day" reference by
- Why you should upscale your images: comparing different tools
45. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- fzf (unixorn) (⭐335) - Enables fzf (⭐68k) history and file searches.
- fzf-tools (⭐15) - Provides functions, aliases and key-bindings for commands such as
that are designed to enhance your command-line workflow by making them to default to filtering through fzf (⭐68k), allowing you to quickly find files, search & run commands from history, run scripts of many supported types, browsegit
commits, and more.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- agnoster-multiline (⭐0) - Based on Agnoster (⭐4.1k). Includes decorators for current directory and
status. Requires a font with powerline andgit
glyphs. Automatically disables non-ascii glyphs on linux ttys.
- bira (⭐2) - Fork of Oh-My-ZSH bira (⭐177k) theme. Includes decorators for working directory, username@host,
status information, Python venv and a status code when the last command had an error.
- nostalgia (⭐0) - Minimalist theme inspired by Windows CMD prompt. Includes decorators for user@hostname,
status, current directory and python virtualenv.
- riverside (⭐0) - A more portable descendent of River Dreams (⭐3) inspired by robbyrussell and kafeitu. Includes decorators for
status, user@hostname, current directory and the current python virtual environment.
- zunder (⭐6) - Simple and fast ZSH prompt based on gitstatus (⭐1.7k).
- Prev: Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2023
- Next: Jun 26 - Jul 02, 2023