Awesome List Updates on Jan 09 - Jan 15, 2023
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / All-In-One Tools
- SOC Multi-tool (โญ307) - A powerful and user-friendly browser extension that streamlines investigations for security professionals.
2. Awesome Jax
Models and Projects / Flax
- GNNs for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems (โญ48) - A JAX + Flax implementation of Combinatorial Optimization with Physics-Inspired Graph Neural Networks.
3. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C / Non-X86
- Algorithms Design (in C) - Paulo Feofiloff (HTML)
4. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Apprise (โญ13k) - Apprise allows you to send a notification to almost all of the most popular notification services available to us today such as: Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, Gotify, etc.
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Retrospring (โญ278) - A free, open-source social network following the Q/A (question and answer) principle of sites like Formspring, or CuriousCat. (Demo)
Software / Games
- 0 A.D. - A free, open-source game of ancient warfare. (Source Code)
- Veloren - Multiplayer RPG. Open-source game inspired by Cube World, Legend of Zelda, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. (Source Code)
Software / Miscellaneous
- Cloudlog - Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application that allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere. (Source Code (โญ486))
5. Awesome Iot
Software / Programming languages
- PikaPython (โญ1.2k) - Python runs with only 4KB of RAM, zero dependencies, easy to bind with C.
6. Awesome D3
Charts / Third Party
- Layer Cake (โญ735) - A graphics framework built on top of Svelte.
- semiotic (โญ2.3k) - A data visualization framework combining React & D3 [scatter, line, area]
7. Awesome Swift
- xc (โญ22) - A tool to open the Xcode project file by the specified version.
Alert / Barcode
- Kamagari (โญ77) - Simple UIAlertController builder class.
8. Awesome Ansible
- Automation Controller - Automation Controller (formerly Ansible Tower) by Red Hat helps you scale IT automation, manage complex deployments and speed productivity. Extend the power of Ansible to your entire team.
- Packer Ansible Provisioner - This Provisioner can be used to automate VM Image creation via Packer with Ansible.
9. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 3
- vulcan (โญ21) - The template for mobile application. Vite, Vue 3, TypeScript, Sass, i18n, Vitest&Cypress, Pinia, APIs&Mock, ESLint, Prettier, auto-importing.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-stylelint (โญ25) - Runs Stylelint synchronously/asynchronously.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Loaders
- vite-plugin-remark-rehype - Loads and transform markdown files using the unified ecosystem.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- unplugin-imagemin (โญ225) - High performance compressed Picture based on squoosh and sharp.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-entry-shaking (โญ137) - Mimic tree-shaking behaviour when importing code from an entry file in development mode.
10. Awesome Decentralized
- DB3 Network (โญ370): Decentralized Firebase Firestore Alternative
11. Awesome Capacitor
- Background Geolocation (โญ98) - The most sophisticated background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence for iOS and Android.
- Background Fetch (โญ80) - Periodic callbacks in the background for both IOS and Android.
- Background Geolocation Firebase (โญ6) - Firebase adapter for Capacitor Background Geolocation.
12. Awesome Gbdev
Game Boy Color / Opcodes
- GBC Hicolour notes - A technical note regarding Hicolour mode trick for Game Boy Color and its realization in the GBC game โCrystalisโ.
13. Awesome Godot
Projects / Godot 3
- GATT - Godot Autotile Texture Templater (โญ32) - A tool for generating 2x2 and 3x3 autotile tilesets in whichever size and colour needed.
14. Awesome Scifi
The Aurora Cycle Series (2019-2021) by Amie Kaufman [4.2] / Imago (1989) [4.2]
- Aurora Rising [4.1]
- Aurora Burning [4.3]
- Aurora's End [4.2]
15. Awesome Nix
Resources / Discovery
- Noogle - Nix API search engine allowing to search functions based on their types and other attributes.
16. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Writing
- THORN - All you need to power personal writing and website building.
Design and Product / Prototyping and Mind-Mapping Tools
- Lighten - The best way to clarify thinking, boost productivity, brainstorm, and visualize concepts.
17. Awesome Falsehood
Software Engineering
- The yaml document from hell - YAML is full of obscure complexity like accidental numbers and non-string keys.
18. Awesome Chatgpt
19. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- KotUniL (โญ118) - KotUniL: Kotlin function and objects for working with SI units like meter, second, as well as currencies and general units like percent.
20. Awesome Jamstack
- Statichunt - Jamstack Themes and Resources directory.
21. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Drag and Drop
- neodrag (โญ1.5k) - Multi-framework libraries for dragging. Choose your framework, the dragging API behavior will stay the same.
22. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- xcode (โญ60) - Completions for some Xcode command line tools -
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- rigel (โญ0) - Includes decorators for
information, user@hostname and current directory.
- starship (wintermi) (โญ18) - A simple plugin to use the Starship prompt, along with a powerline theme.
23. Awesome Bitcoin
- ChainQuery Bitcoin RPC - Run select bitcoin RPC API calls and read full RPC docs in your browser.
24. Awesome Job Boards
Remote / TypeScript
- Devremote - Remote developer jobs at remote first companies
25. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Task Management
- OpenProject - An on premise open source project management solution that comes with a free community version as well as an enterprise version.
26. Awesome Osint
General Search
- Brave - a private, independent, and transparent search engine.
Specialty Search Engines
- Criminal IP - Cyber Threat Intelligence Search Engine and Attack Surface Management(ASM) platform
Code Search
- SourceGraph - Search code from millions of open source repositories.
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- Blackbird (โญ3.3k) - Search for accounts associated with a given email across various platforms.
- mxtoolbox - Free online tools to investigate/troubleshoot email server issues.
- - Find email addresses on any website.
Username Check / Steam
- NameKetchup - checks domain name and username in popular social media sites and platforms.
Image Search / Steam
- FaceCheck.ID - Facial recognition search engine.
Phone Number Research / Steam
- Reverse Phone Check - Look up names, addresses, phone numbers, or emails and anonymously discover information about yourself, family, friends, or old schoolmates. Powered by
Academic Resources and Grey Literature / Steam
- A database of over 240 million scientific works, with PDFs for all Open Access papers in their catalogue (~ 40 million)
Infographics and Data Visualization / Steam
- Perspective (โญ8.9k) - interactive data visualization and analytics component, well-suited for large, streaming and static datasets.
Other Tools / Steam
- Glit (โญ46) - Retrieve all mails of users related to a git repository, a git user or a git organization.
- SerpApi - Scrapes Google search and 25+ search engines with ease and retruns a raw JSON. Supports 10 API wrappers.
- SerpScan (โญ65) - Powerful PHP script designed to allow you to leverage the power of dorking straight from the comfort of your command line. Analyzes data from Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and Badiu.
27. Awesome Crystal
Web Frameworks
28. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring new and experimental features in Blazor -
January 10, 2023 - It show what it's like to build a .NET 7 Blazor app using both new and currently experimental features. Featuring: Daniel Roth, Jon Galloway, Mackinnon Buck. Community links.
29. Awesome V
- vcli (โญ3) - A CLI tool to generate folder structure according to the guideline
Text processing
- pcre2 (โญ6) - Library for processing PCRE regular expressions.
30. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- AI exploded on the scene at the end of 2022 / Twitter: categories for analyzing tools of Generative AI
Critical Views about Generative AI
Generative AI Tools Directories
- AI Depot - Discover New AI Tools: collection of AI tools organized by tags and presented in a card format
- Generative AI Database: a database in Notion with types, models, sectors, URLs, and APIs
Prompt Engineering / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-text
- How to write an effective GPT-3 prompt | Zapier: a list of 6 GPT-3 tips for getting the desired output
- The Art of ChatGPT Prompting: A Guide to Crafting Clear and Effective Prompts: e-book by Fatih Kadir Akฤฑn (@fkadev)
ChatGPT / Multi-agents
- [๐ฅ] 104 Growth Hacking Swipe (ChatGPT): set of ChatGPT prompts for design, products and marketing
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
Text-to-speech (TTS) and avatars / Deforum
- "AI voice generator and realistic text to speech online"
- Murf AI | AI Voice Generator: versatile text to tpeech software
- Speech Studio - Microsoft Azure: Microsoft's cloud cognitive services
31. Awesome Neovim
Search / Diagnostics
- s1n7ax/nvim-search-and-replace (โญ73) - Search and replace in multiple files at the same time from the current working directory.
- roobert/search-replace.nvim (โญ220) - Builds on the native search and replace experience.
Fuzzy Finder / Diagnostics
- axkirillov/easypick.nvim (โญ397) - Easypick lets you easily create Telescope pickers from arbitrary console commands.
File Explorer / Diagnostics
- dinhhuy258/sfm.nvim (โญ60) - An alternative to Nvim-tree designed to be extensible and minimalist.
Utility / Diagnostics
- j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim (โญ290) - Add one or more buffers, reorder them, save them inside a file or just delete them very easily from a small floating window.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- tmillr/sos.nvim (โญ20) - Automatically save all your modified buffers according to a predefined timeout value.
Indent / Diagnostics
- LucasTavaresA/simpleIndentGuides.nvim (โญ10) - Indentation guides using the builtin variables.
Session / Diagnostics
- gennaro-tedesco/nvim-possession (โญ254) - The no-nonsense session manager.
32. Awesome Zig
Game tools and libraries
- hexops/mach (โญ3.6k) - Game engine and graphics toolkit.
- david-vanderson/gui (โญ494) - Immediate mode GUI for Zig.
- Aransentin/ZWL (โญ100) - Zig Windowing Library.
- prime31/zig-upaya (โญ133) - GUI toolkit.
Parser / Package managers
- naneros/ztoml - TOMLv1.0.0 parser and convert TOML to JSON.
Other / C++
- - A community-maintained repository of Zig packages.
33. Awesome Acg
Database APIs
- MyAnimeList APIv2 - Official API for MyAnimeList. [English]
34. Awesome Quantified Self
Articles & Blogs
- QS Experiments - Science-based approach for Quantified Self, sharing raw data and analysis, modelling physical processes, health trackers comparison and analysis.
Applications and Platforms / Aggregators & Dashboards
- Vital - Plaid like widget that joins together all your fitness data, wearables data and at home lab tests.
Applications and Platforms / Wealth
- Firefly III (โญ18k) - A free and open source personal finance manager
35. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- ZuiOJ (โญ135) - ZuiOJ system developed using Vue2's UI and Java.
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- FontBolt - Discover and generate your favorite fonts from pop culture
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- Vuetensils - A 'naked' component library for building accessible, lightweight, bespoke applications.
Components & Libraries / UI Layout
- vue-typed-virtual-list (โญ39) - [Vue 3.x] small, efficient, TypeScript-friendly virtual scroller for rendering massive data
36. Awesome Cpp
- MyGUI (โญ743) - Fast, flexible and simple GUI. [MIT]
- zpp_bits (โญ798) - Actually, the fastest modern Serialization library. Just check this video.
Other Awesome Projects
- This list is currently empty, but you can add to it by opening a merge request.
- Please reach out if you are interested in sponsoring this repo. Your company's name and logo will be prominently displayed here.
37. Awesome Rust
Applications / Security tools
- cargo-audit - Audit Cargo.lock for crates with security vulnerabilities
- cargo-auditable - Make production Rust binaries auditable
- cargo-deny - Cargo plugin to help you manage large dependency graphs
Libraries / Peripherals
- Serial Port
- serialport/serialport-rs (โญ561) [serialport] - A cross-platform library that provides access to a serial port
38. Awesome Dotnet
- LazyCache (โญ1.7k) - A simple, developer friendly, in-memory thread-safe caching service. It leverages Microsoft.Extensions.Caching and Lazy to provide performance and reliability in heavy load scenarios.
- SecTester (โญ2) - SecTester is a new tool that integrates Bright enterprise-grade scan engine directly into your integration or e2e tests. [Proprietary] [Free]
39. Awesome Ebpf
eBPF Workflow: Tools and Utilities / eunomia-bpf
- eunomia-bpf (โญ720) - A compilation framework and runtime library to build, distribute, dynamically load, and run CO-RE eBPF applications in multiple languages and WebAssembly. It supports writing eBPF kernel code only (to build simple CO-RE libbpf eBPF applications), writing the kernel part in both BCC and libbpf styles, and writing userspace in multiple languages in a WASM module and distributing it with simple JSON data or WASM OCI images. The runtime is based on libbpf only and provides CO-RE to BCC-style eBPF programs without depending on the LLVM library.
40. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Game Engines / Awesome Collections
- ๐ CoolEngines (โญ61) - List of open source graphic & game engines.
- ๐ Wikipedia: List of Game Engines - Game engines along with their platforms and licenses.
Game Engines / Popular
- ๐ธ Unity - Biggest name in game engines, industry standard. [Awesome (โญ6.5k)]
- ๐ธ Unreal Engine - AAA quality, insane feature set, photoreal visuals. [Awesome (โญ1.1k)]
Game Engines / AAA
- ๐ฐ C4 Engine - Modern console engine.
- ๐ธ CRYENGINE - Powerful real-time game development platform by Crytek.
- ๐ Evergine - High-quality 3D and 2D solutions. Formerly Wave Engine. [Samples (โญ120)]
- ๐ฐ Gamebryo - Complete toolset, flexible workflow, rapid prototyping.
- ๐ธ Unigine - Real-time 3D engine. Photorealistic graphics, large virtual worlds, C++ and C# API.
Game Engines / Commercial
- ๐ธ Buildbox - Create 3D & 2D video games without coding.
- ๐ธ Construct - Drag and drop game builder. [Awesome (โญ70)]
- ๐ฐ Corgi Engine - 2D/2.5D platformer engine built on top of Unity.
- ๐ธ Felgo - Build cross-platform 2D games in days, built with Qt.
- ๐ฐ GameGuru - Game builder, 3D, no coding required by TheGameCreators.
- ๐ธ GameMaker Studio - Popular 2D game development environment by YoYo Games.
- ๐ธ GameSalad - Sophisticated visual programming interface.
- ๐ธ Luxe - 2D first engine, with a 2D/3D renderer.
- ๐ธ MANU - Unique animation system helps you create games without coding.
- ๐ฐ Phaser Editor 2D - Commercial, web-based editor for Phaser. [GitHub (โญ417)]
- ๐ธ PlayCanvas - Popular (Flappy Bird) WebGL game engine. [Awesome (โญ247) | GitHub (โญ9.3k)]
- ๐ธ Roblox - Create immersive 3D experiences with Lua scripting.
- ๐ธ Simulation Starter Kit - Create interactive 3D apps across a range of platforms.
- ๐ธ Stencyl - Quick and easy game making with visual scripting. [GitHub (โญ188)]
Game Engines / Specialty
- ๐ HARFANG 3D (โญ529) - 3D visualization library for industry professionals, usable in C++, Python, Lua, Go.
- ๐ฐ Platforming Engine - Everything you need to create your own platformer in GameMaker.
- ๐ฐ RPG in a Box - Turn your stories and ideas into games, built with Godot.
- ๐ฐ RPG Maker - Create an original role-playing game without any specialized knowledge.
Learning / Computer Graphics
- Blog Articles
- ๐ Comparison of Modern Graphics APIs - Modern graphics APIs vs older APIs.
- ๐ GPU Performance for Game Artists - Common art-related performance issues.
- Books
- ๐ GPU Gems - Programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics.
- ๐ GPU Gems 2 - Programming techniques for high-performance graphics.
- ๐ GPU Gems 3 - Collection of state-of-the-art GPU programming examples hosted by NVIDIA.
- ๐ Interactive Computer Graphics - Top down approach to computer graphics.
- ๐ Physically-Based Rendering - From the Academy Award winning authority on PBR.
- Education Portals
- ๐ Game Art Tricks - Articles exploring different graphics techniques.
- ๐ - Collection of tutorials on OpenGL, GLSL and other graphics topics.
- ๐ Paper Bug - Indexed compendium of graphics programming papers.
- ๐ Scratchapixel - In depth coverage of computer graphics topics.
- Graphics API: DirectX
- ๐ DirectX - Microsoft API used to create 2D/3D games and apps. [Blog | Samples (โญ5.9k)]
- ๐ - Older resource with lots of tutorials on DirectX versions 9 & 11.
- Graphics API: Metal
- ๐ Metal - API for developing 3D apps on Apple platforms. [Samples]
- ๐ Metal Tutorial - Learn how to get started with Metal at
- Graphics API: OpenGL
- ๐ LearnOpenGL ๐ฅ - Incredible! In depth tutorials for modern graphics programming.
- ๐ Mesa 3D - Open source implementations of OpenGL.
- ๐ OpenGL - The industry's foundation for high-performance graphics.
- ๐ OpenGL Tutorial - Collection of OpenGL tutorials with source code examples.
- Graphics API: Vulkan
- ๐ Vulkan - Modern cross-platform graphics API. [Samples (โญ4k)]
- ๐ Vulkan Tutorial - Teaches the basics of using Vulkan graphics and compute API.
- Graphics API: WebGL
- ๐ WebGL - Open web standard 3D graphics API. [GitHub (โญ2.6k)]
- ๐ WebGL Fundamentals ๐ฅ - Full understanding of what WebGL really is and how it works.
- ๐ WebGL 2 Fundamentals - Updated to use the WebGL2 standard.
- ๐ WebGL 2 Samples (โญ1k) - Short and easy to understand samples demonstrating WebGL 2 features.
- ๐ WebGL Tutorial - How to use the canvas element to draw WebGL graphics.
- Graphics API: WebGPU
- ๐ Dawn - Open source, cross-platform implementation of the WebGPU standard, by Google.
- ๐ WebGPU (โญ4.7k) - Next generation web 3D graphics API. [GitHub (โญ4.7k)]
- ๐ WebGPU Demos - Collection of simple WebGPU examples by Apple.
- Platform: XNA
- ๐ RB Whitaker's Wiki - Tutorials on C#, MonoGame, XNA, and more.
- ๐ Riemer's MonoGame Tutorials (โญ668) - Everything you need to start programming with MonoGame.
- ๐ XNA Game Studio Archive (โญ668) ๐ฅ - Required visit for MonoGame / FNA / XNA developers.
Learning / Engine Development
- Books
- ๐ Game Engine Architecture - Theory and practice of game engine development.
Learning / Game Development
- Books
- ๐ Art of Game Design - Teaches game design in an accessible manner.
- ๐ Game Programming Patterns - Patterns found in games that make code easier to understand.
- Developer Portals
- ๐ Game Developer - Industry blogs, events, jobs, updates and more. Formerly Gamasutra.
- ๐ - Game dev forums, tutorials, blogs, projects, portfolios, and news.
- ๐ - Game dev news, tutorials and much more.
- ๐ - Game dev resources and platform to showcase / promote / buy & sell games.
- Education Portals
- ๐ Lazy Foo' Tutorials - Beginning game programming with SDL.
Learning / Programming
- ๐ Deadlock Empire - Interactive tutorial to master threads and concurrency.
- ๐ Every Programmer Should Know (โญ78k) - Technical things every developer should know.
- ๐ Games of Coding (โญ1.8k) - Games that teach you a programming language.
- ๐ Geeks for Geeks - Tutorials, articles, courses, coding competitions, jobs and more.
- ๐ Learn to Program (โญ3.9k) - Educational resources to learn to program.
- ๐ TIOBE Index - Popularity of programming languages, updated monthly.
Libraries / BASIC
- BASIC: App Framework
- ๐ฐ Basic for Qt - BASIC language and environment built with Qt. Formerly Q7Basic.
- ๐ QB64 (โญ656) - Modern BASIC+OpenGL language, retains QBasic / QB4.5 compatibility.
- ๐ Visual Basic - Object-oriented language for Windows by Microsoft.
Libraries / C
- C: Cross-Platform
- ๐ Cosmopolitan (โญ17k) - Build-once run-anywhere C library.
- C: Entity Component System
- ๐ Flecs (โญ5.8k) - Fast and lightweight entity component system in C99.
- C: File System
- ๐ HexEmbed (โญ45) - Small utility to help embed files in C/C++ programs in an easy, cross-platform way.
- โญ Incbin (โญ934) - Include binary and text files in your C/C++ apps with ease.
- ๐ PhysicsFS (โญ502) - Portable, flexible file I/O abstraction. Provides access to various archives.
- โญ Where Am I (โญ456) - Locates the current path on the local file system.
- C: Fonts
- ๐ Font Stash (โญ666) - Lightweight library that uses stb_truetype to render fonts to a texture atlas.
- ๐ IconFontCppHeaders (โญ1.1k) - C/C++ headers and C# classes for icon fonts.
- โญ stb_truetype (โญ26k) - Single-header file library that processes TrueType font files.
- ๐ Vertext (โญ28) - Generates vertices for rendering text, requires stb_truetype.
- C: Game Engine w/Editor
- โญ AVA (โญ335) - Tiny, minimalistic 3D game engine.
- ๐ TIC-80 (โญ4.9k) - Virtual computer for making & sharing tiny games. [Website]
- C: Game Framework
- ๐ CGL (โญ391) - Single-header file, lots of graphics & utility functions.
- ๐ DOME (โญ470) - Melds SDL2 and the Wren scripting language. [Website]
- ๐ Entrypoint (โญ70) - Lightweight entry point for games.
- โญ FWK (โญ139) - 3D game framework.
- ๐ Gunslinger (โญ1.2k) - Header-only C99 framework for multimedia apps.
- ๐ RayLib (โญ20k) ๐ฅ - Simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy 2D/3D videogame programming.
- C: Geometry
- ๐ Blob (โญ55) - Single-header implementation of a contour tracing algorithm.
- ๐ Marching Squares (โญ853) - Convert images into triangles. [Info]
- ๐ Octasphere (โญ853) - Generates triangle meshes for spheres, boxes, and capsules. [Info]
- ๐ Par_Shapes (โญ853) - Triangle meshes including solids, spheres and more. [Info]
- ๐ Par_Streamlines (โญ853) - Triangulating thick lines, bรฉziers, streamlines. [Demo (โญ28) | Info]
- C: Graphics - 2D
- ๐ NanoVG (โญ5.1k) - OpenGL-based 2D vector drawing library for UI and visualizations.
- ๐ Tilengine (โญ790) - 2D graphics with raster effects for retro style game development.
- C: Graphics - 3D
- ๐ Sokol Gfx (โญ6.5k) - Cross-platform, single-file graphics. [Examples]
- ๐ Sokol Graphics Painter (โญ420) - 2D graphics painter implemented with Sokol.
- C: Gui
- ๐ cImgui (โญ1.4k) - Thin C wrapper generated for Dear ImGui.
- ๐ lvgl (โญ16k) ๐ฅ - Embedded gui library, many widgets and advanced visual effects.
- ๐ NAppGUI (โญ451) - Professional, well documented SDK to build desktop apps.
- ๐ Native File Dialog (โญ1.7k) - Portably invoke native file open / save dialogs.
- ๐ Nuklear (โญ8.8k) - Single-header immediate mode cross-platform gui library.
- C: Input
- ๐ libGamepad (โญ24) - Cross-platform library for gamepad input.
- ๐ Sokol Gamepad (โญ6.5k) - Branch with addon support for gamepads in Sokol.
- C: Libraries
- โญ Cute Headers (โญ4.2k) - Single-file libraries primarily used for games, by Randy Gaul.
- โญ Libs (โญ1.6k) - Single-file public domain libraries for C/C++, by Mattias Gustavsson.
- โญ Pico Headers (โญ218) - Single-file, cross-platform libraries for game development.
- ๐ Single-file Libs (โญ8.8k) - Amazing collection of single-file C/C++ libraries compiled from many authors.
- โญ stb (โญ26k) ๐ฅ - Single-file public domain libraries for C/C++, by Sean Barrett.
- C: Lighting
- โญ Light Mapper (โญ1.4k) - Single-file library for lightmap baking by using your existing OpenGL renderer.
- C: Math
- ๐ Cglm (โญ2.1k) - Highly optimized OpenGL math.
- โญ Handmade Math (โญ1.2k) ๐ฅ - Simple, public domain math library for games and computer graphics.
- ๐ Kazmath (โญ517) - Math library targeted at games.
- ๐ Raymath (โญ20k) - Math library included in the RayLib game framework.
- C: Network
- ๐ librg (โญ1.2k) - Middleware between networking / file-streaming libraries and app logic.
- C: Scripting
- ๐ Duktape (โญ5.9k) - Embeddable JavaScript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint.
- ๐ JerryScript (โญ6.9k) - Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things.
- ๐ Lua (โญ8.2k) - Powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.
- ๐ QuickJS (โญ7.9k) - Small and embeddable JavaScript engine.
Libraries / C++
- ๐ Awesome C++ (โญ57k) - List of awesome C++ frameworks, libraries, and resources.
- C++: Entity Component System
- ๐ EntityX (โญ2.2k) - Fast, type-safe C++ entity component system.
- ๐ Entt (โญ9.6k) - Gaming meets modern C++, a fast and reliable entity component system.
- C++: File Formats
- โญ Jpeg-Compressor (โญ210) - Single-file library that writes baseline JPEG compressed images.
- ๐ TinyDNG (โญ144) - Header-only DNG / TIFF loader and writer.
- ๐ TinyEXR (โญ681) - Tiny OpenEXR image loader / saver library.
- ๐ TinyGLTF (โญ1.9k) - Header-only C++11 tiny glTF 2.0 library.
- ๐ TinyOBJLoader (โญ3.2k) - Tiny but powerful single-file wavefront obj loader.
- C++: File System
- ๐ Imgui-Filebrowser (โญ628) - Header-only file browser implementation for Dear ImGui in C++17.
- C++: Game Framework
- ๐ Acid (โญ1.7k) - Modern C++17 and structured to be fast, simple, and modular.
- ๐ blah (โญ573) - Small 2D game framework.
- ๐ Cocos2d-x (โญ18k) - Widely used in indie game dev community.
- ๐ Cute Framework (โญ493) - Simple and consise framework for making 2D games.
- ๐ Fireworks Engine (โญ37) - Lightweight OpenGL framework for quick prototyping.
- ๐ Halley (โญ3.5k) - Modern C++17. Used for Wargroove, a strategy game on desktop and consoles.
- ๐ is::Engine (โญ193) - 2D framework built on SDL2 and SFML.
- ๐ JNGL (โญ220) - 2D framework. Develop anywhere, deploy everywhere.
- ๐ KlayGE (โญ2k) - Cross-platform game framework with plugin-based architecture.
- ๐ Koala Engine (โญ593) - Framework with an ECS architecture, aka Kengine.
- ๐ Lumino (โญ203) - Framework for building real-time graphics apps.
- ๐ Nazara Engine (โญ687) - Custom shaders, ECS, 2D/3D, networking and more.
- ๐ nCine (โญ996) - Cross-platform 2D game framework.
- ๐ Octave (โญ52) - 3D game engine for GameCube, Wii, 3DS, and more.
- ๐ ORX (โญ1.4k) - 2.5D data-driven game development framework.
- ๐ Oryol (โญ2k) - Small, 3D, portable and extensible coding framework.
- โญ Ouzel (โญ987) - Public domain, targeted for development of 2D games.
- ๐ Polycode (โญ2.4k) - Cross-platform engine for creative code.
- ๐ Solar2D (โญ2.5k) - Focus on ease of iterations and usage. Formerly Corona.
- ๐ Supernova (โญ233) - Cross-platform for 2D/3D projects.
- ๐ Thunder (โญ518) - Cross-platform 2D/3D with module architecture.
- ๐ Two (โญ1.7k) - Toolkit for rapid development of live graphical apps and games.
- ๐ Urho3D (โญ4.5k) - Cross-platform 2D/3D game framework.
- ๐ธ Valve Source SDK (โญ3.7k) - The 2013 edition of the Source SDK by Valve Software. [Info | Wiki]
- C++: Geometry
- ๐ CinoLib (โญ850) - Header-only library for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes.
- ๐ Delabella (โญ213) - Super stable 2D delaunay triangulation.
- ๐ Delaunator-Cpp (โญ0) - Really fast library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points.
- ๐ Easy3D (โญ1.3k) - Easy-to-use library for 3D modeling, geometry processing, and rendering.
- ๐ Extrude (โญ19) - Converts 2D images into 3D extruded meshes.
- ๐ Generator (โญ207) - Procedural geometry generation library for C++11.
- ๐ Geometric Tools - Mathematics, geometry, graphics, image analysis and physics in C++14.
- ๐ GeometronLib (โญ88) - Meshes for 3D shapes (cube, sphere, etc.) and ray / geometry intersection.
- ๐ Libigl (โญ4.4k) - Simple geometry processing library.
- ๐ MeshOptimizer (โญ5.3k) - Mesh optimization library that makes meshes smaller and faster to render.
- ๐ Polygon Mesh Processing Library (โญ1.2k) - Processing / visualizing polygon surface meshes.
- ๐ PolyPartition (โญ627) - 2D polygon partitioning and triangulation.
- โญ RamerDouglasPeucker - Reduces number of points along a 2D line.
- ๐ Recast & Detour (โญ6.3k) - Navigation-mesh toolset for games.
- ๐ Seam-aware Decimater (โญ488) - Simplifies mesh while preserving UVs, based on Seamless.
- ๐ Spheres (โญ256) - Four methods to create a sphere mesh.
- ๐ Trimesh2 - Utilities for input, output, and manipulation of 3D triangle meshes.
- ๐ V-HACD (โญ1.4k) - Decomposes a 3D surface into a set of "near" convex parts.
- C++: Graphics - 3D
- ๐ Bgfx (โญ15k) - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, rendering library.
- ๐ Diligent Engine (โญ3.4k) - Modern cross-platform graphics API abstraction library.
- ๐ Ember (โญ3) - Graphics framework using SDL2 and OpenGL.
- ๐ Filament (โญ17k) - Mobile-first, real-time physically-based renderer by Google.
- ๐ Forge (โญ4.6k) ๐ฅ - Cross-platform rendering framework supporting all major platforms and consoles.
- ๐ Horde3D (โญ1.5k) - 3D rendering and animation engine.
- ๐ Intermediate Graphics Library (IGL) (โญ2.8k) - Cross-platform abstraction layer by Facebook.
- ๐ LLGL (โญ1.9k) - Thin abstraction layer for OpenGL, Direct3D, Vulkan, and Metal.
- ๐ Magnum Engine (โญ4.7k) - Modular C++11 graphics middleware for games and apps.
- ๐ Ogre (โญ3.8k) - Scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine.
- ๐ OSRE (โญ181) - Just another "Open Source Render Engine".
- ๐ StratusGFX (โญ634) - Realtime 3D rendering engine implementing modern graphics techniques.
- ๐ Threepp (โญ575) - Cross-platform C++17 port of the popular 3D JavaScript library Three.js (r129).
- ๐ Tungsten (โญ1.7k) - High-performance physically-based renderer in C++11.
- ๐ Wicked Engine (โญ5.5k) - Engine focusing on performance & modern rendering techniques.
- C++: Gui
- ๐ Crazy Eddie's GUI (โญ431) - Versatile, multi-platform gui library.
- ๐ Dear ImGui (โญ57k) ๐ฅ - Bloat-free immediate mode gui library. Ported to many other languages.
- ๐ FLTK (โญ1.6k) - Fast Light Toolkit, cross-platform gui. [Website]
- ๐ GTK - GIMP Toolkit, a multi-platform toolkit for creating guis.
- ๐ GuiLite (โญ7.2k) - Header-only, cross-platform gui library.
- ๐ List of C++ UI Libraries - List of C++ gui libraries, with pictures and descriptions.
- ๐ Litehtml (โญ1.8k) - Lightweight HTML / CSS rendering engine.
- ๐ Nana (โญ2.3k) - Cross-platform gui library in modern C++.
- โญ Portable File Dialogs (โญ1k) - Single-header C++11 native dialogs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- ๐ Qt - Industry standard gui library. [Awesome (โญ87) | Website]
- โญ RmlUi (โญ2.6k) - Turns HTML / CSS source files into vertices and draw commands. [Docs]
- โญ Turbo Badger (โญ578) - Gui library for hardware accelerated apps & games. [Oryol Example]
- ๐ Wt (โญ1.7k) - Web gui library in modern C++. [Website]
- ๐ wxWidgets (โญ5.9k) - Cross-platform gui using native controls. [Website]
- C++: Lighting
- ๐ Thekla Atlas (โญ447) - Atlas generation tool.
- ๐ UVAtlas (โญ815) - DirectX library for creating and packing texture atlases.
- C++: Network
- ๐ Cpp-HttpLib (โญ12k) - Single-header file HTTP server and client library in C++11.
- C++: Scripting
- ๐ AngelScript - Cross-platform scripting library, follows the widely known syntax of C/C++.
- ๐ ArkScript (โญ572) - Small, fast, functional and scripting language.
- ๐ ChaiScript (โญ2.9k) - Embedded scripting language designed from to directly target C++17.
- ๐ GameMonkey Script (โญ143) - Embedded scripting language for apps, tools and games.
- ๐ v8 (โญ23k) - High-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine by Google.
- C++: Utility
- ๐ Any-Lite (โญ133) - Header-only 'any' type for C++98 and above.
- ๐ EASTL (โญ7.8k) - Electronic Arts STL replacement, emphasis on performance.
- ๐ faker-cxx (โญ220) - C++20 Faker library for generating fake (but realistic) data for testing and development.
- ๐ Parallel Hashmap (โญ2.4k) - Header-only, fast and memory-friendly hashmap and binary tree containers.
- ๐ Spdlog (โญ23k) - Fast logging library.
- ๐ Tiny-Process-Library - Making it simple to create and stop new processes.
- ๐ TinyXML-2 (โญ4.9k) - XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs.
- C++: Visual Programming / Nodes
- ๐ NodeEditor (โญ2.9k) - Graph-controlled data processing, built with Qt.
- ๐ QuickQanava (โญ1.1k) - Display graphs and relational content in a QtQuick-based app, in C++14.
- ๐ Visual Script Engine (โญ179) - Visual scripting engine designed for embedding.
Libraries / C#
- C#: App Framework
- ๐ ATF (โญ1.9k) - Components for making tools on Windows, started in 2005.
- C#: Audio
- ๐ NAudio (โญ5.4k) - Audio and MIDI library for .NET.
- C#: Physics
- ๐ Aether Physics (โญ367) - 2D physics library with continuous collision detection.
- ๐ Velcro Physics (โญ664) - C# port of Box2D. Formerly Farseer Physics.
- C#: Utility
- ๐ Facepunch.Steamworks (โญ2.8k) - Steamworks implementation.
Libraries / Dart
- ๐ Awesome Dart (โญ2.3k) - Curated list of awesome Dart frameworks, libraries, and software.
- Dart: App Framework
- ๐ Flutter - Open source app framework by Google. [Awesome (โญ52k) | GitHub]
- Dart: File Formats
- ๐ image (โญ1.1k) - Library for decoding / encoding image formats and image processing.
Libraries / Go
- ๐ Awesome Go (โญ124k) - Awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software.
- Go: Audio
- ๐ Beep (โญ2k) - Playback and audio-processing.
- Go: Geometry
- ๐ 3D Mesh Simplification (โญ244) - 3D mesh simplification.
- Go: Graphics
- ๐ ln (โญ3.3k) - The 3D Line Art Engine, a vector-based 3D renderer. [Docs]
Libraries / Haxe
- ๐ Awesome Haxe (โญ86) - Awesome curated list of useful Haxe links.
- Haxe: Animation
- ๐ Actuate (โญ156) - Flexible, fast tween library.
- ๐ DragonBones (โญ37) - Runtime support for DragonBones skeletal animation.
- ๐ Spine-Hx (โญ56) - Spine runtime for Haxe.
- Haxe: Entity Component System
- ๐ Ecx (โญ52) - Entity component system framework for Haxe.
- ๐ GASM (โญ20) - Framework agnostic entity component system for Haxe.
- Haxe: Game Framework
- ๐ Ceramic (โญ247) - Cross-platform 2D framework. [Examples]
- ๐ Citrus (โญ549) - ActionScript 3 based 2D/3D framework. [Website]
- ๐ Clay (โญ39) - Cross-platform 2D game framework.
- ๐ gameBase (โญ582) - Base structure for Haxe games, using Heaps graphics framework. [Tutorial]
- ๐ HaxeFlixel (โญ1.9k) - Cross-platform 2D game framework powered by OpenFL. [Website]
- ๐ OpenFL (โญ1.9k) - Open source implementation of the Adobe Flash API. [Website]
- Haxe: Physics
- ๐ Haxe Bullet (โญ95) - Bullet 3D physics bindings for Haxe.
- ๐ HeapsIO/bullet (โญ28) - Bullet 3D physics for Heaps (Haxe's native low-level game framework).
- ๐ Jelly Physics (โญ16) - Soft body 2D physics engine.
- ๐ Nape (โญ49) - Fast, friendly 2D rigid body physics engine. [Demos]
- Haxe: Serialization / Storage
- ๐ CastleDB (โญ546) - Structured database with a local web service to edit it.
- ๐ Format (โญ127) - Various files formats support for Haxe.
- ๐ HxBit (โญ151) - Binary serialization and network synchronization library.
- Haxe: Visual Programming / Nodes
- ๐ Haxe-Blockly (โญ5) - Haxe wrapper for Blockly
Libraries / Lua
- Lua: Game Framework
- ๐ 3DreamEngine (โญ367) - 3D engine on top of LรVE.
- ๐ Gideros (โญ556) - 2D/3D cross-platform games with Lua. [Website]
- ๐ INSTEAD (โญ216) - Simple Text Adventure Interpreter.
- ๐ LรVE (โญ4.6k) - 2D framework for writing game code with Lua. [Awesome (โญ3.1k) | Website]
Libraries / Java
- ๐ Awesome Java (โญ41k) - Awesome frameworks, libraries and software for Java.
Libraries / JavaScript
- JavaScript: Cross-Platform
- ๐ Apache Cordova - Mobile apps (iOS / Android) with with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
- ๐ Electron (โญ113k) - Cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. [Website]
- ๐ Electron Alternatives (โญ1.5k) - Cross-platform gui app development options.
- ๐ Ejecta (โญ2.8k) - JavaScript / canvas / audio implementation for iOS. App store compatible.
- ๐ NW.js (โญ40k) - Desktop apps with JavaScript. Formerly Node-Webkit. [Website]
- ๐ Progressive Web Apps - Using web tech in a way that feels like platform-specific apps.
- ๐ React Native (โญ117k) - Framework for building native apps using React. [Website]
- ๐ Tauri (โญ79k) - Smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications. [Website]
- ๐ธ Ultralight - Supports modern HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Based on WebKit.
- ๐ WebView2 - Microsoft Edge control allows you to embed web in native apps. [Docs]
- ๐ Window.js (โญ2.3k) - JavaScript runtime for desktop graphics programming. [Docs]
- JavaScript: Entity Component System
- ๐ Becsy (โญ183) - Multithreaded ECS for TypeScript and JavaScript.
- ๐ bitECS (โญ867) - Functional, minimal, data-oriented, ultra-high performance ECS library.
- ๐ Ecsy (โญ1.1k) - Experimental ECS aiming to be lightweight, easy to use.
- ๐ Miniplex (โญ792) - Entity management system for games.
- JavaScript: File Formats
- ๐ JSMpeg (โญ6.3k) - MPEG1 Video Decoder in JavaScript.
- JavaScript: Game Engines
- ๐ JavaScript Game Engines - GitHub Collection of JavaScript / HTML5 game engines.
- ๐ JavaScript Wiki: Game Engines (โญ3.9k) - JavaScript / HTML5 game engines and frameworks.
- JavaScript: Geometry
- ๐ Convexhull.js (โญ26) - High-performance JavaScript 2D convex hull library.
- ๐ Delaunator (โญ2.2k) - Incredibly fast JavaScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points.
- ๐ Earcut (โญ2.1k) - The fastest and smallest JavaScript polygon triangulation library for your WebGL apps.
- ๐ Poly-Decomp.js (โญ422) - Decompose 2D polygons into convex pieces.
- JavaScript: Graphics - Three.js
- ๐ Discover Three.js - Create stunning 3D web apps using Three.js.
- ๐ SBcode Three.js Tutorials - Fantastic examples with code and explanations of topics.
- ๐ Sketch Three.js (โญ2.2k) - Interactive sketches made with Three.js.
- ๐ Sketchbook (โญ1.4k) - 3D playground built on Three.js and Cannon.js.
- ๐ Stemkoski Three.js Examples - Excellent set of instructive examples.
- ๐ Three.js Bookshelf - Nice collection of resources.
- ๐ Three.js Discourse Examples - Yearly collection of all examples posted on the Three.js forum.
- ๐ฐ Three.js Journey - Course teaching WebGL from beginner to advanced.
- ๐ Three.js Manual - Fantastic articles and explanations. Formerly ThreeJsFundamentals.
- ๐ THREEx (โญ334) - Nice collection of open source game extensions.
- JavaScript: Graphics - Three.js - React
- ๐ drei (โญ7.8k) - Useful helpers for react-three-fiber.
- ๐ gltfjsx (โญ4.4k) - Turns GLTFs into JSX components.
- ๐ react-three-fiber (โญ27k) - React renderer for Three.js.
- JavaScript: Layout
- ๐ Complete Guide to Flexbox - Comprehensive guide to CSS flexbox layout.
- ๐ Complete Guide to Grid - Comprehensive guide to CSS grid.
- JavaScript: Physics
- ๐ Ammo.js (โญ4.1k) - Bullet 3D Physics engine ported as WebAssembly.
- ๐ Box2d.js (โญ1.3k) - Box2D to ported as WebAssembly.
- ๐ Cannon-es (โญ1.7k) - Maintained fork of Cannon.js (โญ4.6k) 3D physics engine. [Demos]
- ๐ Goblin Physics (โญ147) - 3D physics engine written from the ground up in JavaScript. [Demos]
- ๐ JoltPhysics.js (โญ212) - Port of Jolt Physics to JavaScript (as WebAssembly). [Demos]
- ๐ Matter.js (โญ16k) - Featured 2D physics engine for the web. [Demos]
- ๐ Oimo.js (โญ3k) - Lightweight 3D physics engine. [Demos]
- ๐ p2.js (โญ2.6k) - 2D rigid body physics, by the creator of Cannon.js.
- ๐ Particulate.js (โญ337) - Particle physics library designed to be simple, fast and stable.
- ๐ Planck.js (โญ4.8k) - JavaScript rewrite of the Box2D physics engine. [Demos]
- ๐ Physijs (โญ2.7k) - Physics plugin for Three.js
- ๐ Rapier - Rust 2D/3D physics libary focused on performance, ported as WebAssembly.
- ๐ Verly.js (โญ649) - Easy to integrate verlet physics engine. [Demos]
Libraries / Kotlin
- Kotlin: Game Framework
- ๐ FXGL (โญ4.2k) - Game library for 2D, experimental 3D.
- ๐ Kool (โญ272) - Multi-platform 3D Vulkan / OpenGL graphics engine. [Examples]
- ๐ KTX (โญ1.3k) - Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework.
Libraries / Pascal
- ๐ Awesome Pascal (โญ1.8k) - Curated list of Delphi / Pascal resources.
- Pascal: Game Framework
- ๐ Apus (โญ167) - Cross-platform library for making 2D games.
- Pascal: Physics
- ๐ Kraft (โญ102) - Object Pascal 3D physics engine.
Libraries / Python
- ๐ Awesome Python (โญ211k) - List of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and more.
- Python: Cross-Platform
- ๐ธ Anvil - Full stack web apps with nothing but Python.
- ๐ Brython (โญ6.3k) - Python 3 running in the browser.
Libraries / Ruby
- ๐ Awesome Ruby (โญ13k) - Collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- Ruby: Graphics - 3D
- ๐ Mittsu (โญ504) - 3D graphics library based heavily on Three.js.
- Ruby: Gui
- ๐ Glimmer (โญ525) - Gui library and DSL (domain specific language) framework.
- ๐ Shoes (โญ1.6k) - Cross-platform gui library. [Website]
Libraries / Rust
- ๐ Awesome Rust (โญ44k) - Curated list of Rust code and resources.
Libraries / Zig
- ๐ Awesome Zig (โญ1.1k) - Curated list of Zig code and resources.
- Zig: App Framework
- ๐ Upaya (โญ128) - Framework for creating game tools and helper apps.
- Zig: File System
- ๐ Known Folders (โญ210) - Provides access to well-known folders across several operating systems.
- Zig: Game Framework
- ๐ Zig-Gamedev Project (โญ2.1k) - Sample apps and libraries using DirectX 12.
- Zig: Scripting
- ๐ Cyber (โญ1.1k) - Fast, efficient, and concurrent scripting language.
Open Source Games / C
- ๐ธ Handmade Hero - Videos on making a game from start to finish, source code for $15.
Specialty Topics / AI / Pathfinding
- ๐ Beginner's Guide to Game AI - Intro to concepts used in AI for games.
Specialty Topics / Color Manipulation
- ๐ Red, Yellow, and Blue - Convert colors from the paint color wheel to RGB space. [Source (โญ74)]
Specialty Topics / Entity Component Systems
- ๐ Evolve Your Hierarchy - Overview of ECSs and why to use them, at Cowboy Programming.
- ๐ Nomad Game Engine - Articles building an ECS from the ground up in C++. [Source (โญ184)]
- ๐ What's an Entity System - Overview of ECSs, how they are used in game development.
Specialty Topics / Fluid / Smoke
- ๐ Fluids-2D - Real-time fluid dynamics on the GPU with the help of WebGL and Three.js. [Source (โญ401)]
- ๐ GPU Fluid Experiments - Cross-platform GPU fluid simulation. [Source (โญ2.9k)]
- ๐ WebGL Fluid Simulation - Play with fluids in your browser (even on mobile). [Source (โญ14k)]
Specialty Topics / Geometry
- CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry)
- ๐ Constructive Solid Geometry - Technique using boolean operations to combine primitive objects.
- ๐ csg.js (โญ1.8k) - JavaScript library implementing CSG. [Examples]
- ๐ three-bvh-csg (โญ546) - Fast and dynamic CSG on top of three-mesh-bvh.
- ๐ three-csgmesh (โญ441) - Conversion of the csg.js library for use with Three.js.
- Smoothing
- ๐ Laplacian Smoothing - Draft notes with C++ code for laplacian smoothing of meshes.
- ๐ Subdivision at Matt's Webcorner - Smoothing with subdivision surfaces.
- ๐ Subdivision Surfaces - Explanations of different schemes used in subdivision surfaces.
Specialty Topics / Lighting / Shadows
- Lighting 2D
- ๐ Gleaner Heights: 2D Lighting - Simple intro to 2D lighting in a game with GLSL.
- Lighting 3D
- ๐ Basic Lighting - 3D lighting article by LearnOpenGL.
- ๐ Forward Rendering vs. Deferred Rendering - Techniques for handling many lights.
- ๐ Forward+ Rendering / Tiled Forward Shading - Forward rendering with tiled light culling.
- Shadows 2D
- ๐ 2D Pixel Perfect Shadows (โญ1.9k) - An approach to 2D pixel-perfect lights / shadows using shaders.
- ๐ 2D Visibility - Excellent interactive tutorial on 2D visibility.
- ๐ Fast 2D shadows in Unity - Adapting 3D rendering techniques to achieve fast 2D shadows.
- ๐ Sight & Light - How to create 2D visibility / shadow effects for your game. [Source (โญ1k)]
- ๐ Symmetric Shadowcasting - Common technique for calculating field of view.
- Shadows 3D
- ๐ Efficient Soft-Edged Shadows - GPU Gems 2 Chapter 17.
- ๐ Screen Space Shadows - Great exploration of screen space shadows.
- ๐ Shadow Mapping - Shadow mapping and the techniques used to acheive it.
- Volumetric
- ๐ Threex Volumetric Spotlight - Great example of volumetric lighting with Three.js. [Source (โญ122)]
- ๐ Volumetric Light Approximation - Volumetric light approximation (godrays) with Three.js.
Specialty Topics / Particles
- ๐ Soft Particles - Implementing soft particles in WebGL.
Specialty Topics / Physics
- Platformer
- ๐ 2D Physics Games - Using Box2D for water, ropes, gravity, lines, vehicles, etc.
- ๐ Basic 2D Platformer Physics - How to create a physics system for a platformer.
- ๐ Ledge Grabbing - Tutorial on ledge grabbing in 2D platformer physics.
- Ropes / Chains
- ๐ Draw SVG rope using JavaScript - SVG path vector rope drawing.
- ๐ Ropes in Contraption Maker - Implementing the physics of ropes in Contraption Maker.
- ๐ Matter.js: Chains - Chains demo using Matter.js. [Source (โญ16k)]
- Soft Body
- ๐ Blob Physics - Using verlet physics to simulate 2D blobs.
- ๐ Oryol: Bullet Cloth - Bullet 3D physics cloth using the Oryol game framework. [Source (โญ82)]
- ๐ Three.js: Ammo Volume - 3D soft body volumes using Ammo.js and Three.js. [Source (โญ100k)]
- Water / Buoyancy
- ๐ 2D Water - Modeling 2D water with springs.
Specialty Topics / Rendering
- ๐ Model Batching - Drawing many different models in a single draw call.
Specialty Topics / Scripting
- ๐ Implementing a Scripting Engine - Writting a scripting engine from scratch.
- ๐ Embedded Scripting Languages - Scripting languages and engines available as libraries.
- ๐ List of Embedded Scripting Languages (โญ1.2k) - Scripting languages to use in your app / game.
- ๐ Scriptorium (โญ494) - Game scripting languages benchmarked.
Specialty Topics / Shaders
- Bloom
- ๐ LearnOpenGL Tutorial - Techniques used for bloom lighting, presented in OpenGL.
- ๐ Three.js: Bloom Example - WebGL bloom postprocessing using Three.js. [Source (โญ100k)]
- ๐ Unity Tutorial - How to add support for a bloom effect.
- Fire
- ๐ Fire Shader in GLSL - Fire intro shader using noise textures and masking.
- ๐ Simplex 3D Noise - Simplex noise fire simulation shader at ShaderToy.
- Lines
- ๐ Drawing Lines - Techniques for 2D/3D line rendering.
- Noise
- ๐ Book of Shaders: Noise - Excellent GLSL noise article by Book of Shaders.
- ๐ Color Banding - Using noise / dithering to improve drawing gradients.
- ๐ Psrdnoise (โญ219) - Tiling simplex flow noise in 2D/3D.
- ๐ Understanding Perlin Noise - Analysis of Perlin Noise, written in C#. [Source]
- ๐ WebGL Noise (โญ465) - Maintained branch of the original Ashima Arts 2D, 3D and 4D noise functions.
- Outlines
- ๐ Fast Solid 2D Outline - Drawing an outline on the alpha channel of a 2D image.
- ๐ Let it glow! - Article with shader code on dynamically adding outlines to characters.
- ๐ Outline Shader - Nice outline shader. [Source (โญ87)]
- ๐ Outlines w/Surface IDs - Technique combining depth, normals and surface IDs. [Source (โญ360)]
- ๐ Sketchy Outling - Article on producing a sketchy outline look.
- Pixelation
- ๐ Pixel Art Shaders - Useful GLSL postprocessing shaders for pixel art games.
- ๐ Three.js: Pixelation Example - WebGL pixelation postprocessing using Three.js. [Source (โญ100k)]
- Postprocessing
- ๐ Image Editor Effects - WebGL image filters / effects shaders. [Source (โญ89)]
- Upscaling
- ๐ How do I perform an xBR or hqx filter in XNA? - Upscaling shader code.
- ๐ hqx - Wikipedia article about the hqx pixel art upscaling algorithm developed by Maxim Stepin.
- Wireframe
- ๐ Flat and Wireframe Shading - Flat shading / wireframes using Barycentric Coordinates.
Specialty Topics / Signed Distance Fields
- ๐ 3D SDFs - Signed distance functions for basic 3D primitives.
- ๐ Basic 2D SDFs - Basics of rendering 2D shapes with SDFs in shaders.
- ๐ Bezier Strokes - Blog post on rendering bezier strokes with SDFs.
- ๐ Signed Distance Field Resources (โญ620) - Tutorials, papers, software, demos, discussions, etc.
- ๐ SDF Mesh Generation (โญ1.5k) - Python API to generate 3D meshes with SDFs.
Specialty Topics / Tiling
- ๐ List of Eucliden Uniform Tilings - Wikipedia article on uniform tiling, space-filling polygons.
- ๐ Space-Filling Polyhedron - Polyhedra, 3D polygons that fill space. [5 Space-Filling Polyhedra]
Specialty Topics / Transparency
- ๐ Weighted, Blended - Method for order-independent transparency.
Tools / Software / 2D Game Dev
- ๐ฐ Sprite Illuminator - Create stunning light effects with 2D sprites in your game engine.
- ๐ฐ Texture Packer - Create sprite sheets and optimize your game graphics.
- ๐ Tiled - General-purpose tile map editor for all tile-based games. [Source (โญ11k)]
Tools / Software / Animation Software
- ๐ธ Mixamo - Animate 3D characters for games, films and more. By Adobe.
- ๐ธ Spine - 2D animation for games.
Tools / Software / Audio Tools
- Sound Effects
- ๐ Bfxr - Classic. For making simple sound effects for games. [Source (โญ955)]
- ๐ ChipTone - Tool for generating sound effects.
- ๐ธ sfxia - Tiny sound generator.
- ๐ ZzFX - Tiny JavaScript sound FX system / Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth. [Source (โญ525)]
Tools / Software / Color / Palettes
- ๐ COLOURlovers - Share colors, palettes and patterns.
- ๐ Coolors - Fast color palette generator.
- ๐ Huemint - Uses machine learning to generate colors for graphic design.
- ๐ Paletton - Explore complementary colors on the color wheel.
Tools / Software / Generative Art
- Modeling
- ๐ Dream Fusion - Text-to-3D using 2D diffusion.
- ๐ GET3D - Generative model of 3D shapes from images by NVIDIA. [Source (โญ4.1k)]
- ๐ Magic3D - High-resolution text-to-3D content creation.
- ๐ NeRF - View synthesis of scenes as neural radiance fields. [Source (โญ9.6k)]
- ๐ Shap-e (โญ11k) - Generate 3D objects conditioned on text or images.
- Sound
- ๐ Dittytoy - Create generative music using a simple JavaScript API.
- ๐ Sonic Pi (โญ11k) - Kind of musical instrument where you code music.
Tools / Software / Image Editors
- ๐ Photopea - Capable online photo editor.
Tools / Software / Level Editors
- ๐ TrenchBroom - Level editor for Quake-Engine games. [Source]
Tools / Software / Materials / Textures
- ๐ฐ Filter Forge - Photo effects, realistic textures, and visual editor.
- ๐ JSplacement - Cross-platform pseudo-random displacement map generator.
- ๐ Material Maker - Procedural physically-based rendering material maker. [Source (โญ3.3k)]
- ๐ Materialize - Tool for creating materials from images to be used in games. [Source (โญ1.4k)]
- ๐ธ PixPlant - Tool to allow simple creation of tiling 3D materials.
- ๐ TexaTool - Online tool to generate tileable textures by moving sliders.
- ๐ Texgen.js - JavaScript texture generator tool. [Source (โญ1.8k)]
- ๐ TexTools for Blender - UV and texturing tools for Blender. [Source]
Tools / Software / Modeling Tools
- ๐ ArmorPaint - Physically-based texture painting, drop in your 3D models and paint. [Source (โญ3.1k)]
- ๐ฐ Asset Forge - Create 3D models and 2D sprites using building blocks.
- ๐ Blender ๐ฅ - Standard for open source 3D modeling. [Source (โญ12k)]
- ๐ Meshroom - 3D reconstruction, built with the AliceVision (โญ2.9k) framework. [Source (โญ11k)]
Tools / Software / Particle Tools
- ๐ธ TimelineFX - Create amazing particle effects for your games, apps and webpages.
Tools / Software / Pixel Art
- ๐ฐ Fluid FX - Uses fluid simulation to achieve animations like explosions, blood, smoke, etc.
- ๐ฐ Juice FX - Add style to your sprites and animations with ease.
- ๐ Piskel - Online editor for animated sprites & pixel art. [Source (โญ11k)]
- ๐ฐ PixaTool - Create pixel art by converting your images, sprites or videos.
- ๐ฐ Pixel FX - Create pixel art particle effects and render them to sprite sheets.
- ๐ฐ Smear FX - Make your 2D animations juicy by adding some smearing to them.
Tools / Software / Vector Editors
- ๐ Krita - Professional quality, open source painting. [Source (โญ6.9k)]
- ๐ฐ Vec Maker - Easy to use vector design.
Tools / Software / Voxel
- ๐ IsoVoxel (โญ346) - Generates isometric pixel art from MagicaVoxel .vox files.
- ๐ MagicaVoxel - Lightweight voxel art editor.
- ๐ฐ Qubicle - Popular (Crossy Road, Pacman 256) voxel editor, easy creation of 3D models.
Video Game Assets / Audio Assets
- Sound Effects
- ๐ Freesound - Community-based archive of free sound effects.
- ๐ธ Free Sound Effects - Large collection of sound effects.
- ๐ฐ Soundsnap - Subscription-based professional sound effects library.
Video Game Assets / Graphic Assets
- ๐ธ Freepik - Illustrations, photos, icons and presentation templates.
- ๐ Kenny ๐ฅ - 2D/3D CC0 1.0 game graphics and other assets.
- ๐ Open Game Art - Portal for free / public domain game art online.
- ๐ Top Free Game Assets - Top free game assets listed on
Video Game Assets / Model Assets
- ๐ Poly Pizza - Build something beautiful with thousands of free low poly models.
- ๐ Quaternius - Collection of CC0 1.0 3D models.
- ๐ Retro3DGraphicsCollection (โญ1.3k) - No attribution, retro (PS1 style) 3D graphics assets.
- ๐ธ Sketchfab - Huge library of 3D assets.
41. Awesome Typescript
Validation / Playground
- typia (โญ4.9k) - 20,000x times faster runtime validator using pure TypeScript type. Only one line required like
. Also, supports 200x faster JSON serialization, and Protocol Buffer features. ๐ (see also
42. Awesome Algorand
- Daffi Wallet - Daffi is a mobile wallet for Algorand with integrated access to Daffi platform.
Blockchain Explorers
- Pera Explorer - Algorand Accounts, Standard Asset (ASA) explorer built by Pera Wallet
- AlgoKit CLI (โญ176) - The Algorand AlgoKit CLI is the one-stop shop tool for developers building on the Algorand network. Official tooling maintained by the Algorand Foundation.
- tealinspector (โญ15) - Quick and easy TEAL code debugging by Hipo labs.
Projects / Wallets
- SliceSwap - One place to trade your assets across major Dex's. All swaps are powered by @deflexfi.
- algodaddy - A blog website for Algorand community.
43. Awesome Phalcon
- Upgrade Adviser (โญ10) - Command line tool to help upgrading Phalcon Applications from 3.4.x to 4.1.3, 3.4.x to 5.1.3, 4.1.3 to 5.1.3.
44. Awesome Magento2
- magento2docker (โญ2) - MariaDB, PHP , Redis, ElasticSearch in one dockerfile for fast demo and deveopment enviroment
45. Awesome Qubes OS
Qubes OS Websites
- Qubes OS Development Documentation - Qubes OS development documentation.
- Qubes OS Documentation - Qubes OS main documentation.
- Qubes OS GitHub Documentation (โญ346) - Qubes OS GitHub latest documentation.
- Qcrypt (โญ16) -qcrypt is a multilayer encryption tool for Qubes OS.
- Passwordless root access in Qubes - In Qubes VMs there is no point in isolating the root account from the user account.
- Brightness-Ajustment - Easy brightness adjustment
- Custom icons - Place the custom folder icons ~/.local/share/icons is a persistent place to place the custom folder icons and so is /usr/share/icons.
- Suckless dwm (โญ12) - How to install dwm in Qubes OS.
- GUI-configuration - Adjust your GUI configuration to meet your display needs.
- GUI-domain - On this page, we describe how to set up a GUI domain.
- GUI-troubleshooting - Learn to troubleshoot your GUI configuration.
- GUI-virtualization - All AppVM X applications connect to local (running in AppVM) Xorg servers.
- How-to-use-pci-devices - This page is part of device handling in qubes.
- Install-nvidia-driver (โญ258) - Nvidia proprietary driver installation.
- Nvidia-troubleshooting (โญ258) - Nvidia Troubleshooting Guide
Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / OpenVPN
- Qubes-Tunnel (โญ22) - Manage, run, protect VPN connections in Proxy VMs.
Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / Tor
- Qubes OS Onion - Qubes OS onion address on the Tor network.
Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / Crypto
- Awesome-DeSci (โญ75) - A curated list of awesome Decentralized Science (DeSci) resources, projects, articles and more.
Kernels / Microkernels
- Qubes-linux-kernel (โญ87) - Qubes package for Linux kernel.
- seL4 - seL4 is a high-assurance, high-performance operating system microkernel.
- makatea - Qubes OS like operating system but with seL4.
Kernels / Unikernels
- Awesome-Unikernels (โญ43) - Secure, lightweight and high performance approach to application delivery.
- Qubes-Mirage-Firewall (โญ210) - A unikernel that can run as a Qubes OS ProxyVM, replacing sys-firewall.
Qubes OS Server / Unikernel-like
- Qubes-network-server (โญ107) - Turn your Qubes OS into a networking server.
- Qubes-remote-desktop (โญ8) - SystemD services for creating VNC server session in dom0 or any Qube.
Exploitation Tools / Unikernel-like
- Awesome-Fuzzing (โญ843) - A curated list of references to awesome Fuzzing for security testing. Additionally there is a collection of freely available academic papers, tools and so on.
- CodeQL - Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase with CodeQL.
- Joern (โญ2.1k) - Joern is a platform for analyzing source code, bytecode, and binary executables. It generates code property graphs (CPGs), a graph representation of code for cross-language code analysis.
- Libvmi - LibVMI is a C library with Python bindings that makes it easy to monitor the low-level details of a running virtual machine.
- Memflow (โญ773) - memflow is a library that enables introspection of various machines (hardware, virtual machines, memory dumps) in a generic fashion.
- Microlibvmi (โญ167) - A cross-platform unified Virtual Machine Introspection API library.
- Radare2 (โญ21k) - Libre Reversing Framework for Unix Geeks.
Optics and Extra Info / UX - User Experience
- UX Bessie - Qubes OS AppMenu Design Direction. Part of 2020/21 MOSS funded UX work.
Training and Materials / Extra Info
- Training-materials (โญ4) - A Collection of training materials for Qubes OS. -Qubes for Journalists (โญ18) - Existing guides and infrastructure for journalists insufficiently prepares them for digitally interacting with sources, working on sensitive stories while protecting sensitive materials offline and online, and traveling cross borders with personal and professional data.
- Qubes-diagrams (โญ15) - Qubes OS architecture diagrams.
- Qubes-artwork (โญ12) - This repository contains various artworks for Qubes OS.
- - is an education platform for students (and other interested parties) to learn about, and practice, core cybersecurity concepts in a hands-on fashion.
Social media / Extra Info
- Mastodon - Qubes OS Mastodon channel
- Reddit Qubes OS - General Qubes OS Reddit room.
- Reddit hacking_qubes_os - Reddit room dedicated to hacking Qubes OS
- Reddit hack_with_qubes_os - Reddit room dedicated to hacking with Qubes OS
channel on via traditional IRC clients.
channel on via traditional IRC clients.
channel on via traditional IRC clients.
Qubes OS Legends / Extra Info
- Ninavizz - Qubes OS UX Designer.
- Unman - Qubes OS contributor.
- Templates - Unman custom templates.
- Install Scripts (โญ18) - Unman install scripts
- Notes (โญ37) - a good reference
- Shaker (โญ18) - Shaker!
46. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Cube - Cube helps data engineers and application developers access data from modern data stores, organize it into consistent definitions, and deliver it to every application. The fastest way to use Cube is with Cube Cloud, which has a free tier with 1GB of data passing through each month.
- - 100 free email verifications per month
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- Traefik-Hub - Publish locally, running services over a tunnel to a public custom URL and secure them with access control. Free for 5 services in one cluster.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Sflow โ is a project management tool built for agile software development, marketing, sales, and customer support, especially for outsourcing and cross-organization collaboration projects. Free plan up to 3 projects and five members.
Other Free Resources
- Kody Tools โ 100+ dev tools including formatter, minifier, and converter.
47. Awesome Nextjs
- Hydrogen - Hydrogen is a Nextjs blog starter template build with tailwindCss and MDX supports. It has all necessary MDX shortcodes out of the box.
- Next-Fire-Auth (โญ6) - A awesome boilerplate for startup application with authentication using Next.js + Typescript + Tailwind CSS + Firebase-auth + React-Firebase-Hooks
- NextJS Chargebee Subscription (โญ18) - A Chargebee focused T3 Stack that integrates User Subscriptions, Authentication and Testing. Driven by Prisma ORM.
48. Awesome Ant Design
Boilerplates / Themes
- react-vite-admin (โญ241) - React, Recoil, React Query, React Hooks, Typescript, Axios.
49. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- Perl::Analyzer โ Perl-Analyzer is a set of programs and modules that allow users to analyze and visualize Perl codebases by providing information about namespaces and their relations, dependencies, inheritance, and methods implemented, inherited, and redefined in packages, as well as calls to methods from parent packages via SUPER.
50. Awesome Agi Cocosci
System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI
- Detect, Understand, Act: A Neuro-symbolic Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Framework - Machine Learning, 2022. [All Versions]. A neuro-symbolic framework that integrates meta-policy learning in inductive logic programming.
Science Logology / Literature Mining
- ESRA: Explainable Scientific Research Assistant - ACL'21 Demo Track, 2021. [All Versions]. A tool for constructing and visualizing the knowledge graph of a query keyword in literature retrieving.
Knowledge Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Library of Congress Classification - Library of Congress. Classification system of USA (PDF only).
- DDC at German National Library - Deutsche National Bibliothek. Deway Decimal Classification (DDC) based classification system of Germany (online user interface). [DNB Website].
- National Dite Library Classification - National Diet Library of Japan. Classification system of Japan (PDF only).
51. Awesome Privacy
Commenting Engines
- Disqus - Many trackers are in their sites. Disqus collects (as per their Privacy Policy): IP address, unique Cookie ID, Device ID, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access the Service.
Notes and Tasks
- Trilium Notes (โญ28k) - Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
- BusKill - BusKill is a Dead Man Switch triggered when a magnetic breakaway is tripped, severing a USB connection.
Video Editing / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- LosslessCut (โญ30k) - LosslessCut aims to be the ultimate cross platform FFmpeg GUI for extremely fast and lossless operations on video, audio, subtitle and other related media files.
52. Awesome Ruby
- Ronin (โญ706) - A Ruby platform for vulnerability research and exploit development.
53. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Aspnes. Notes on Randomized Algorithms - Supplemental notes to the standard books by Mitzenmacher & Upfals, and Motwani & Raghavan.
Probabilistic Method / Books
- Alon & Spencer. The Probabilistic Method - A standard reference for researchers in probabilistic methods in combinatorics. Shows also connections to theoretical computer science.
- Prev: Jan 16 - Jan 22, 2023
- Next: Jan 02 - Jan 08, 2023