Awesome List Updates on Apr 24 - Apr 30, 2023
36 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Lidar
- KISS-ICP (⭐814) - A LiDAR Odometry pipeline that just works on most of the cases without tunning any parameter.
2. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Stonebound - A stone-age stone and sorcery setting for Ironsworn
- Sponge (⭐228) - Clean command history from typos automatically
- Base16 Fish (⭐25) - A pure Fish solution to change your shell's default ANSI colors
4. Awesome Javascript
Type Checkers
- Flow.js - A static type checker for JavaScript from Facebook.
Generators / Other
- Next.js (⭐130k) - React powered static site generator, and they say "All the tools you need to make the Web. Faster.".
5. Awesome Music
Audio Editing
- TuneFlow - a next-gen DAW that helps you generate melody, beats, or a whole song, while still being able to edit them.
Music Programming
- tuneflow-py (⭐817) - python plugin SDK for the next-gen DAW, that allows you to program your music algorithms & AI models into all stages of music production
6. Awesome Arch
Arch-based distros / Desktop
- Crystal Linux - Crystal Linux is a brand new Arch Linux based distribution. Completely beginner friendly, easy to use, and powerful.
- CachyOS - A GNU/Linux distribution built on Arch Linux, it features the optimized linux-cachyos kernel utilizing the advanced BORE Scheduler for unparalleled performance.
- XeroLinux - A well-maintained hobbyist Arch based distro, built using ArcoLinux's ALCI scripts that is meant to provide you with a stable base, making it simpler to install ArchLinux (using Calamares) with a well optimized & customized KDE Plasma.
Arch-based distros / Specific purpose
- BioArchLinux - (Bioinformatics/Biology) Arch Community for Biologists & Arch Repository for Biological Software.
Arch Linux Installers / Specific purpose
- aui (⭐2.8k) - The Archlinux Ultimate Install comprises of two primary scripts, Lilo and Fifo, which streamline the installation process of Archlinux Base, as well as additional packages, tools, and graphical user interfaces.
AUR Helpers / Pacman wrappers
- amethyst (⭐102) (Rust) - A fast, efficient and lightweight AUR helper and Pacman wrapper made for Crystal, compatible with any Arch-based Linux distribution.
Other projects / Other
- makepkg-optimize (⭐17) - A collection of supplemental tidy, buildenv, and executable scripts for pacman which provide macros for several kinds of optimization in the build() and package() stages.
7. Awesome Newsletters
Miscellaneous / Svelte
- News Minimalist. A curated newsletter utilizing AI (ChatGPT-4) to deliver only the most significant news. By analyzing 1000 top articles daily, it ensures subscribers stay informed without wasting time on unimportant updates.
8. Awesome Plone
- collective.splitsitemap (⭐0) - Provides a cached split sitemap on big public sites.
9. Awesome Developer First
- Imitate Email - End-to-end email testing tool.
10. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Personal Dashboards
- LinkStack - Link all your social media platforms easily accessible on one page, customizable through an intuitive, easy to use user/admin interface (alternative to Linktree and Manylink). (Demo, Source Code (⭐2.7k))
11. Awesome Gnome
System and Customization
- GDM Settings - A settings app for GDM (GNOME's Login Screen a.k.a GNOME Display Manager).
12. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Dissemination
- Linked: The New Science of Networks, by Albert-László Barabási (2002).
Books / General Overviews
- L'analyse de réseau en sciences sociales. Petit guide pratique, by Laurent Beauguitte, in French (2023). Readable online.
- A First Course in Network Science, by Filippo Menczer, Santo Fortunato, and Clayton A. Davis - Tutorials, datasets and other resouces on GitHub (⭐383) (2020).
- Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World, by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg - Full pre-publication draft (review; 2010).
- The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis, edited by John Scott and Peter J. Carrington (2011).
- Social and Economic Networks, by Matthew O. Jackson (2008).
- Social Network Analysis with Applications, by Ian McCulloh, Helen Armstrong and Anthony Johnson (2013).
Books / Method-specific
- Inferential Network Analysis, by Skyler J. Cranmer, Bruce A. Desmarais and Jason Morgan (2020).
- Multimodal Political Networks, by David Knoke, Mario Diani, James Hollway and Dimitri Christopulos (2021).
- Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks, by Vladimir Batagelj et al. (2014).
Courses / Topic-specific
- Complex Networks, by Rémy Cazabet (University Lyon 1 and ENS Lyon, 2022).
- Graphs and Networks, by Dan Spielman (Yale University, 2013).
- Network Analysis and Modeling (Computer Science), by Aaron Clauset - Full lecture slides and readings (University of Colorado, 2022).
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Hetionet: an integrative network of disease (⭐272) - A complex biological network, available in multiple formats, including JSON and Neo4j.
- State Networks - US state-to-state relational variables, including borders, travel, trade and more.
- UC Berkeley Social Networks Study (UCNets) - Ego-centric data (personal networks) from a five-year panel study.
Journals / Topic-specific
Professional Groups / Topic-specific
- AFS RT 26 “Réseaux sociaux” - Thematic Network of the French Sociological Association (AFS), in French (old website).
- GDR ARSHS - GDR Analyse de réseaux en sciences humaines et sociales, in French - Research group based in Paris.
- Groupe FMR - Flux, Matrices, Réseaux, in French. Twitter: @BaugLaurent.
- Mathematical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Twitter: @Math_Sociology.
- Society of Young Network Scientists (SYNS). Supports early-career network scientists. Twitter: @official_SYNS.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- NetLab - Research network at the University of Toronto, led by Barry Wellman.
Review Articles / Archeological and Historical Networks
- Analyse de réseaux et histoire, in French (Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, 2005).
- Analyser les réseaux du passé en archéologie et en histoire, in French (Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie, 2014).
- Introduction à la visualisation de données : l’analyse de réseau en histoire, in French (Geschichte und Informatik, 2015).
- Introduction : où en est l’analyse de réseaux en histoire ? [Introducción: ¿en qué punto se encuentra el análisis de redes en Historia?], in French and Spanish (REDES, 2011).
- Networks and History (Complexity, 2002).
- Networks of Power in Archaeology (Annual Review of Anthropology, 2014).
- Netzwerkanalyse in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Historische Netzwerkanalyse als Methode für die Erforschung von historischen Prozessen, in German (Prozesse. Formen, Dynamiken, Erklärungen, 2015).
- Thinking Through Networks: A Review of Formal Network Methods in Archaeology (Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2013).
Review Articles / Bibliographic, Citation and Semantic Networks
- Assessing Impact and Quality from Local Dynamics of Citation Networks (Journal of Informetrics, 2012).
- Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact (Science, 2013).
- On Bibliographic Networks (Scientometrics, 2013).
- Extracting Citation Networks from Publications in Classics (Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2016).
- Self-Citations, Co-Authorships and Keywords: A New Approach to Scientists’ Field Mobility? (Scientometrics, 2007).
- Socio-Semantic Frameworks (preprint; Advances in Complex Systems, 2013).
- Socio-Semantic Modeling of Epistemic Communities (APSA, 2014).
- Tradition and Innovation in Scientists’ Research Strategies (Annual Review of Sociology, 2015).
Review Articles / Biological, Ecological and Disease Networks
- Interactome Networks and Human Disease (Cell, 2011).
- Network Analysis: An Integrative Approach to the Structure of Psychopathology (Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2013).
- Network Biology: Understanding the Cell’s Functional Organization - Accessible introduction to (cellular) network analysis (Nature Reviews Genetics, 2004).
- Network Medicine: A Network-based Approach to Human Disease (Nature Review Genetics, 2011).
- Social Networks and the Spread of Infectious Diseases: the AIDS Example (Social Networks, 1985).
- Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Networks: A Novel Paradigm of Drug Discovery. A Comprehensive Review - Also includes an impressive list of network analysis software (Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2013).
Review Articles / Complex and Multilayer Networks
- The Architecture of Complexity - From network theory to complexity theory (IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2007).
- Complex Systems and Networks (special issue of Science, 2009).
- Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks (Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002).
- The Structure and Function of Complex Networks (SIAM Review, 2003).
Review Articles / Ethics of Network Analysis
- A Cautionary Note on Data Inputs and Visual Outputs in Social Network Analysis (SNA) (preprint; British Journal of Management, 2014).
- Ethical Dilemmas in Social Network Research (special issue of Social Networks, 2005).
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- Introduction to Stochastic Actor-Based Models for Network Dynamics (preprint; Social Networks, 2010).
- Navigating the Range of Statistical Tools for Inferential Network Analysis (American Journal of Political Science, 2017).
- Social Network Evolution and Actor Oriented Models (Mathematics & Social Sciences, 1997).
- Statistical Models for Social Networks (Annual Review of Sociology, 2011).
- A Unified View of Generative Models for Networks: Models, Methods, Opportunities, and Challenges (video presentation; NIPS 2014 workshop on “Networks: From Graphs to Rich Data”).
Review Articles / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- A propos de la notion de rôle dans l’analyse des relations sociales (Mathématiques et sciences humaines, 2011).
- Brokerage (Annual Review of Sociology, 2012).
- Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks (Annual Review of Sociology, 2001).
- Network Analysis and Political Science (Annual Review of Political Science, 2011).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Coauthorship and Citation Patterns in the Physical Review, by Travis Martin et al. - Highly typical study of scientific publishing productivity and collaboration through temporal network analysis (preprint; Physical Review E, 2013).
- La notion de réseau complexe : du réseau comme abstraction et outil à la masse de données des réseaux sociaux en ligne, by Alain Barrat, in French - Accessible introduction to the study of complex networks (Communication & Organisation, 2013).
- Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency, by Mustafa Emirbayer and Jeff Goodwin (American Journal of Sociology, 1994), and Manifesto for a Relational Sociology, by Mustafa Emirbayer (American Journal of Sociology, 1997) - Sociological foundations for a science of social ties.
- Node Centrality in Weighted Networks: Generalizing Degree and Shortest Paths, by Tore Opsahl, Filip Agneessens and John Skvoretz - Explores the generalization of network centrality and distance measures to (positively) valued graphs (Social Networks, 2010; companion website).
- Scale-Free Networks, by Albert-László Barabási and Eric Bonabeau - Early, accessible formulation of the “networks are everywhere” argument (Scientific American, 2003).
- The Performativity of Networks, by Kieran Healy - Network analysis meets science studies: social networks, like financial markets, are highly subject to performativity, i.e. the possibility that reality might be altered by its theoretical inquiry (European Journal of Sociology, 2015).
- Topics in Social Network Analysis and Network Science, by A. James O’Malley and Jukka-Pekka Onnela - 50-page introduction to network analysis, with just the right amount of detail on all aspects of it (The Handbook of Health Services Research, forthcoming 2017).
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- EgoWeb - Server-side software for social network data collection and processing.
- Graphia - Cross-platform tool to visualize large and complex networks (announcement).
- Palladio - Web-based spatial network visualization tool by the Humanities + Design research lab at Stanford University.
- PARTNER - Program to Analyze, Record, and Track Networks to Enhance Relationships - Excel-based tool for building networks from surveys.
- PIGALE - Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm Library and Editor - Windows program and C++ library to analyze planar graphs.
- qgis-edge-bundling (⭐64) - Implementation of force-directed edge bundling for the QGIS Processing toolbox.
- Radatools - Set of tools intended for the analysis of complex networks, built on top of Radalib, a library written in Ada.
- Retina - Web application to share GEXF and GraphML network visualizations.
- SageMath - Free open-source mathematics software with extensive graph capabilities.
- Segrada - Cross-platform tool to build and visualize semantic graph databases.
- Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis. Formerly a Windows program, now developed as the RSiena R package.
- SocNetV - Social Network Visualizer - Cross-platform program that includes a simple Web crawler to construct hyperlink networks.
- Visone - Cross-platform Java network analysis and visualization program, free for noncommercial use.
- Visone Tutorials - Including one using an archaeological case study (2017).
- VOSviewer - Cross-platform Java tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks.
Software / Algorithms
- CONGA and CONGO - Algorithms to detect overlapping communities in networks, written in Java.
- MixNet - Erdös-Rényi Mixture Model for Networks - Community detection method, available in C++ and R.
- vbmod: Variational Bayesian Inference for Network Modularity - MATLAB and Python implementations of a Bayesian community detection algorithm.
Software / C / C++
- BGL - Boost Graph Library - C++ library that provides a generic interface to access graph structures.
- igraph - C library of network analysis tools; also exists as packages for Python and R.
- MapEquation - C++ code for the Infomap method of multilevel community detection.
- networks.tb - C program designed for analyzing socio-semantic networks. Runs on Linux and Mac OS X.
- OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework - Self-contained C++ class library for diagram, network and tree layouts.
Software / Java
- GraphStream - Java library for the modeling and analysis of dynamic graphs.
Software / JavaScript
- Cytoscape.js - Network analysis and visualization library.
- GoJS - Visualization library to draw diagrams and several types of network layouts.
- Popoto.js (⭐518) - Library based on d3.js that provides a graph based search interface.
- Sigma - JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.
- vis.js - JavaScript library with network visualization capabilities.
Software / MATLAB
- MatlabBGL - Graph library based on the C++ Boost Graph Library.
Software / Python
- bokeh - Python library for interactive data visualization in the browser, with support for networks.
- cdlib (⭐383) - Python community detection library, with 60+ methods and evaluation/visualization features.
- networkx - Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
- Implementing an ERGM from Scratch in Python, using networkx and numpy (2014).
- nxviz (⭐461) - Visualization package for NetworkX.
- nngt - Library-agnostic graph generation and analysis that wraps around
). Includes normalized graph measures, advanced visualizations, (geo)spatial tools, and interfaces for neuroscience simulators.
- python-louvain - A solid implementation of Louvain community detection algorithm.
- scipy.sparse.csgraph - Fast graph algorithms based on sparse matrix representations.
- tnetwork (⭐15) - Python library for temporal networks, and dynamic community detection in particular.
Software / R
- brainGraph - Tools for performing graph theory analysis of brain MRI data.
- dodgr - Computes distances on dual-weighted directed graphs, such as street networks, using priority-queue shortest paths.
- egor - Tools for importing, analyzing and visualizing ego-centered network data, in various formats.
- EpiModel - Tools for simulating mathematical models of infectious disease dynamics (presentation paper).
- ergMargins - Process analysis for ERGMs.
- ergmito - ERGMs for small networks.
- fergm - Frailty ERGMs.
- goldfish (⭐61) - Dynamic Network Actor-Oriented Model (DyNAM) for the statistical analysis of coordination networks through time.
- graphlayouts - Layout algorithms based on the concept of stress majorization.
- multinet - Tools for multilayer social networks.
- Related book and data, and presentation article. See
for the Python version.
- Related book and data, and presentation article. See
- migraph - A set of tools that extend common social network analysis packages for analysing multimodal and multilevel networks.
- networkD3 - Create d3.js network graphs from R.
- netrankr - Up-to-date collection of network centrality indices, with lots of documentation.
- Network Centrality in R: An Introduction - Includes a review of relevant R packages.
- Network Centrality in R: Neighborhood Inclusion.
- Network Centrality in R: New Ways of Measuring Centrality (2018).
- spNetwork - Methods for spatial network analysis, including e.g. kernel density estimation, distances and point pattern analysis.
- statnet - The project behind many R network analysis packages (mailing-list, tutorials/workshops).
Software / Syntaxes
- JGraphT - Java graph library for graph data structures and algorithms (example algorithms (⭐9)).
- JUNG - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework - Extensible library to represent network objects.
Varia / Tutorials
- (Psychological) Network Analysis Workshops - 3-day workshop on psychological network analysis using R (2019).
- Visualizing Historical Networks - Historical network research projects at Harvard University.
Varia / Blog Series
- Blog Posts About Networks by François Briatte, in French.
- Daniel Little’s blog posts on the philosophy of social science:
- Martin Grandjean’s blog posts about (mostly) network visualization, in English and French:
- Networks Demystified, a series of blog posts by Scott B. Weingart.
- Netze und Netzwerke, in English and German - Blog on the history of network analysis, by Sebastian Gießmann (old blog).
- R / Notes: Networks - Blog posts focused on manipulating networks in R, by François Briatte.
- Yannick Rochat’s blog posts about digital humanities, in English and French:
Varia / Fictional Networks
- Character Co-Occurrences in Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, plotted as an adjacency matrix, written in Python (+ Javascript).
Varia / Network Science
- The Invasion of the Physicists - How “network science” came up.
- Isolated Social Networkers, Networks and Netwars and The Inter-Disciplinary Politics of Interdisciplinary Research or, “Hey, That Was My Idea First.” - Series of blog posts that predate the advent of “network science” as a buzzword, but that touch upon the same issues as those now being discussed under that heading.
- Predicting Highly Cited Papers - Prediction of the next highly cited papers in network science.
Varia / Two-Mode Networks
- L’analyse des graphes bipartis, in French (2013).
- Basic Notions for the Analysis of Large Two-mode Networks (preprint, related code; Social Networks, 2008).
13. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Acquisition
- Scoop (⭐145) - High-fidelity, browser-based, single-page web archiving library and CLI for witnessing the web. (Stable)
14. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Prompt Engineering
- [🔥🔥🔥] ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers - DeepLearning.AI: short course taught by Isa Fulford (OpenAI) and Andrew Ng (DeepLearning.AI) that provide best practices for prompt engineering
AI-Powered Code Generation
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- [🔥🔥🔥] Mooler0410/LLMsPracticalGuide (⭐9.8k): list of practical guide resources of LLMs based on the paper Harnessing the Power of LLMs in Practice: A Survey on ChatGPT and Beyond
- hpcaitech/ColossalAI (⭐41k): Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
- microsoft/LoRA (⭐11k): Code for loralib, an implementation of "LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models"s
Related Awesome Lists / Deforum
- kyrolabs/awesome-langchain (⭐8k): 😎 Awesome list of tools and project with the awesome LangChain framework
Embeddings and Semantic Search / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
- neuml/txtai (⭐10k): semantic search and workflows powered by language models
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- deep-floyd/IF (⭐7.8k): open-source text-to-image model with a high degree of photorealism and language understanding by Stability.AI
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- AudioGPT | arxiv: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head [code] (⭐10k) [demo]
15. Awesome Decentralized
- m-ld: A software library enabling distributed applications to read and write shared information consistently with zero latency, using Semantic Web technology and CRDTs (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types).
16. Awesome Langchain
LangChain Framework
- LangChain.js (⭐14k): the js brother ✨
Tools / Low-code
- Langflow (⭐50k): LangFlow is a UI for LangChain
Tools / Services
- LlamaHub (⭐3.5k): a library of data loaders for LLMs made by the community
- Auto-evaluator (⭐1.1k): a lightweight evaluation tool for question-answering using Langchain
- Langchain visualizer (⭐730): visualization and debugging tool for LangChain workflows
- LLM Strategy (⭐393): implementing the Strategy Pattern using LLMs
- datasetGPT (⭐294): A command-line interface to generate textual and conversational datasets with LLMs.
Tools / Agents
- ThinkGPT (⭐1.6k): Agent techniques to augment your LLM and push it beyond its limits
- Camel-AutoGPT (⭐1.2k): role-playing approach for LLMs and auto-agents like BabyAGI & AutoGPT
- PyCodeAGI (⭐184): A small AGI experiment to generate a Python app given what app the user wants to build
Tools / Templates
- create-t3-turbo-ai (⭐344): t3 based, Langchain-friendly boilerplate for building type-safe, full-stack, LLM-powered web apps with Nextjs and Prisma
- LangChain.js LLM Template (⭐326): LangChain LLM template that allows you to train your own custom AI LLM model.
- Streamlit Template (⭐275): template for how to deploy a LangChain on Streamlit
- Codespaces Template (⭐111): a Codespaces template for getting up-and-running with LangChain in seconds!
- Gradio Template (⭐133): template for how to deploy a LangChain on Gradio
Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots
- Paper QA: LLM Chain for answering questions from documents with citations
- Chat Langchain (⭐5.7k): locally hosted chatbot specifically focused on question answering over the LangChain documentation
- Book GPT (⭐434): drop a book, start asking question.
- Doc Search (⭐601): converse with book - Built with GPT-3
- Fact Checker (⭐292): fact-checking LLM outputs with langchain
- QABot (⭐242): Query local or remote files or databases with natural language queries powered by langchain and openai
- FlowGPT (⭐287): Generate diagram with AI
- langchain-text-summarizer (⭐16): A sample streamlit application summarizing text using LangChain
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- LlamaIndex (⭐39k): provides a central interface to connect your LLM's with external data.
- Semantic Kernel (⭐23k): Microsoft C# SDK to integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps
- Promptify (⭐3.4k): Prompt Engineering | Use GPT or other prompt based models to get structured output.
- PromptSource (⭐2.8k): About Toolkit for creating, sharing and using natural language prompts.
- Agent-LLM (⭐2.9k): An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform.
- MiniChain (⭐1.2k): A tiny library for coding with large language models.
- Griptape (⭐2.2k): Python framework for AI workflows and pipelines with chain of thought reasoning, external tools, and memory.
Complement to this list / Videos Playlists
- Awesome LLM (⭐22k): Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model resources.
- LLaMA Cult and More (⭐435): Keeping Track of Affordable LLMs, 🦙 Cult and More
17. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Asia
- FOCAL - The Asia Directories and Chronicles is a reference work for foreign traders in the Asian region, published annually by the Hong Kong Daily Press, annually between 1863 and 1941.
Archives and primary sources / Global
- Fxtop - Forex rate history since 1953.
Archives and primary sources / North America
- HathiTrust - A not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving and making accessible millions of digitized items.
Archives and primary sources / Switzerland
- Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen online - Retrodigitalisierte und digitale Editionseinheiten der Schweizerischen Rechtsquellen. Ediert wird rechtshistorisches Quellenmaterial vom Mittelalter bis in die Frühe Neuzeit (1798).
Learning / Switzerland
- Crafting Digital History - A Workbook for Methods and Readings in Digital History.
18. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Entertainment
- FlutterLeague (⭐23) - Companion app for League of Legends players that allows them to search for summoners, view their stats and match history, and check currently ongoing games. by csuka1219.
Contents / Personalization
- LifeList (⭐39) - Plan, Track, and Achieve Your Life Goals Effortlessly by Ayush Pawar
19. Awesome Svelte
UI Libraries
- Flowbite Svelte - Open-source Svelte UI components built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite.
20. Awesome Vue
Resources / Examples
- Vitesse Starter (⭐9.1k) ⛺️ Vue 3 starter inclode ( Layouts | i18n | UnoCSS | pinia | Markdown | Dark Mode | PWA | SSG | Component Auto-Importing | File-Based Router | Composition API | TypeScript)
- Vitesse-lite Starter (⭐1.2k) ⛺️ Lightweight version of Vitesse (Vue 3 Starter)
21. Awesome React
React General Resources
React State Management and Data Fetching
- redux (⭐61k) - Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
- xstate (⭐27k) - State machines and statecharts for the modern web
- rxdb (⭐22k) - A fast, offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications
React Maps
- react-map-gl (⭐7.9k) - React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS
- react-leaflet (⭐5.2k) - React components for Leaflet maps
React Charts
- visx (⭐20k) - Visualization components
React Renderers
- remotion (⭐21k) - Make videos programmatically with React
React Native General Resources
React Native Navigation
- react-navigation (⭐24k) - Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
React Native Libraries
- react-native-device-info (⭐6.5k) - Device Information for React Native iOS and Android
22. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- disconnected (⭐16) A session manager written in Deno with json as the config files
23. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Planning Data Specifications / Transportation
- GTFS-flex (⭐119) - A data format that models flexible public transportation services (microtransit/paratransit) as an extension to GTFS.
24. Static Analysis
Other / Other
- Steampunk Spotter ©️ — Ansible Playbook Scanning Tool that analyzes and offers recommendations for your playbooks.
25. Awesome Clean Tech
More Resources / Social Impact
- ClimateTechList - curated list of ~50 climatetech companies, specific to software engineers, with descriptions of each company, their software impact, and climate impact.
26. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- PromptLeo - Prompt engineering platform for creators and developers. It offers a prompt engineering library, forms, and API. The free plan provides one prompt formation, one prompt API endpoint, and 30 generations per month.
Artifact Repos
- paperspace — Build & scale AI models, Develop, train, and deploy AI applications, free plan: public projects, 5Gb storage, basic instances.
- snappify - Enables developers to create stunning visuals. From beautiful code snippets to fully fletched technical presentations. The free plan includes up to 3 snaps at once with unlimited downloads and 5 AI-powered code explanations per month.
27. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- Audio-motion interface (⭐43) - A web synthesizer that generates sound using smartphone gestures in the space.
28. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- todotxt (⭐0) - Adds aliases for (⭐23).
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-profiles (⭐2) - Manages multiple git users in a single
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- ai-hayasaka (⭐0) - Minimalist theme with
status, ruby env and python virtualenv decorators.
- zhiyin (⭐68) - Includes decorators for user @ host, current working directory and
status information.
29. Awesome Algorand
Other Development Tools / Docker
- Official Algod Container - Algod Docker Hub image from Algorand Inc.
- Official Conduit Container - Conduit Docker Hub image from Algorand Inc.
Projects / Wallets
- staketaxcsv (⭐262) - Python backend for that generates taxable transactions CSVs for Algorand and other blockchains.
30. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / Democratization of Science
- How to Make More Published Research True - PLoS Medicine, 2014. [All Versions].
31. Awesome Elixir
- meseeks (⭐316) - A library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.
- meeseeks (⭐316) - A library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.
32. Awesome Go
- slog-formatter (⭐159) - Common formatters for slog and helpers to build your own.
Project Layout
- go-module (⭐32) - Template for a typical module written on Go.
33. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Text Editors
- Helix - A post-modern modal text editor.
Reading and Writing Tools / RSS
- Doughnut - Beautiful, open-source podcast catcher for Mac.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- YouTube Music - YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader).
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- MonitorControl (⭐29k) - Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display.
- TomatoBar (⭐2.5k) - World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar.
34. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- Atomic-Server (⭐1.2k) [atomic-server] - NoSQL graph database with realtime updates, dynamic indexing and easy-to-use GUI for CMS purposes.
Libraries / Data structures
- greyblake/nutype (⭐1.5k) [nutype] - define newtype structures with validation constraints.
Libraries / Distributed systems
- Other
- build-trust/ockam (⭐4.5k) [ockam] - End-to-End Encryption, Mutual Authentication, and ABAC for distributed applications
- build-trust/ockam (⭐4.5k) [ockam] - End-to-End Encryption, Mutual Authentication, and ABAC for distributed applications
35. Awesome List
- GameMaker (⭐332) - Game engine.
- Certificates (⭐2.4k) - Free computer science certifications to showcase your knowledge.
- GitHub Wiki (⭐313) - Comprehensive documentation on GitHub beyond README.
- Quarto (⭐1.8k) - Scientific and technical open-source publishing system built on Pandoc.
36. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- VidocqH/lsp-lens.nvim (⭐293) - Display function references above function definition like IDEA codelens.
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- yaocccc/nvim-hl-mdcodeblock.lua (⭐36) - Highlight markdown codeblock using Tree-sitter.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- nyngwang/nvimgelion (⭐125) - Neon Genesis Evangelion but for Vimmers.
Utility / Diagnostics
- LukasPietzschmann/telescope-tabs (⭐265) - Quickly navigate between tabs using telescope.
- Prev: May 01 - May 07, 2023
- Next: Apr 17 - Apr 23, 2023