Awesome List Updates on Dec 07, 2023
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ai4lam
Learning Resources / Introductions to AI
- Introduction to Deep Learning, by Sebastian Raschka
- Dive into Deep Learning, by Zhang et al.
Policies and recommendations / Statements by organizations and government bodies
2. Static Analysis
Other / Other
- promformat (⭐36) ⚠️ — Promformat is a PromQL formatter written in Python.
- promval (⭐4) — PromQL validator written in Python. It can be used to validate that PromQL expressions are written as expected.
3. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Natural Language Processing
- Transformers (⭐139k) - A deep learning library containing thousands of pre-trained models on different tasks. The goto place for anything related to Large Language Models.
4. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-elasticstack (⭐175) - Provider for Elasticsearch and Kibana.
- Prev: Dec 08, 2023
- Next: Dec 06, 2023