Awesome List Updates on Nov 13, 2023
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Opentofu
Tools / CI
- terraform-github-actions (⭐793) - GitHub Actions for OpenTofu.
2. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / AI Concept Representation
- Metabolic activity organizes olfactory representations - eLife, 2023. [All Versions]. [Code & Data (⭐24)]. Odorous compounds with similar POM representations are more likely to co-occur within a substance and be metabolically closely related; metabolic reaction sequences also follow smooth paths in POM despite large jumps in molecular structure.
3. Awesome Playwright
- ZeroStep (⭐261) - AI actions and assertions for Playwright.
4. Awesome Ipfs
- Quiet - Privacy focused, end-to-end encrypted chat app that runs a private IPFS network over Tor connections. Desktop and mobile iOS and Android apps available.
5. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-react-flow-template (⭐53) - React Flow starter template.
Templates / Svelte
- vite-svelte-flow-template (⭐15) - Svelte Flow starter template.
6. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- stevanmilic/nvim-lspimport (⭐71) - Automatically resolves imports for undefined terms. Useful with
language server.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- Tsuzat/NeoSolarized.nvim (⭐186) - NeoSolarized colorscheme with full transparency.
7. Awesome Ai Tools
Text / Search engines
- Komo AI - An AI based Search engine which responses quick and short answers.
Text / ChatGPT extensions
- AI Character for GPT - One click to curate AI chatbot, including ChatGPT, Google Bard to improve AI responses.
8. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- hftbacktest (⭐2.2k) - A high-frequency trading and market-making backtesting tool accounts for limit orders, queue positions, and latencies, utilizing full tick data for trades and order books.
9. Awesome Nix
Command-Line Tools / Discovery
- devenv (⭐4.9k) - A Nix-based tool for creating developer shell environments quickly and reproducibly.
10. Awesome Scriptable
Polestar SoC Medium Widget (⭐40) - Current state of charge of your Polestar 2 as medium widget or as simplified lockscreen widget (⭐27).
11. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- exa (zap-zsh) (⭐20) - Overrides common commands to use exa instead.
- exa-ls (zpm-zsh) (⭐100) - Zsh plugin for ls.
- eza (twopizza9621536) (⭐3) - Replaces
with eza-community/eza (⭐14k).
- run-scripts (⭐5) - Runs scripts from
12. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- WSL-Hello-sudo (⭐1.2k) - Use Windows Hello as your credential for
13. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
HTML and CSS / Spock Framework
- CSS Transition vs CSS animation - Oluwatobi Sofela
- Prev: Nov 14, 2023
- Next: Nov 12, 2023