Awesome List Updates on Nov 08, 2023
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ai Tools
Image / Image libraries
- Canva - Generating AI Images.
2. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- Pandas2 and Polars for Feature Engineering - A blog post that A blog post that compares Pandas2 and Polars for Feature Engineering tasks with Python by @hopswork (⭐1.2k).
3. Awesome Executable Packing
📑 Datasets / Scientific Research
- The Malware Museum - The Malware Museum is a collection of malware programs, usually viruses, that were distributed in the 1980s and 1990s on home computers.
📦 Packers / After 2010
- Squishy - Modern packer developed for 64kb demoscene productions, targets 32bit and 64bit executables.
📦 Packers / Between 2000 and 2010
- CryptExec - Next-generation runtime binary encryption using on-demand function extraction.
📦 Packers / Before 2000
4. Awesome Java
Geospatial / Text-Based User Interfaces
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java
(⭐120) - JavaFX library for adding mapping and GIS functionality to desktop apps.
Machine Learning / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Neureka (⭐76) - A lightweight, platform independent, OpenCL accelerated nd-array/tensor library.
5. Awesome Go
Meetups / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
6. Awesome Nix
Development / Discovery
- Snowfall Lib (⭐480) - A library that makes it easy to manage your Nix flake by imposing an opinionated file structure.
7. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Large Language Models (LLMs)
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
LLM Evaluation / Multi-agents
- LLM Comparison/Test: 39 models tested (7B-70B + ChatGPT/GPT-4)
8. Awesome Qubes OS
Exploitation Tools / Unikernel-like
- Hyperdbg (⭐2.9k) - HyperDbg Debugger is an open-source, community-driven, hypervisor-assisted, user-mode, and kernel-mode Windows debugger with a focus on using modern hardware technologies. It is a debugger designed for analyzing, fuzzing, and reversing.
Optics and Extra Info / Extra Info
- Hipervisor From Scratch (⭐2.2k)- Source code of a multiple series of tutorials about the hypervisor.
9. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Vendor Data Resources / Travel Behavior
- AirSage - AirSage is a well-known provider of location based services and GPS data from cell phones operating in the space since 2000.
10. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Document Management
- DocKing - Document management service/microservice that handles templates and renders them in PDF format, all in one place. (Demo, Source Code (⭐248))
Software / Groupware
- Digistorm - Create collaborative surveys, quizzes, brainstorms, and word clouds (documentation in French). (Demo, Source Code)
Software / Miscellaneous
- Flyimg - Resize and crop images on the fly. Get optimised images with MozJPEG, WebP or PNG using ImageMagick, with an efficient caching system. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.1k))
11. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- Iconoir – An open-source icons library with thousands of icons, supporting React, React Native, Flutter, Vue, Figma, and Framer.
12. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-express-ssr-ts (⭐47) - React + Typescript + ExpressJS + Vite SSR template with inbuild api feature.
13. Awesome Neovim
Project / Diagnostics
- SalOrak/whaler.nvim (⭐58) - Telescope extension to move between directories blazingly fast.
14. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- delete-prompt (⭐4) - ZSH widget to delete the prompt texts within the current line. It is useful when executing pasted commands from the web or a README. A leading non-alphanumeric character + space is detected as a prompt.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- inshellisense (⭐9.2k) - Provides IDE style autocomplete for shells. It's a terminal native runtime for autocomplete which has support for 600+ command line tools. inshellisense supports
on the Windows, Linux, & MacOS operating systems.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- ludvig (⭐0) - Minimalist. Includes decorators for
status, current directory, current time and the last command's exit status.
15. Awesome Db Tools
- WebDB - Free Efficient Database IDE. Featuring Server Discovery, ERD, Data Generator, AI, NoSQL Structure Manager, Database Versioning and many more.
16. Awesome Wagtail
Open-source sites / Lists
- Penticon Public Library (⭐4) - An example public library website, originally created for the Penticton Public Library in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.
- Prev: Nov 09, 2023
- Next: Nov 07, 2023