Awesome List Updates on Nov 03, 2023
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cpp
- zlib-ng (⭐1.6k) - zlib for the "next generation" systems. Drop-In replacement with some serious optimizations. [zlib]
- CppCon 2023 Presentation Materials (⭐298) - CppCon 2023 Presentation Materials.
- CppCon 2022 Presentation Materials (⭐532) - CppCon 2022 Presentation Materials.
- CppCon 2021 Presentation Materials (⭐102) - CppCon 2021 Presentation Materials.
- C++Now 2023 Presentations (⭐84) - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2023.
- C++Now 2022 Presentations (⭐1) - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2022.
- C++Now 2021 Presentations (⭐4) - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2021.
2. Awesome Go
- checker (⭐37) - Checker helps validating user input through rules defined in struct tags or directly through functions.
Server Applications
- etcd (⭐49k) - Highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery.
3. Awesome Datascience
Datasets / Book Deals (Affiliated)
4. Awesome Zig
- karlseguin/pg.zig (⭐292) - Native PostgreSQL client.
5. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Scripting
- 3body-lang (⭐181) - The Three Body Language
6. Awesome Javascript
Animations / Other
- Mo.js - Motion graphics toolbelt for the web.
ES6 / Other
- ECMAScript 6 compatibility table - Compatibility tables for all ECMAScript 6 features on a variety of environments.
7. Open Source Mac Os Apps
Editors / iOS / macOS
- Chime (⭐306) - An editor for macOS
IDE / Text
- Geany (⭐3.1k) - Geany is a powerful, stable and lightweight programmer's text editor that provides tons of useful features without bogging down your workflow.
Editors / Markdown
- MarkEdit (⭐1.1k) - MarkEdit is a free and open-source Markdown editor, for macOS. It's just like TextEdit on Mac but dedicated to Markdown.
Menubar / Text
- MiniSim (⭐1.8k) - MacOS menu bar app for launching iOS and Android 🤖 emulators.
Podcast / Text
- gPodder (⭐1.3k) - gPodder is a simple, open source podcast client.
8. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Roadmaps, Tracks, Rails / Deforum
- [🔥🔥] Generative AI for Beginners: introductory 12 lesson course by Microsoft
- Introduction to Generative AI: series of Medium articles by Youssef Hosni
Human-AI Interaction
- Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction - Microsoft Research: a set of "18 generally applicable design guidelines for human-AI" interaction
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- [🔥🔥🔥] Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products: "practical patterns for integrating large language models (LLMs) into systems & products" by Eugene Yan
AI Engineering / Multi-agents
- One AI: an NLP-as-a-service platform
- LangSmith: a developer platform for deploying LLM apps
Text-related Generative Tools / Multi-agents
- Fable Fiesta: Creative AI writing assistant
9. Awesome Transit
GTFS Merge Tools / Rust
- gtfsmerge (⭐2) - A Python Script to merge GTFS ZIP archives into one.
10. Awesome Typescript
Tools / Playground
- biome (⭐17k) - Biome formats and lints your code in a fraction of a second
- Prev: Nov 04, 2023
- Next: Nov 02, 2023