Awesome List Updates on Oct 02, 2023
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Git Addons
$ git unpublish master
Unpublishing master.
$ git when-merged a2c9e695ecf3600f21fa731e705fd1a0503632d9
refs/heads/master 5a2ec1b1a6633f830bd4a2b1daab578c062e6975
$ git when-merged HEAD
refs/heads/master Commit is directly on this branch.
$ git playback
$ git branch-status
4.0 [57 ahead and 38 behind master] [up to date with origin/4.0]
master [current branch] [1 ahead of origin/master]
$ git open
> open
$ git open upstream
> open
$ git open upstream master
> open
$ git my
| your name's remote branches in git@repo:repopath/reponame.git |
local copy? in master? branch name
................[merged]. EC-242
.....[local]....[merged]. commonjs-lazyload
.....[local]............. enqueue-gpt
......................... defunct-ios-app-nag
.....[local]............. factor-bundles
$ git ink
• enqueue-gpt ........................................... 2015-08-31
• factor-bundles ........................................ 2015-10-14
- Pull out more modules into node_modules
- Works but does not provide any gains
• hbsfy ................................................. 2015-10-21
✓ master ................................................ 2015-10-22
• nda-ads4 .............................................. 2015-10-22
• remove-equalize_content_height ........................ 2015-10-21
• remove-exorcise ....................................... 2015-10-21
- Need to DRY up exorcise function
- Does not map properly when uglified
- Need to undo postCSS mapping changes
• rm-convert_dates-order ................................ 2015-10-22
• sass-lint ............................................. 2015-10-14
- module does not work
$ git recursive-blame version package.json
Commit: 247479d017f138c26be27c64a0ce27f5f21fc0af
Author: Jeff Cross <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Oct 13 15:58:13 2015 -0700 (7 weeks ago)
Path: package.json
Match: 1 of 1
chore(release): bump angular version to alpha.42
1) {
2) "name": "angular",
3) "version": "2.0.0-alpha.42",
4) "branchPattern": "2.0.*",
5) "description": "Angular 2 - a web framework for modern web apps",
6) "homepage": "",
7) "bugs": "",
Next action [r,n,p,c,d,q,?]? r
Commit: bb9d299b3860f6d579192828451ccd7ace70e1d8
Author: Igor Minar <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Oct 13 12:28:03 2015 -0700 (7 weeks ago)
Path: package.json
Match: 1 of 1
chore(release): bump angular version to alpha.41
1) {
2) "name": "angular",
3) "version": "2.0.0-alpha.41",
4) "branchPattern": "2.0.*",
5) "description": "Angular 2 - a web framework for modern web apps",
6) "homepage": "",
7) "bugs": "",
$ git hyper-blame -i 3ddda43c ipsum.txt
c6eb3bfa (lorem 2014-08-11 23:15:57 +0000 1) LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR
134200d1 (lorem 2014-04-10 08:54:46 +0000 2*) ADIPISCING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR
a34a1d0d (ipsum 2014-04-11 11:25:04 +0000 3*) INCIDIDUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA
134200d1 (lorem 2014-04-10 08:54:46 +0000 4*) ALIQUA. UT ENIM AD MINIM VENIAM, QUIS
c6eb3bfa (lorem 2014-08-11 23:15:57 +0000 5) NOSTRUD EXERCITATION ULLAMCO LABORIS
0f0d17bd (dolor 2014-06-02 11:31:48 +0000 6*) NISI UT ALIQUIP EX EA COMMODO CONSEQUAT.
$ git word-blame
results in /tmp/word-blame-output/
- author_stats.tsv
- commit_stats.tsv
- word-blame-by-commit.html
- word-blame-by-author.html
- text-output
$ git fire
Switched to a new branch '[email protected]'
On branch [email protected]
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Counting objects: 2, done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 168 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 2 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To [email protected]:maochenyan/fire.git
* [new branch] [email protected] -> [email protected]
Branch [email protected] set up to track remote branch [email protected] from origin.
Leave building!
git hack
$ git hack my-branch
[main] git fetch --prune --tags
[main] git rebase origin/main
[main] git branch my-branch main
[main] git checkout my-branch
git sync
$ git sync
[my-branch] git fetch --prune --tags
[my-branch] git checkout main
[main] git rebase origin/main
[main] git checkout my-branch
[my-branch] git merge --no-edit main
[my-branch] git push -u origin my-branch
* [new branch] my-branch -> my-branch
Branch 'my-branch' set up to track remote branch 'my-branch' from 'origin'.
git new-pull-request
$ git new-pull-request
[my-branch] git fetch --prune --tags
[my-branch] git checkout main
[main] git rebase origin/main
[main] git checkout my-branch
[my-branch] git merge --no-edit origin/my-branch
[my-branch] git merge --no-edit main
open <url to create pull request for current branch>
git ship
[my-branch] git fetch --prune --tags
[my-branch] git checkout main
[main] git rebase origin/main
[main] git checkout my-branch
[my-branch] git merge --no-edit origin/my-branch
[my-branch] git merge --no-edit main
[my-branch] git checkout main
[main] git merge --squash my-branch
[main] git commit
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
[main] git push
[main] git push origin :my-branch
- [deleted] my-branch
[main] git branch -D my-branch
Deleted branch my-branch (was 55cb0f7).
$ git blame-someone-else 'Steve Mao <[email protected]>' 2efb4e3a061a2e8aaa58033e9c13c3e0e5fcde4b
Steve Mao is now the author of 2efb4e3. You're officially an asshole.
$ git dsf
set the current git repository user to the home profile
$ git profile use work
Currently there will be no output in case of success
TBD - PR Welcome!
TBD - PR Welcome!
Interactive UI and fuzzy-search for Git branches.
git project open shoppinglist
git project add shoppinglist milk
$ git project board
Project: shoppinglist
| something | love |
| coffee | |
+-----------+ +
| sugar | |
+-----------+ +
| milk | |
$ git project status
Project: shoppinglist
0| ⭐ something
1| ⭐ coffee
2| ⭐ sugar
3| ⭐ milk
4| ✅ love
2. Web Development Resources
Remote Jobs:
- Website:
- Website:
Youtube Channels:
- Website: Corey Schafer
CSS Generators:
Website: Code Magic
Description: A free tool to make CSS easier by generating Tailwind and CSS code for effects, gradients and inputs
Vue UI libraries:
Website: Quasar framework
Description: Quasar is an MIT licensed open-source Vue.js based framework. It enables web developers to create responsive++ websites/apps in various formats: SPAs, SSR (+ optional PWA client takeover), PWAs, BEX, Mobile Apps (Android, iOS, etc.), and Multi-platform Desktop Apps (using Electron). Quasar's motto is "write code once, deploy it as a website, Mobile App, and/or Electron App." It provides a state-of-the-art CLI and efficient Quasar web components, eliminating the need for additional heavy libraries like Hammer.js, Moment.js, or Bootstrap.
3. Awesome Music
Music Programming
- Strudel - an experiment in making a language built on javascript for live coding patterns using web technologies.
4. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- sussysh (⭐0) - Based on xiong-chiamiov.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- minima (⭐3) - Includes
status decorations.
- x (⭐7) - Includes customizable banners
5. Awesome Datascience
Algorithms / Three kinds of Machine Learning Systems
- Based on training with human supervision
- Based on learning incrementally on fly
- Based on data points comparison and pattern detection
Comparison / Supervised Learning
Books / Visualization Tools
Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- Akhil Soni - ML, DL and Data Science
- Akhil Soni - ML, DL and Data Science
6. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Wicket
- MythBusters JS - Kiko Beats (HTML)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- The Python Coding Book - Stephen Gruppetta (HTML)
- Prev: Oct 03, 2023
- Next: Oct 01, 2023