Awesome List Updates on Sep 21, 2023

11 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Github Wiki


2. Awesome Quant

Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing

Python / Trading & Backtesting

3. Awesome Python Data Science

Machine Learning / General Purpose Machine Learning

Machine Learning / Gradient Boosting

Deep Learning / Others

Automated Machine Learning / Others

Natural Language Processing / Others

Computer Vision / Others

Feature Engineering / General

4. Awesome Open Hardware


5. Awesome Directus

Extensions / Community

6. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking

7. Public Apis



8. Awesome Naming

Tools, Applications, Libraries, Frameworks

9. Free for Dev

Design and UI

Analytics, Events and Statistics

10. Awesome Godot

Plugins and scripts / Godot 3

11. Awesome Neovim

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

Tabline / Diagnostics

Terminal Integration / Diagnostics

Git / Diagnostics